diff --git a/Doc/DevelopmentPlan/DevelopmentPlan.pdf b/Doc/DevelopmentPlan/DevelopmentPlan.pdf
index d6fe283954ea53623e574ae17fc854c07bd883eb..3eaee0d681a07a545acd75017ff4ec250a73fe3f 100644
Binary files a/Doc/DevelopmentPlan/DevelopmentPlan.pdf and b/Doc/DevelopmentPlan/DevelopmentPlan.pdf differ
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index b80b9801bc8ae8b4edde091c569dff81015ac82c..333a000d0da3d43e8c080051e5c205975229efd7 100644
--- a/Doc/DevelopmentPlan/DevelopmentPlan.tex
+++ b/Doc/DevelopmentPlan/DevelopmentPlan.tex
@@ -20,68 +20,67 @@ Added project schedule section\\ Sept. 26 & Riley McGee & Added Proof of Concept
 Demonstration Plan,Technology, \& Git Workflow sections \\ Sept. 29 & Pavle
 Arezina & Updated Introduction and Formatting\\ Sept. 29 & Nicolai Kozel & Final
 Proofreading\\ Sept. 30 & Riley McGee & Final aditions to Rev 0, formatting
-corrected throughout \\\bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table}
+corrected throughout \\Nov. 30 & Nicolai Kozel & Edited for revision 1\\\bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table}
-The Development Plan for Gifitti is to clearly state how the project will be
-created. The team meeting and communication plan will allow us to work
-cohesively as a group with clearly defined team member roles. To ensure that the
-team can work on the project without conflicts, the git workflow plan is defined
-and the risks pertaining to Gifitti are stated to develop plans to avoid them.
-The presentation of the code and documentation has been constrained to
+The Development Plan for Gifitti clearly states how the project will be
+created. The team meeting and communication sections demonstrate how we will work
+cohesively as a group within our clearly defined team member roles. To ensure that the
+project can be worked on without conflicts, the GIT workflow plan is defined
+and the risks pertaining to Gifitti are stated in order to develop plans to avoid them.
+The code and documentation has been constrained to
 guidelines to ensure a uniform project is produced on the schedule defined by
 the group members.
 \section{Team Meeting Plan} Team meetings will occur on Mondays and Tuesdays.
 The meetings on Monday will happen twice a day when possible during the lab
-periods. Tuesday meetings will happen once a day on the first floor of Thode
-Library. While all three of the group members will contribute during the team
-meetings, Nick will act as the Team Leader and Riley will scribe the meetings.
+periods. Tuesday meetings will occur once a day on the first floor of Thode
+Library. All three of the group members will contribute during the team
+meetings; however, Nick will act as the Team Leader and Riley will scribe the meetings.
 The agenda will follow the Harvard guidelines. (See
 \section{Team Communication Plan} Facebook messaging will be utilized to ask
 simple questions about the project to other group members. To track errors in
 the documentation or code, GitLab issue tracking will be used to help
-communicate these errors. A Combination of texting and calling will be used to
+communicate these errors. A combination of texting and calling will be used to
 contact a group member when they cannot be reached through Facebook messaging.
-Skype is the primary method to conduct calls for team meetings when physically
+Skype will be the primary method to conduct calls for team meetings when physically
 meeting is infeasible. To contact a T.A. or Professor due to questions or issues
-with the project, mcmaster e-mail will be used.
+with the project, McMaster e-mail will be used.
-\section{Team Member Roles} Nick will be in charge and will be the Team Leader.
+\section{Team Member Roles} Nick will be in charge of the proejct and is designated as the Team Leader.
 His job is to assign tasks and provide a clear goal on what needs to be
-completed. He is knowledgeable on Gantt charts, git, image manipulation and C\#.
+completed. He is knowledgeable on Gantt charts, GIT, image manipulation and C\#.
 Riley will be responsible for scribing the team meetings and is experienced with
-git and C\#. Pavle's responsibility will involve the documentation because he is
-an expert in git and LaTex.
+GIT and C\#. Pavle's responsibility will involve formatting and creating the documentation because he is
+an expert in GIT and LaTex.
-\section{Git Workflow Plan} The development of Gifitti is to follow the Feature
-Branch git workflow.
+\section{Git Workflow Plan} The development of Gifitti will follow the Feature
+Branch GIT workflow.
 \subsection{When and how to Create a Feature Branch} \begin{itemize} \item The
 repository will have no direct code changes made on a local version of master.
