diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.pdf b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.pdf
index 8bd4512d5c40c9bcbde61c4df488e11cb9b6db41..5c410d43ef72e1eb78ec134bcfcca5a3eef37f52 100644
Binary files a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.pdf and b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.pdf differ
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.tex b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.tex
index 481cabf22d714841ba518f9ce34ea75888e3f923..8ef9e43569fb81b16516afdc13818cdb8819c294 100644
--- a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.tex
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/Design/MG/MG.tex
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 \title{SE 3XA3: Software Requirements Specification\\Snake 2.o}
 \author{Team 30, VUA30
-		\\ Andy Hameed | 400073469
-		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Andy Hameed | Hameea1
+		\\ Usman Irfan | Irfanm7
 		\\ Student 3 name and macid
@@ -206,13 +206,29 @@ actually be implemented.
 \caption{Module Hierarchy}
 \section{Connection Between Requirements and Design} \label{SecConnection}
-The design of the system is intended to satisfy the requirements developed in
-the SRS. In this stage, the system is decomposed into modules. The connection
-between requirements and modules is listed in Table \ref{TblRT}.
+The Design of the software product was designed to meet the functional and non-functional 
+requirements. The user-interference file displays the game interface that allows the user to either start
+the game or to select different modes, themes or even check the high score. The design was kept to 
+keep the interface simple and easy to use. When the user runs the main file, it opens a title page
+which has multiple options from which a user can select options. To meet the functional requirement 
+of outputting high score, the main interface file has a button which when pressed open a new window 
+displaying the highest score of the game so far. A quit button and a Main Menu button has been 
+added in the high score window so the user can either go back or end the game. In the Main Menu, 
+there are different themes combined that the user can select letting us meet another requirement. 
+The principal part of the design was to open a new window which begins the snake game. It was 
+created by adding a new button ``Game Time" in the Main Menu window. The design of the snake 
+game is kept simple where a snake and food appears randomly on the window, upon pressing the 
+Arrow direction keys the snake moves to the respective location proceeding the game smoothly and 
+connecting our requirement to its design. The current score of the game displays on the top which 
+keeps updating as the snake eats the food, and a quit button will be added on the bottom of the 
+screen so the user can quit the game whenever they feel like.\\
+To enhance our design, in the future the group has planned to add radio buttons, drop-down menus or 
+use a slider to make the game interactive. The radio buttons would be installed where the user can 
+select the difficulty modes of the game, the drop-down menus would be helpful in selecting the theme 
+and the slider would work to alter the speed of the snake.
 \section{Module Decomposition} \label{SecMD}
@@ -270,17 +286,14 @@ selected.
 \subsection{Software Decision Module}
-\item[Secrets:] The design decision based on mathematical theorems, physical
-  facts, or programming considerations. The secrets of this module are
-  \emph{not} described in the SRS.
-\item[Services:] Includes data structure and algorithms used in the system that
-  do not provide direct interaction with the user. 
+\item[Secrets:] Text files
+\item[Services:] Creates a text file which stores the game score 
   % Changes in these modules are more likely to be motivated by a desire to
   % improve performance than by externally imposed changes.
-\item[Implemented By:] --
+\item[Implemented By:] N/A
 \section{Traceability Matrix} \label{SecTM}