\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath, mathtools} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{xr} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{xfrac} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{pdflscape} \usepackage{afterpage} \usepackage[round]{natbib} %\usepackage{refcheck} \hypersetup{ bookmarks=true, % show bookmarks bar? colorlinks=true, % false: boxed links; true: colored links linkcolor=red, % color of internal links (change box color with linkbordercolor) citecolor=green, % color of links to bibliography filecolor=magenta, % color of file links urlcolor=cyan % color of external links } \input{../Comments} % For easy change of table widths \newcommand{\colZwidth}{1.0\textwidth} \newcommand{\colAwidth}{0.13\textwidth} \newcommand{\colBwidth}{0.82\textwidth} \newcommand{\colCwidth}{0.1\textwidth} \newcommand{\colDwidth}{0.05\textwidth} \newcommand{\colEwidth}{0.8\textwidth} \newcommand{\colFwidth}{0.17\textwidth} \newcommand{\colGwidth}{0.5\textwidth} \newcommand{\colHwidth}{0.28\textwidth} % Used so that cross-references have a meaningful prefix \newcounter{defnum} %Definition Number \newcommand{\dthedefnum}{GD\thedefnum} \newcommand{\dref}[1]{GD\ref{#1}} \newcounter{datadefnum} %Datadefinition Number \newcommand{\ddthedatadefnum}{DD\thedatadefnum} \newcommand{\ddref}[1]{DD\ref{#1}} \newcounter{theorynum} %Theory Number \newcommand{\tthetheorynum}{T\thetheorynum} \newcommand{\tref}[1]{T\ref{#1}} \newcounter{tablenum} %Table Number \newcommand{\tbthetablenum}{T\thetablenum} \newcommand{\tbref}[1]{TB\ref{#1}} \newcounter{assumpnum} %Assumption Number \newcommand{\atheassumpnum}{P\theassumpnum} \newcommand{\aref}[1]{A\ref{#1}} \newcounter{goalnum} %Goal Number \newcommand{\gthegoalnum}{P\thegoalnum} \newcommand{\gsref}[1]{GS\ref{#1}} \newcounter{instnum} %Instance Number \newcommand{\itheinstnum}{IM\theinstnum} \newcommand{\iref}[1]{IM\ref{#1}} \newcounter{reqnum} %Requirement Number \newcommand{\rthereqnum}{P\thereqnum} \newcommand{\rref}[1]{R\ref{#1}} \newcounter{lcnum} %Likely change number \newcommand{\lthelcnum}{LC\thelcnum} \newcommand{\lcref}[1]{LC\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\famname}{FamName} % PUT YOUR PROGRAM NAME HERE \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} \title{Program Family Title} \author{Author Name} \date{\today} \maketitle ~\newpage \pagenumbering{roman} \section{Revision History} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{3cm}p{2cm}X} \toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes}\\ \midrule Date 1 & 1.0 & Notes\\ Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} ~\newpage \section{Reference Material} This section records information for easy reference. \subsection{Table of Units} Throughout this document SI (Syst\`{e}me International d'Unit\'{e}s) is employed as the unit system. In addition to the basic units, several derived units are used as described below. For each unit, the symbol is given followed by a description of the unit and the SI name. ~\newline \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} %\begin{table}[ht] \noindent \begin{tabular}{l l l} \toprule \textbf{symbol} & \textbf{unit} & \textbf{SI}\\ \midrule \si{\metre} & length & metre\\ \si{\kilogram} & mass & kilogram\\ \si{\second} & time & second\\ \si{\celsius} & temperature & centigrade\\ \si{\joule} & energy & Joule\\ \si{\watt} & power & Watt (W = \si{\joule\per\second})\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} % \caption{Provide a caption} %\end{table} \wss{Only include the units that your CA actually uses. If there are no units for your problem, like for a general purpose library, you should still include the heading, with the content ``not applicable'' (or similar).} \subsection{Table of Symbols} The table that follows summarizes the symbols used in this document along with their units. The choice of symbols was made to be consistent with the heat transfer literature and with existing documentation for solar water heating systems. The symbols are listed in alphabetical order. \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} %\noindent \begin{tabularx}{1.0\textwidth}{l l X} \noindent \begin{longtable*}{l l p{12cm}} \toprule \textbf{symbol} & \textbf{unit} & \textbf{description}\\ \midrule $A_C$ & \si[per-mode=symbol] {\square\metre} & coil surface area \\ $A_\text{in}$ & \si[per-mode=symbol] {\square\metre} & surface area over which heat is transferred in \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable*} \wss{Use your problems actual symbols. The si package is a good idea to use for units.} \subsection{Abbreviations and Acronyms} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{tabular}{l l} \toprule \textbf{symbol} & \textbf{description}\\ \midrule A & Assumption\\ DD & Data Definition\\ GD & General Definition\\ GS & Goal Statement\\ IM & Instance Model\\ LC & Likely Change\\ PS & Physical System Description\\ R & Requirement\\ SRS & Software Requirements Specification\\ \famname{} & \wss{put your famram name here}\\ T & Theoretical Model\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}\\ \wss{Add any other abbreviations or acronyms that you add} \newpage \tableofcontents ~\newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \section{Introduction} \wss{This CA template is based on \citet{Smith2006}. It will get you started, but you will have to make changes. Any changes to section headings should be approved by the instructor, since that implies a deviation from the template. Although the bits shown below do not include type information, you may need to add this information for your problem.} \wss{Feel free to change the appearance of the report by modifying the LaTeX commands.