-However all documentation changes and additions may directly be added to master.
-All development of code is to occur on a feature branch from master, each branch
+However, all documentation changes and additions may directly be added to master.
+All development of code is to occur on a feature branch from master where each branch
 is unique to the feature it addresses. Once a feature is completed and has been
-reviewed and tested it is to be merged into master. This merge should link the
+reviewed and tested, it is then to be merged into master. This merge should link the
 resolution of the issue on GitLab that it solves. \item Feature branch names
 should follow the following naming practices:
-\begin{itemize} \item Be brief in name of the branch, descriptive in the merge
-into master after complete \item Keywords such as fix (for fixing bugs), ui (for
+\begin{itemize} \item Brief yet descriptive \item Keywords such as fix (for fixing bugs), ui (for
 view additions), feature (for general additions) followed by a brief of what the
 branch addresses. i.e. ui/file-menu, fix/console-fault, feature/save-as-sprite
 etc. \item As seen in the examples above follow a $<$Category$>$/$<$Brief$>$
 with words separated with “’-” \end{itemize}
-\item Commit and push local feature branches as a backup \item Pull requests are
+\item Local feature branches must be committed and pushed often enough to act as a backup \item Pull requests are
 not needed for this project. We will all act as admins to the repository and
-will review feature branches up to date with master as a team before the
-featurebranch creator merges it into master. This step is only needed for major
+will review feature branches and ensure they are up to date with master as a team before the
+feature branch creator merges it into master. This step is only needed for major
 changes. \end{itemize}
 \subsection{Brief List of Commands for the Workflow} \subsubsection*{Make a new
@@ -90,43 +89,33 @@ feature} git checkout “’-”b $<$Category$>$/$<$Brief$>$ master
 $<$Category$>$/$<$Brief$>$ \subsubsection*{Publish Feature into Master} git
 checkout master \\ git pull \\ git pull $<$Category$>$/$<$Brief$>$ \\ git push
-\subsubsection*{Committing} All commits are done to the feature branch for code,
-and master for documentation
+\subsubsection*{Committing} All commits must be done to the feature branch for code,
+and master for documentation.
 \subsection{Tags} \begin{itemize} \item All deliverables should be tagged
 appropriately to mark that it is complete. \item All code releases should be
 tagged with a version, x.y.z where x is a major update, y is a minor update,
-andz is a bug fix. \end{itemize}
+and z is a bug fix. \end{itemize}
-\subsection {Milestones} \begin{itemize} \item Mark deliverables and their due
-dates. \item All milestones are found in the project schedule \item
-Deliverablesare considered major updates to the project. \end{itemize}
+\subsection {Milestones} \begin{itemize} \item The milestones will include all deliverables and their due
+dates. \item All milestones will be listed in the project schedule (Gantt chart).\item
+Deliverables will be considered major updates to the project. \end{itemize}
 \section{Proof of Concept Demonstration Plan}
-\subsubsection*{Risk 1} Reading in GIFs. GIF files must be read into Gifitti and
+\subsubsection*{Risk 1} The first risk will be reading in GIFs. GIF files must be read into Gifitti and
-\subsubsection*{Plan for demonstrate risk 1's feasibility} By the project demo
-an open source library that provides this functionality will be chosen and
-implemented into a base design.
+\subsubsection*{Plan to demonstrate risk 1's feasibility} An open source lirary that provides this functionality must be chosen
+and implemented into a base design by the project demo's deadline. This will be reflected on the Gantt chart. 
-\subsubsection*{Risk 2} Sprite Spreadsheet outputs for the currently used gif.
-This issue is a risk due to it being image manipulation. *A sprite spreadsheet
-is an image file where animation is broken into frames while stored in one
+\subsubsection*{Risk 2} The project will only be usable on a Windows platform, until
+.NET is able to be run on Linux and OSX platforms.
-\subsubsection*{Plan for demonstrate risk 2's feasibility} Image manipulation
-will be done with an external api. By the project demo this will be chosen. It
-can be proven that it will be achievable via functionality of the selected api.
+\subsubsection*{Plan for demonstrate risk 3's feasibility} All demonstrations 
+and development must be done on a Windows platform.
-\subsubsection*{Risk 3} The project is only usable on Windows platform, until
-.NET is made executable on Linux and OSX platforms.
-\subsubsection*{Plan for demonstrate risk 3's feasibility} All demonstrations,
-and development must be done on a windows platform.
