diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_Game.py b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_Game.py
index fbc084e2541c1b444d487ae81a8cb7a144ac57b9..09d9d6495a59fb18e65c2b93d3f3f80826dfabc5 100644
--- a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_Game.py
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/Snake_Game.py
@@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
 #importing necessary libraries
 import pygame, sys
+from tkinter import *
+import tkinter as tk
 #a function made to execute other files from the system
 def runfile(runfilename):
   with open(runfilename,"r") as rnf:
+def button(Surface, color,Rect,width):
+  pygame.draw.rect(Surface, color,Rect,width)
+def text(text,fontStyle,fontSize,color,coord,surface):
+  font = pygame.font.SysFont(fontStyle,fontSize)
+  text = font.render(text,True,color)
+  surface.blit(text,coord)
+gray = [180,180,180]
+darkgray = [100,100,100]
+red = [255,0,0]
 #while loop required to always refresh the page
 while True:
@@ -15,51 +28,42 @@ while True:
     mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #checking mouse position
     mouseclick = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()#checking mouse pressed
     pygame.display.set_caption("Lets Play")
-    title_font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 80)
-    #Adding the title
-    gamename = title_font.render('SNAKE GAME', True, (255, 0, 0))
-    game.blit(gamename,(150,80))
+    text('SNAKE GAME',"monospace", 80,red,(150,80),game)
     #Adding the play game button
-    if (270 <= mousepos[0] <= 270+250 and 505 <= mousepos[1] <= 555 ):
+    if (270 <= mousepos[0] <= 270+250 and 450 <= mousepos[1] <= 450+55 ):
       #checks if the mouse is hovering over the button
-        pygame.draw.rect(game,[100,100,100], [270,505,250,50], 0)
+        button(game,darkgray, [270,455,250,50], 0)
         #checking if the button is clicked
         if mouseclick[0] == 1:
-            runfile('Snake_2.o_Demo.py')
+            runfile('Snake_2.o_Demo.py')        
-        pygame.draw.rect(game,[180,180,180], [270,505,250,50], 0)
-    playgame_font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 40)
-    gamebutton = playgame_font.render('GAME TIME', True, (0, 0, 200))
-    game.blit(gamebutton,(275,500))
-    #Taking user name
-    UserName = playgame_font.render('NAME:', True, (0, 250, 0))
-    game.blit(UserName,(50,200))
+        button(game,gray, [270,455,250,50], 0)
+    text('GAME TIME',"comicsansms", 40,[0, 0, 200],(275,450),game)
-    #Asking user for theme
-    ThemeOption = playgame_font.render('THEMES:', True, (0, 200, 0))
-    game.blit(ThemeOption,(50,300))
-    #Asking user for speed 
-    SpeedOption = playgame_font.render('SPEED:', True, (0, 150, 0))
-    game.blit(SpeedOption,(50,400))
+##    radioButton = Radiobutton(game, text = "option 1")
+##    radioButton.pack()
+    text('THEMES:',"comicsansms", 40,(0, 200, 0),(50,250),game)
+    text('SPEED',"comicsansms", 40,(0, 150, 0),(50,350),game)
+    #Highest Score
+    if ( 10 <= mousepos[0] <= 310 and 550 <= mousepos[1] <= 550 +55):
+      button(game,[200,0,0],[10,550,300,55], 0)
+      if mouseclick[0] == 1:
+          runfile('highscore.py')
+    else:
+      button(game,[180,180,180], [10,550,300,55], 0)
+    text('HIGHEST SCORE',"comicsansms", 35,(0, 0, 0),(10,550),game)
     #If user wants to quit
-    if ( 650 <= mousepos[0] <= 650+130 and 550 <= mousepos[1] <= 550 +55):
-      #checks if the mouse is hovering over the button
-      pygame.draw.rect(game,[200,0,0],[650,550,130,55], 0)
-      #checking if the button is clicked
+    if ( 670 <= mousepos[0] <= 670+105 and 550 <= mousepos[1] <= 550 +55):
+      button(game,[200,0,0],[670,550,105,55], 0)
       if mouseclick[0] == 1:
-      pygame.draw.rect(game,[180,180,180], [650,550,130,55], 0)
-    Quit = playgame_font.render('QUIT', True, (0, 0, 0))
-    game.blit(Quit,(650,550))
+      button(game,[180,180,180], [670,550,105,55], 0)
+    text('QUIT',"comicsansms", 35,(0, 0, 0),(670,550),game)
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/highscore.py b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/highscore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..caf915e43d67694ba6d50a97b2f70ad815b6395e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/highscore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import pygame, sys
+from tkinter import *
+def runfile(runfilename):
+  with open(runfilename,"r") as rnf:
+    exec(rnf.read())
+def text(text,fontStyle,fontSize,color,coord,surface):
+  font = pygame.font.SysFont(fontStyle,fontSize)
+  text = font.render(text,True,color)
+  surface.blit(text,coord)
+def button(Surface, color,Rect,width):
+  pygame.draw.rect(Surface, color,Rect,width)
+def findHighscore():
+  infile = open("highscore.txt","r")
+  mylist = []
+  for line in infile:
+    a = line.strip()
+    mylist.append(a)
+  return max(mylist)
+red = [255,0,0]
+while True:
+  mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #checking mouse position
+  mouseclick = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()#checking mouse pressed
+  highscore = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 150))
+  #highscore.fill([213, 219, 219])
+  pygame.display.set_caption("Highscore")
+  text('Highest Score: ' + str(findHighscore()),"comicsansms", 30,[0, 0, 200],(10,20),highscore)
+  button(highscore,[0,0,0], [90,70,120,26], 0)
+  text('Main Menu',"times", 25,red,(90,70),highscore)
+  if (90 <= mousepos[0] <= 90+120 and 70 <= mousepos[1] <= 70+27 ):
+      if mouseclick[0] == 1:
+          runfile('Snake_Game.py')
+  button(highscore,[0,0,0], [125,105,45,27], 0)
+  text('Quit',"times", 25,red,(125,105),highscore)
+  if (125 <= mousepos[0] <= 125+45 and 105 <= mousepos[1] <= 105+27 ):
+        if mouseclick[0] == 1:
+          pygame.quit()
+          sys.exit()
+  pygame.display.update()
+##MyButton1 = Button(highscore, text="BUTTON1")
+##MyButton1.grid(row=0, column=0)
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/highscore.txt b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/highscore.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b3506c45635b6ed5b8d2e06add0f0de9d2a93c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/highscore.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file