} \subsection{Purpose of Document} \subsection{Scope of the Family} \subsection{Characteristics of Intended Reader} \subsection{Organization of Document} \section{General System Description} This section identifies the interfaces between the system and its environment, describes the potential user characteristics and lists the potential system constraints. \subsection{Potential System Contexts} \wss{Your system context will likely include an explicit list of user and system responsibilities} \begin{itemize} \item User Responsibilities: \begin{itemize} \item \end{itemize} \item \famname{} Responsibilities: \begin{itemize} \item Detect data type mismatch, such as a string of characters instead of a floating point number \item \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \subsection{Potential User Characteristics} \label{SecUserCharacteristics} The end user of \famname{} should have an understanding of undergraduate Level 1 Calculus and Physics. \subsection{Potential System Constraints} \wss{You may not have any system constraints} \section{Commonalities} \subsection{Background Overview} \label{Sec_Background} \subsection{Terminology and Definitions} This subsection provides a list of terms that are used in the subsequent sections and their meaning, with the purpose of reducing ambiguity and making it easier to correctly understand the requirements: \begin{itemize} \item \end{itemize} \subsection{Data Definitions} \label{sec_datadef} This section collects and defines all the data needed to build the instance models. The dimension of each quantity is also given. \wss{Modify the examples below for your problem, and add additional definitions as appropriate.} ~\newline \noindent \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.5} \begin{tabular}{| p{\colAwidth} | p{\colBwidth}|} \hline \rowcolor[gray]{0.9} Number& DD\refstepcounter{datadefnum}\thedatadefnum \label{FluxCoil}\\ \hline Label& \bf Heat flux out of coil\\ \hline Symbol &$q_C$\\ \hline % Units& $Mt^{-3}$\\ % \hline SI Units & \si{\watt\per\square\metre}\\ \hline Equation&$q_C(t) = h_C (T_C - T_W(t))$, over area $A_C$\\ \hline Description & $T_C$ is the temperature of the coil (\si{\celsius}). $T_W$ is the temperature of the water (\si{\celsius}). The heat flux out of the coil, $q_C$ (\si{\watt\per\square\metre}), is found by assuming that Newton's Law of Cooling applies (\aref{A_Newt_coil}). This law (\dref{NL}) is used on the surface of the coil, which has area $A_C$ (\si{\square\metre}) and heat transfer coefficient $h_C$ (\si{\watt\per\square\metre\per\celsius}). This equation assumes that the temperature of the coil is constant over time (\aref{A_tcoil}) and that it does not vary along the length of the coil (\aref{A_tlcoil}). \\ \hline Sources&~\cite{Lightstone2012} \\ \hline Ref.\ By & \iref{ewat}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage}\\ \subsection{Goal Statements} \noindent Given the \wss{inputs}, the goal statements are: \begin{itemize} \item[GS\refstepcounter{goalnum}\thegoalnum \label{G_meaningfulLabel}:] \wss{One sentence description of the goal. There may be more than one. Each Goal should have a meaningful label.} \end{itemize} \subsection{Theoretical Models} \label{sec_theoretical} This section focuses on the general equations and laws that \famname{} is based on. \wss{Modify the examples below for your problem, and add additional models as appropriate.} ~\newline \noindent \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.5} \begin{tabular}{| p{\colAwidth} | p{\colBwidth}|} \hline \rowcolor[gray]{0.9} Number& T\refstepcounter{theorynum}\thetheorynum \label{T_COE}\\ \hline Label&\bf Conservation of thermal energy\\ \hline Equation& $-{\bf \nabla \cdot q} + g$ = $\rho C \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$\\ \hline Description & The above equation gives the conservation of energy for transient heat transfer in a material of specific heat capacity $C$ (\si{\joule\per\kilogram\per\celsius}) and density $\rho$ (\si{\kilogram\per\cubic\metre}), where $\bf q$ is the thermal flux vector (\si{\watt\per\square\metre}), $g$ is the volumetric heat generation (\si{\watt\per\cubic\metre}), $T$ is the temperature (\si{\celsius}), $t$ is time (\si{\second}), and $\nabla$ is the gradient operator. For this equation to apply, other forms of energy, such as mechanical energy, are assumed to be negligible in the system (\aref{A_OnlyThermalEnergy}). In general, the material properties ($\rho$ and $C$) depend on temperature.\\ \hline Source & \url{http://www.efunda.com/formulae/heat_transfer/conduction/overview_cond.cfm}\\ % The above web link should be replaced with a proper citation to a publication \hline Ref.\ By & \dref{ROCT}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage}\\ ~\newline \section{Variabilities} \subsection{Assumptions} \begin{itemize} \item[A\refstepcounter{assumpnum}\theassumpnum \label{A_meaningfulLabel}:] \wss{Short description of each assumption. Each assumption should have a meaningful label. Use cross-references to identify the appropriate traceability to T, GD, DD etc., using commands like dref, ddref etc.} \end{itemize} \subsection{Calculation} \label{sec_Calculation} \subsection{Output} \label{sec_Output} \section{Traceability Matrices and Graphs} \wss{You will have to add tables.} \newpage \bibliographystyle {plainnat} \bibliography {../../ReferenceMaterial/References} \newpage \section{Appendix} \wss{Your report may require an appendix. For instance, this is a good point to show the values of the symbolic parameters introduced in the report.} \subsection{Symbolic Parameters} \wss{The definition of the requirements will likely call for SYMBOLIC\_CONSTANTS. Their values are defined in this section for easy maintenance.} \end{document}