diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/README.md b/BlankProjectTemplate/README.md
index d5e659e049d588557103a7cf9dc736fb7a2ac491..f47e2bfc87ae76a51a1b8fa081441cd8d36c10bd 100644
--- a/BlankProjectTemplate/README.md
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Project Name
+# Snake 2.o
-Team Name: ?
+Team Name: VUA30
-Team Members: ?, ?, ?
+Team Members: Usman Irfan, Andy Hameed, Vaihbav Chadha
-This project is a reimplementation of ...
+This project is a reimplementation of Snake, an open-source front-end implementation of the classical snake game using JS, HTML and CSS
 The folders and files for this project are as follows:
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Gameplay.py b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Gameplay.py
index 89c8ab56417c1e135cfee25b8b2bad7eb5ae45cc..11e90d26dc9e3062702921bfd775c096d8046731 100644
--- a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Gameplay.py
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Gameplay.py
@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ from random import randint
 from Snake import *
 from Food import *
-#defining a list to keep track of snake's head
+#defining a list to update snanke's length
 snake_loc = []
 #variable to increment snake's length, initially it would be 1
 snake_length = 1
@@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ food_y = randint(0, grid_length - 1) * size
 food_location = [food_x, food_y]
 ##initialize snake and draw snake body somewhere on the screen
-print(x/size, y/size)
 snake = Snake(size, 0, 20, 1)
 pygame.draw.rect(win, red , [x,y, size, size])
@@ -68,18 +66,11 @@ while run:
                 if (not snake.axis): snake.direct = 1 
                 snake.axis = 1
-##        print("axis is", "y" if snake.axis else "x")
-##        print("direction is", snake.direct)
     #Snake moving depending on axis and direction
     if (snake.axis):
         y += (size)*snake.direct
         x += (size)*snake.direct
-##    print("x: ",x,"y: ",y)
-##    print("food x: ",food_location[0],"food y: ",food_location[1])
     #Boundary conditions for snake hitting window edge
     if (x < 0 or
@@ -91,7 +82,7 @@ while run:
 ##        snake.die()
-#---------------------FOR LOOPING---------------------
+#---------------------FOR WRAPING SNAKE AROUND WINDOW---------------------
 ##    if x < 0:
 ##        #x = 0
@@ -110,8 +101,9 @@ while run:
     if(abs(x - food_location[0]) < 15 and abs(y - food_location[1]) < 15):
         score += 10
-        print(score)
-        snake_length += 5
+        #increment the length by 3 unit every time
+        snake_length += 3
@@ -129,18 +121,25 @@ while run:
+    snake_blocks = len(snake_loc)
     #Draw food item
-    if (len(snake_loc)) > snake_length:
+    if snake_blocks > snake_length:
+        #keep updating the new block
         del snake_loc[0]
-    #food.update_score(x,y,food_location, score)
+    '''
+    Logic for updating the length is taken from:
+    CodeWithHarry, CodeWithHarry. “Snakes Game: Length Increment Logic - Python Game Development Using Pygame In Hindi #17.”
+    YouTube, YouTube, 2 Oct. 2018,
+    www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkGJb0W03DM&index=17&list=PLu0W_9lII9ailUQcxEPZrWgDoL36BtPYb.
+    '''
     #Draw snake
     #update display