diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/SRS/SRS.bib b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/SRS/SRS.bib
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-%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
-%% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/
-%% Created for Spencer Smith at 2016-09-22 10:01:42 -0400 
-%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) 
-	Author = {James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson},
-	Date-Added = {2016-09-22 13:54:40 +0000},
-	Date-Modified = {2016-09-22 14:01:42 +0000},
-	Edition = {16},
-	Publisher = {Atlantic Systems Guild Limited},
-	Title = {Volere Requirements Specification Template},
-	Year = {2012}}
-	Author = {David L. Parnas and P.C. Clements},
-	Date-Added = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
-	Date-Modified = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
-	Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
-	Number = {2},
-	Pages = {251--257},
-	Title = {A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake it},
-	Volume = {12},
-	Year = {February 1986},
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/SRS/SRS.pdf b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/SRS/SRS.pdf
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Binary files a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/SRS/SRS.pdf and b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/SRS/SRS.pdf differ
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-\documentclass[12pt, titlepage]{article}
+\usepackage{amsmath, mathtools}
-    colorlinks,
-    citecolor=black,
-    filecolor=black,
-    linkcolor=red,
-    urlcolor=blue
-\title{SE 3XA3: Software Requirements Specification\\Title of Project}
-\author{Team \#, Team Name
-		\\ Student 1 name and macid
-		\\ Student 2 name and macid
-		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+    bookmarks=true,         % show bookmarks bar?
+      colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links
+    linkcolor=red,          % color of internal links (change box color with linkbordercolor)
+    citecolor=green,        % color of links to bibliography
+    filecolor=magenta,      % color of file links
+    urlcolor=cyan           % color of external links
+% For easy change of table widths
+% Used so that cross-references have a meaningful prefix
+\newcounter{defnum} %Definition Number
+\newcounter{datadefnum} %Datadefinition Number
+\newcounter{theorynum} %Theory Number
+\newcounter{tablenum} %Table Number
+\newcounter{assumpnum} %Assumption Number
+\newcounter{goalnum} %Goal Number
+\newcounter{instnum} %Instance Number
+\newcounter{reqnum} %Requirement Number
+\newcounter{lcnum} %Likely change number
+\newcommand{\progname}{ProgName} % PUT YOUR PROGRAM NAME HERE
+\title{Project Title} 
+\author{Author Name}
 \caption{\bf Revision History}
@@ -44,107 +98,671 @@ Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\
+\section{Reference Material}
+This section records information for easy reference.
+\subsection{Table of Units}
+Throughout this document SI (Syst\`{e}me International d'Unit\'{e}s) is employed
+as the unit system.  In addition to the basic units, several derived units are
+used as described below.  For each unit, the symbol is given followed by a
+description of the unit and the SI name.
+  \noindent \begin{tabular}{l l l} 
+    \toprule		
+    \textbf{symbol} & \textbf{unit} & \textbf{SI}\\
+    \midrule 
+    \si{\metre} & length & metre\\
+    \si{\kilogram} & mass	& kilogram\\
+    \si{\second} & time & second\\
+    \si{\celsius} & temperature & centigrade\\
+    \si{\joule} & energy & Joule\\
+    \si{\watt} & power & Watt (W = \si{\joule\per\second})\\
+    \bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  %	\caption{Provide a caption}
+\wss{Only include the units that your SRS actually uses}
+\subsection{Table of Symbols}
+The table that follows summarizes the symbols used in this document along with
+their units.  The choice of symbols was made to be consistent with the heat
+transfer literature and with existing documentation for solar water heating
+systems.  The symbols are listed in alphabetical order.
+%\noindent \begin{tabularx}{1.0\textwidth}{l l X}
+\noindent \begin{longtable*}{l l p{12cm}} \toprule
+\textbf{symbol} & \textbf{unit} & \textbf{description}\\
+$A_C$ & \si[per-mode=symbol] {\square\metre} & coil surface area
+$A_\text{in}$ & \si[per-mode=symbol] {\square\metre} & surface area over 
+which heat is transferred in
+\wss{Use your problems actual symbols.  The si package is a good idea to use for
+  units.}
+\subsection{Abbreviations and Acronyms}
+\begin{tabular}{l l} 
+  \toprule		
+  \textbf{symbol} & \textbf{description}\\
+  \midrule 
+  A & Assumption\\
+  DD & Data Definition\\
+  GD & General Definition\\
+  GS & Goal Statement\\
+  IM & Instance Model\\
+  LC & Likely Change\\
+  PS & Physical System Description\\
+  R & Requirement\\
+  SRS & Software Requirements Specification\\
+  \progname{} & \wss{put your program name here}\\
+  T & Theoretical Model\\
+  \bottomrule
+\wss{Add any other abbreviations or acronyms that you add}
-This document describes the requirements for ....  The template for the Software
-Requirements Specification (SRS) is a subset of the Volere
-template~\citep{RobertsonAndRobertson2012}.  If you make further modifications
-to the template, you should explicity state what modifications were made.
