
\usepackage{xcolor} % for different colour comments

%% Comments

\newcommand{\authornote}[3]{\textcolor{#1}{[#3 ---#2]}}
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textcolor{red}{[TODO: #1]}}

\newcommand{\hm}[1]{\authornote{blue}{HM}{#1}} %Hediyeh
\newcommand{\tz}[1]{\authornote{blue}{TZ}{#1}} %Tahereh
\newcommand{\pl}[1]{\authornote{blue}{PL}{#1}} %Peng


\title{Problem of Concept Plan for Pic-Puzzle} 
\author{Justin Kapinski, Boyun Deng, Yuchen Liu}


\textbf{Will a part of the implementation be difficult?}\\
The most challenging 
part of the implementation will be the GUI. Another challenge will be 
the algorithm to generate the numbers from the pictures. 

\textbf{Will testing be difficult?}\\
The most difficult part about testing will be 
testing the GUI. It is hard to test GUIs automatically. Testing the 
algorithms will be easy because we can compare our algorithm's output 
with the output from the original program. 

\textbf{Is a required library difficult to install?}\\
There shouldn't be any 
required libraries beyond what is included in Java already. 

\textbf{Will portability be a concern?}\\
Portability won't be a problem because we 
will be using Java so it should work on any computer with the JVM. 

\textbf{Will the project size/scope be feasible?}\\
Yes, the project is based on a 
fairly simple game. It will not require too much effort to fully 
replicate the original game's functionality. 

\textbf{What will be demonstrated?}\\
The most important part to demonstrate will 
be the GUI, because we think it will be the most difficult part to 
implement. Our demonstration should at least include a functional GUI 
with test cases. 