-\subsubsection*{Risk 4} Testing is time consuming for all major components as
+\subsubsection*{Risk 3} Testing will be time consuming for all major components as
 the application is based on user input and experience.
 \subsubsection*{Plan for demonstrate risk 4's feasibility} Some test cases that
@@ -135,23 +124,24 @@ show that we can automate most of the testing that does not rely on user
 interaction. This saves time for the user tests.
 \section{Technology} Note: Currently, a Windows platform must be used to run and
-develop this project. In the near future .Net will be ported to OSX and Linux.
-\subsection{Programming Language$($s$)$} The majority of all development is in
-C\# however WPF will also be used for UI. \subsection{IDE} Visual Studio 2015
-Community \subsection{Testing Framework} Visual C\# Test Suite, specifically
-unit test. This platform comes integrated with Visual Studio 2015 Community.
-\subsection{Document Generation} \begin{itemize} \item Doxygen for code
-documentation. \item Visual Studio for any post code software model generation
-\item Gantt Project for the project schedule \end{itemize}
-\section{Coding Style} Coding standard utilized for the project is the
+develop this project. In the near future .NET will be ported to OSX and Linux.
+\subsection{Programming Language$($s$)$} The majority of all development will be done in
+C\#; however, WPF will also be used for the UI. \subsection{IDE} The IDE that will be used to develop this project will be Visual Studio 2015
+Community Edition. \subsection{Testing Framework} The testing framework that will be used will be the native Visual C\# Test Suite, specifically
+unit testing. This platform comes integrated with Visual Studio 2015 Community.
+\subsection{Document Generation} \begin{itemize} \item Doxygen will be used for code
+documentation. \item Visual Studio will be used for any post code software model generation
+\item Gantt Project will be used to document the project schedule \end{itemize}
+\section{Coding Style} The coding standard tha will be utilized for this project is the
 Framework Development Guide}.
 \section{Project Schedule} The Gantt Chart outlining the project schedule can
+be found
 \section{Project Review}
+After completing Gifitti, we feel that our development plan worked well and aided in the successful completion of this project. Our GIT workflow plan was very helpful and reduced the amount of troubleshooting needed to fix merges or repository errors. Our master branch was clean throughout the entire development phase and as features were added and merged into master, it remained stable. We felt very comfortable within our team member roles and all performed within those roles to the best of our abilities. Our roles matched our personalities and we feel this made a big impact on everyone's motivation and attitude towards the project. The things that we felt did not work for us were the team meeting schedule and the coding style guidelines. We learned that because of time constraints or laziness, we did not adher to the coding guidelines all the time and we each had our own styles of coding regardless of the guidelines. The team meetings were effective but we did not have them as often as we said we would. This was due to the nature of everyones schedules and the fact that we did not want to meet on the weekends. Therefore, on a future project the only things that we would change would be to meet on dedicated days where we know everyone is available and choose less strict coding guidelines or have repercussions for not following them. 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.pdf b/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.pdf
index 972f1efb6df052484f2c25e00d4a733e1c0626d8..83734ba25f0e676bdfe64ebb06aafaa1b950bbbd 100644
Binary files a/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.pdf and b/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.pdf differ
diff --git a/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.tex b/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.tex
index f6aca27d4b7fdc58610647f73bc284b2ab3a32ce..25483da1e440838639a199025489faefbeb168b7 100644
--- a/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.tex
+++ b/Doc/TestPlan/TestPlan.tex
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ October 22 & 1.0 & Adding sections 1,2, and 7\\
 October 24 & 1.1 & Adding functional req tests\\
 October 25 & 1.2 & Adding non functional req tests.\\
 October 30 & 1.3 & Adding Unit tests, and automated functional tests\\
+November 30 & 1.4 & Final edits for revision 1\\
@@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ This document describes the test plan for the Gifitti application developed for
 \section{General Information}
-The purpose of the testing plan is to establish a set of tests that will test the product in its entirety to ensure that it fulfills the intended purpose. This would be accomplished through verifying if Gifitti satisfies the different functional and non-functional requirements that were assigned to it. Having test plans for any product is essential to be able to understand how well the product is satisfying the client’s needs and if there is room for improvement.