-\section{Project Drivers}
+\wss{This SRS template is based on \citet{SmithAndLai2005, SmithEtAl2007}.  It
+  will get you started, but you will have to make changes.  Any changes to
+  section headings should be approved by the instructor, since that implies a
+  deviation from the template.  Although the bits shown below do not include
+  type information, you may need to add this information for your problem.}
-\subsection{The Purpose of the Project}
+\wss{Feel free to change the appearance of the report by modifying the LaTeX
+  commands.}
-\subsection{The Stakeholders}
+\subsection{Purpose of Document}
-\subsubsection{The Client}
+\subsection{Scope of Requirements} 
-\subsubsection{The Customers}
+\subsection{Characteristics of Intended Reader} 
-\subsubsection{Other Stakeholders}
+\subsection{Organization of Document}
-\subsection{Mandated Constraints}
+\section{General System Description}
-\subsection{Naming Conventions and Terminology}
+This section identifies the interfaces between the system and its environment,
+describes the user characteristics and lists the system constraints.
-\subsection{Relevant Facts and Assumptions}
+\subsection{System Context}
-User characteristics should go under assumptions.
+\wss{Your system context will likely include an explicit list of user and system
+  responsibilities}
-\section{Functional Requirements}
+\item User Responsibilities:
+\item \progname{} Responsibilities:
+\item Detect data type mismatch, such as a string of characters instead of a
+  floating point number
-\subsection{The Scope of the Work and the Product}
+\subsection{User Characteristics} \label{SecUserCharacteristics}
-\subsubsection{The Context of the Work}
+The end user of \progname{} should have an understanding of undergraduate Level
+1 Calculus and Physics.
-\subsubsection{Work Partitioning}
+\subsection{System Constraints}
-\subsubsection{Individual Product Use Cases}
+\wss{You may not have any system constraints}
-\subsection{Functional Requirements}
+\section{Specific System Description}
+This section first presents the problem description, which gives a high-level
+view of the problem to be solved.  This is followed by the solution characteristics
+specification, which presents the assumptions, theories, definitions and finally
+the instance models.  \wss{Add any project specific details that are relevant
+  for the section overview.}
+\subsection{Problem Description} \label{Sec_pd}
-\section{Non-functional Requirements}
+\progname{} is \wss{what problem does your program solve?}
-\subsection{Look and Feel Requirements}
+\subsubsection{Terminology and  Definitions}
-\subsection{Usability and Humanity Requirements}
+This subsection provides a list of terms that are used in the subsequent
+sections and their meaning, with the purpose of reducing ambiguity and making it
+easier to correctly understand the requirements:
-\subsection{Performance Requirements}
-\subsection{Operational and Environmental Requirements}
-\subsection{Maintainability and Support Requirements}
-\subsection{Security Requirements}
+\subsubsection{Physical System Description}
-\subsection{Cultural Requirements}
+The physical system of \progname{}, as shown in Figure~?,
+includes the following elements:
-\subsection{Legal Requirements}
-\subsection{Health and Safety Requirements}
-This section is not in the original Volere template, but health and safety are
-issues that should be considered for every engineering project.
+\item[PS2:] ...
-\section{Project Issues}
-\subsection{Open Issues}
+\wss{A figure here may make sense for most SRS documents}
-\subsection{Off-the-Shelf Solutions}
+% \begin{figure}[h!]
+% \begin{center}
+% %\rotatebox{-90}
+% {
+%  \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{<FigureName>}
+% }
+% \caption{\label{<Label>} <Caption>}
+% \end{center}
+% \end{figure}
-\subsection{New Problems}
+\subsubsection{Goal Statements}
+\noindent Given the \wss{inputs}, the goal statements are:
-\subsection{Migration to the New Product}
+\item[GS\refstepcounter{goalnum}\thegoalnum \label{G_meaningfulLabel}:] \wss{One
+    sentence description of the goal.  There may be more than one.  Each Goal
+    should have a meaningful label.}
-\subsection{User Documentation and Training}
+\subsection{Solution Characteristics Specification}
+The instance models that govern \progname{} are presented in
+Subsection~\ref{sec_instance}.  The information to understand the meaning of the
+instance models and their derivation is also presented, so that the instance
+models can be verified.
