diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_2.o_Demo.py b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_2.o_Demo.py
index 7dde949d6f882fe846034401a2eaa01d39e8497b..5e0b834c7088d272de27fa6075e16b04aa1f425f 100644
--- a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_2.o_Demo.py
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_2.o_Demo.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #standard set up
 import pygame
 from random import randint
 #setting width and height of window
@@ -14,11 +15,13 @@ pygame.display.set_caption("My Game")
 white = (255,255,255)
 black = (0,0,0)
-x = randint(40,400)
-y = randint(40,400)
 width = 20
 height = 20
 vel = 10
+score = 0
+x = randint(0,screen_x - width)
+y = randint(0, screen_y - height)
 speed = 40
 # 0 - (- direction) , 1 - (+ direction)
@@ -26,8 +29,17 @@ direction = 0
 # 0 - x-axis , 1 - y-axis
 axis = 0
-run = True
+location = []
+food_x = randint(0,screen_x - width)
+food_y = randint(0,screen_y - height)
+location = [food_x, food_y]
+run = True
 while run:
     pygame.time.delay(speed) #create a delay to prevent any unwanted behaviour
@@ -71,9 +83,21 @@ while run:
         #x = 500 - height
         x = 0
-    win.fill(white)
     #all colors are defined in RGB with Pygame
+    if( abs(x - food_x) < 15 and abs(y - food_y) < 15):
+        score += 1
+        food_x = randint(0,screen_x - width)
+        food_y = randint(0,screen_y - height)
+        location = [food_x, food_y]
+        print('score = ', score)
+    win.fill(white)
+    pygame.draw.rect(win,(0,0,255), (location[0], location[1], width, height))
     pygame.draw.rect(win,(255,0,0), (x,y,width, height))
     #we have to update the display to see the drawing of our object. Since it does
     #not automatically update