+The purpose of this testing plan is to establish a set of tests that will test the product in its entirety to ensure that it fulfills the intended purpose. This will be accomplished by verifying that Gifitti satisfies the different functional and non-functional requirements that were assigned to it. Having test plans for any product is essential to be able to understand how well the product is satisfying the client’s needs and if there is room for improvement.
-This testing plan is utilizing different testing methods, automated and user created, and various techniques, black box and white box testing, to establish if the project has any need for improvement. Two different products will be analyzed through these tests, the Proof of Concept and the first iteration of the final product. Proof of Concept will be tested to ensure that a basic representation of the product was demonstrated while the requirements should be tested when the first iteration of the final product is completed.
+This testing plan will utilize different testing methods such as automated and user created as well as various techniques such as black box and white box testing, to establish if the project has any need for improvement. Two different products will be analyzed through these tests, the Proof of Concept and the first iteration of the final product. The Proof of Concept will be tested to ensure that a basic representation of the product will be demonstrated. The first iteration of the final product will be tested to verify the requirements.
 \subsection{Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols}
@@ -88,11 +89,11 @@ GIF & A lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static i
 Sprite Sheet &A series of images (usually animation frames) combined into a larger image (or images).\\
 Dialog Class & Specifies the base class used for displaying dialog boxes on the screen.\\
 File Path & A path, the general form of the name of a file or directory, specifies a unique location in a file system. \\
-Bitmap & a representation in which each item corresponds to one or more bits of information, especially the information used to control the display of a computer screen.\\
-Frame & One of the many still images which compose the complete moving picture.\\
+Bitmap & A representation in which each item corresponds to one or more bits of information, especially the information used to control the display of a computer screen.\\
+Frame & One of the many still images which compose a complete moving picture.\\
 Pixel & A minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed.\\
 TIFF & A common format for exchanging raster graphics (bitmap) images between application programs, including those used for scanner images.\\
-JPEG & A commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.\\
+JPEG & A commonly used method of lossless compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.\\
 PNG & A raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. \\
@@ -100,27 +101,26 @@ PNG & A raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. \\
 \subsection{Overview of Document}
-The testing plan is broken up into distinct parts. Under the heading Plan, the basic information will be given on the product and the tests. System Test Description will contain the specific tests for the functional requirements stated for the product. These tests will broke down into what type of tests they are and the results they achieve depending on their specific input. Testing for non-functional requirements will follow the same format where input will be given and the output will be measured for all of the provided non-functional requirements. Under tests for proof of concept, the same format will be utilized as the functional testing but it will not be testing
-the requirements for the project but for the goals of the proof of concept. Furthermore there will be tests to compare Gifitti to the 
+This testing plan is broken up into distinct parts. Under the heading Plan, the basic information will be given on the product and the tests. System Test Description will contain the specific tests for the functional requirements stated for the product. These tests will broke down into what type of tests they are and the results they achieve depending on their specific input. Testing for non-functional requirements will follow the same format where input will be given and the output will be measured for all of the provided non-functional requirements. Under tests for proof of concept, the same format will be utilized as the functional testing but it will not be testing
+the requirements for the project, but for the goals of the proof of concept. Furthermore there will be tests to compare Gifitti to the 
 original product it was based on and unit testing plans to ensure correct output is achieved through proper internal functions.
 \subsection{Software Description}
-Gifitti is a software product that allows the common user to be able to manipulate for their entertainment or commercial needs. 
+Gifitti is a software product that allows the common user to be able to manipulate GIFS for their entertainment or commercial needs. 
 With an intuitive design, it allows a person who has never done any kind of graphical editing to be able to manipulate a GIF to achieve
-the person's particular design. This product can also serve a commercial purpose in allowing the creation of sprite spreadsheets and 
-a quick production of GIFs.
+the person's particular design. This product can also serve a commercial purpose in allowing the quick production of GIFs.
 \subsection{Test Team}
 The team to implement the test plan for the project will be Pavle Arezina, Riley McGee, Nicolai Kozel.
 \subsection{Automated Testing Approach}
-This test plan will utilize automated testing for verification that the GIF manipulation functionality changes the GIF properly. Such that the exported GIF image will match what is created by the user of our product.
+This test plan will utilize automated testing for verification that the GIF manipulation functionality changes the GIF properly. That is to say that the exported GIF image will match what is created by the user of our product.
 \subsection{Testing Tools}
 The only tool to be utilized to test this product will be the Microsoft Unit Test Framework that is native with Visual Studio.
 \subsection{Testing Schedule}
-See Gantt Chart \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/kozeln/Gifitti/tree/master/ProjectSchedule}{ here.}
+The testing schedule is listed on the Gantt Chart which can be found \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/kozeln/Gifitti/tree/master/ProjectSchedule}{ here.}
 \section{System Test Description}
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ How test will be performed:
 \item{Launch the program}
 \item{Select Open}
 \item{Try and select a file that is not a GIF or specify a file path to a known file}
-\item{Verify program remains open, and no image is loaded}
+\item{Verify program remains open, no image is loaded, and an error message is displayed to the user}
@@ -257,31 +257,9 @@ How test will be performed:
 %End of save Requirement
-\subsubsection{Save GIF as Sprite Spreadsheet}
-\paragraph{The user is able to save a GIF as a sprite spreadsheet in a specified location}
-\item{Save Sprite Spreadsheet to a Known Location-id1\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded; GIF Loaded.\\
-Input: File path, GIF file.\\
-Output: GIF file saved as a Sprite Spreadsheet to specified location.\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Open a GIF}
-\item{Choose to export the image as a sprite spreadsheet}
-\item{Verify that the GIF is a single image representation of the GIF frames}
-%End of Sprite Spreadsheet Requirement
 \subsubsection{GIF Start, Stop, Modify Length}
-\paragraph{The user is able to start (play), start and stop GIFs, testing of GIF shortening and playback speed occurs here as well}
+\paragraph{The user is able to start and stop GIFs as well as shorten the GIF and change the playback speed.}
 \item{Play Stop GIF-id1\\}
@@ -416,185 +394,7 @@ How test will be performed:
 %End of Help Requirement
-\subsubsection{GIF Reset}
-\paragraph{Verifies and validates GIF can be reset to loaded state}
-\item{Modify Attributes-id1\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded; GIF loaded\\
-Input: GIF\\
-Output: Inputted GIF\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a GIF}
-\item{Modify GIF attributes such as frame length, coloration etc}
-\item{Select reset}
-\item{Verify GIF in is the same as current GIF that is shown to the user}
-\item{Modify Via Adding a Frame-id2\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded; GIF loaded\\
-Input: GIF, inputted frame\\
-Output: Inputted GIF\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a GIF}
-\item{Modify GIF by adding a frame}
-\item{Select reset}
-\item{Verify GIF loaded has added frame removed}
-\item{Modify Via Frame Subset Selected-id3\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded; GIF loaded\\
-Input: GIF\\
-Output: Inputted GIF\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a GIF}
-\item{Modify GIF by sub-setting what frames are used}
-\item{Select reset}
-\item{Verify GIF loaded returns to full GIF state}
-\item{Automated Modify Via Adding a Frame-id4\\}
-Type: Automated Functional.\\
-Initial State: Image reading module driver \\
-Input: GIF; BMP image;\\
-Output: Inputted GIF \\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Test will load GIF from a known location}
-\item{Test will load the frame being added from a known location}
-\item{The frame will be added to a specific spot of the GIF}
-\item{The GIF will then be reset}
-\item{The stored GIF is to be frame by frame compared to the original GIF}
-\item{Each frame is to be cast to a bitmap then compared in a pixel-by-pixel manner}
-\item{Pass if 100 percent of all pixels match}
-%End of Reset Requirement
-\subsubsection{Frame Addition}
-\paragraph{Verifies frame addition}
-\item{Add GIFs-id1\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded\\
-Input: GIF x 2\\
-Output: Concatenated  GIFs\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a Gif}
-\item{Select a frame and import a gif}
-\item{Gif should subset from frame to end of the imported gif}
-\item{Verify the concatenation holds on export}
-\item{Add PNGs-id2\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded\\
-Input: GIF; PNG image\\
-Output: GIF with PNG input added as a frame\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a Gif}
-\item{Select a frame and import a PNG}
-\item{Verify PNG is added after current frame in GIF}
-\item{Verify the new GIF is exported the same way}
-\item{JPEG frames to GIF-id3\\}
-This test is identical to id2 with PNG replaced with JPEG
-\item{TIFF frames to GIF-id4\\}
-This test is identical to id2 with PNG replaced with TIFF
-\item{BMP frames to GIF-id5\\}
-This test is identical to id2 with PNG replaced with BMP
-\item{Automated Testing of BMP Frames to GIF-id6}
-Type: Automated Functional.\\
-Initial State: Image reading module driver \\
-Input: GIF; BMP image; Expected output GIF\\
-Output: GIF with BMP input added as a frame \\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Test will load GIF from a known location}
-\item{Test will load the frame being added from a known location}
-\item{The frame will be added to a specific spot of the GIF}
-\item{The new GIF is to be compared to expected through breaking each down into frames}
-\item{Cast each frame and pixel-by-pixel compare the output to the expected}
-\item{Pass if 100 percent of all pixels match}
-%End of Frame Addition Requirement
-\subsubsection{Frame Drawing}
-\paragraph{Verifies and validates ability to draw on frames}
-\item{Single Frame Drawing-id1\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded; GIF loaded\\
-Input: GIF\\
-Output: Inputted Gif with image overlay on a frame\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a GIF}
-\item{Make an obvious edit to a frame via drawing}
-\item{Export the GIF and verify obvious change remains}
-\item{Multi Frame Drawing-id1\\}
-Type: Manual Functional.\\
-Initial State: Program loaded; GIF loaded\\
-Input: GIF\\
-Output: Inputted Gif with image overlay many frames\\
-How test will be performed: 
-\item{Launch the program}
-\item{Load a GIF}
-\item{Make an obvious edit to a frame via drawing}
-\item{Make the edit extend over a set of frames}
-\item{Export the GIF and verify obvious change remains on all selected frames}
-%End of Frame Drawing Requirement
 \subsection{Tests for Non-functional Requirements}
@@ -661,7 +461,7 @@ Input: GIF.
 Output: NA 
-How test will be performed: Load a GIF into the program. The time to load the GIF and start playback should be less than MAX\_UI\_LOAD. 
+How test will be performed: Load a GIF into the program. The time to load the GIF and start playback should be less than MAX\_UI\_LOAD. MAX\_UI\_LOAD is derived from the original system, GIF Viewer, so make sure this test is perfromed on the same system as the benchmark MAX\_UI\_LOAD is acquired from. 
diff --git a/ProjectSchedule/3X_Example.gan b/ProjectSchedule/GifittiProjectSchedule.gan
similarity index 91%
rename from ProjectSchedule/3X_Example.gan
rename to ProjectSchedule/GifittiProjectSchedule.gan
index 07bc8149e3ef80c53c5a25b36159f5f2389949a6..39ac849240fff34069b036c21d6779a86fe9d9e8 100644
--- a/ProjectSchedule/3X_Example.gan
+++ b/ProjectSchedule/GifittiProjectSchedule.gan
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project name="Gifitti" company="McMaster, CAS Department" webLink="" view-date="2016-11-09" view-index="0" gantt-divider-location="434" resource-divider-location="300" version="2.8.1" locale="en_CA">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project name="Gifitti" company="McMaster, CAS Department" webLink="" view-date="2016-11-23" view-index="0" gantt-divider-location="434" resource-divider-location="300" version="2.8.1" locale="en_CA">
     <description><![CDATA[Development of 'Gifitti' application to view and manipulate GIF images on a desktop or laptop computer running Windows.]]></description>
     <view zooming-state="default:2" id="gantt-chart">
         <field id="tpd3" name="Name" width="277" order="0"/>
         <field id="tpd5" name="End date" width="58" order="1"/>
         <field id="tpd4" name="Begin date" width="80" order="2"/>
-        <timeline><![CDATA[155,235,188,205,191,170,125,131,244,183,145,213,122,241,211,166,159,190,109,157,168,238,198,220,161,215,207,203,133,233,185,209,105]]></timeline>
+        <timeline><![CDATA[241,213,166,145,125,244,233,185,105,209,198,170,133,207,161,215,183,235,205,238,190,155,159,131,211,203,168,220,191,188,122,109,157]]></timeline>
     <view id="resource-table">
         <field id="0" name="Name" width="228" order="0"/>
@@ -122,14 +122,26 @@
         <task id="159" name="Final Demonstration" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2016-11-28" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
         <task id="161" name="Peer Eval of Other Team's Final Demo" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2016-11-28" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
-        <task id="166" name="Final Documentation" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2016-11-12" duration="25" complete="0" expand="true">
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@@ -149,13 +161,8 @@
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@@ -173,10 +180,11 @@
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@@ -188,13 +196,8 @@
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@@ -208,10 +211,11 @@
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@@ -222,13 +226,8 @@
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@@ -244,10 +243,12 @@
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