+This section simplifies the original problem and helps in developing the
+theoretical model by filling in the missing information for the physical
+system. The numbers given in the square brackets refer to the theoretical model
+[T], general definition [GD], data definition [DD], instance model [IM], or
+likely change [LC], in which the respective assumption is used.
+\item[A\refstepcounter{assumpnum}\theassumpnum \label{A_meaningfulLabel}:]
+  \wss{Short description of each assumption.  Each assumption
+    should have a meaningful label.  Use cross-references to identify the
+    appropriate traceability to T, GD, DD etc., using commands like dref, ddref etc.}
+\subsubsection{Theoretical Models}\label{sec_theoretical}
+This section focuses on the general equations and laws that \progname{} is based
+on.  \wss{Modify the examples below for your problem, and add additional models
+  as appropriate.}
+\begin{tabular}{| p{\colAwidth} | p{\colBwidth}|}
+  \hline
+  \rowcolor[gray]{0.9}
+  Number& T\refstepcounter{theorynum}\thetheorynum \label{T_COE}\\
+  \hline
+  Label&\bf Conservation of thermal energy\\
+  \hline
+  Equation&  $-{\bf \nabla \cdot q} + g$ = $\rho C \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}$\\
+  \hline
+  Description & 
+                The above equation gives the conservation of energy for transient heat transfer in a material
+                of specific heat capacity $C$ (\si{\joule\per\kilogram\per\celsius}) and density $\rho$ 
+                (\si{\kilogram\per\cubic\metre}), where $\bf q$ is the thermal flux vector (\si{\watt\per\square\metre}),
+                $g$ is the volumetric heat generation
+                (\si{\watt\per\cubic\metre}), $T$ is the temperature
+                (\si{\celsius}),  $t$ is time (\si{\second}), and $\nabla$ is
+                the gradient operator.  For this equation to apply, other forms
+                of energy, such as mechanical energy, are assumed to be negligible in the
+                system (\aref{A_OnlyThermalEnergy}).  In general, the material properties ($\rho$ and $C$) depend on temperature.\\
+  \hline
+  Source &
+           \url{http://www.efunda.com/formulae/heat_transfer/conduction/overview_cond.cfm}\\
+  % The above web link should be replaced with a proper citation to a publication
+  \hline
+  Ref.\ By & \dref{ROCT}\\
+  \hline
+\subsubsection{General Definitions}\label{sec_gendef}
+This section collects the laws and equations that will be used in deriving the
+data definitions, which in turn are used to build the instance models.
+\wss{Some projects may not have any content for this section, but the section
+  heading should be kept.}  \wss{Modify the examples below for your problem, and
+  add additional definitions as appropriate.}
+\begin{tabular}{| p{\colAwidth} | p{\colBwidth}|}
+Number& GD\refstepcounter{defnum}\thedefnum \label{NL}\\
+Label &\bf Newton's law of cooling \\
+% Units&$MLt^{-3}T^0$\\
+% \hline
+SI Units&\si{\watt\per\square\metre}\\
+Equation&$ q(t) = h \Delta T(t)$  \\
+Description &
+Newton's law of cooling describes convective cooling from a surface.  The law is
+stated as: the rate of heat loss from a body is proportional to the difference
+in temperatures between the body and its surroundings.
+& $q(t)$ is the thermal flux (\si{\watt\per\square\metre}).\\
+& $h$ is the heat transfer coefficient, assumed independent of $T$ (\aref{A_hcoeff})
+	(\si{\watt\per\square\metre\per\celsius}).\\
+&$\Delta T(t)$= $T(t) - T_{\text{env}}(t)$ is the time-dependent thermal gradient
+between the environment and the object (\si{\celsius}).
+  Source &~\cite[p.\ 8]{Incropera2007}\\
+  \hline
+  Ref.\ By & \ddref{FluxCoil}, \ddref{FluxPCM}\\
+  \hline
+\subsubsection*{Detailed derivation of simplified rate of change of temperature}
+\wss{This may be necessary when the necessary information does not fit in the
+  description field.} 
+\subsubsection{Data Definitions}\label{sec_datadef}
+This section collects and defines all the data needed to build the instance
+models. The dimension of each quantity is also given.  \wss{Modify the examples
+  below for your problem, and add additional definitions as appropriate.}
+\begin{tabular}{| p{\colAwidth} | p{\colBwidth}|}
+Number& DD\refstepcounter{datadefnum}\thedatadefnum \label{FluxCoil}\\
+Label& \bf Heat flux out of coil\\
+Symbol &$q_C$\\
+% Units& $Mt^{-3}$\\
+% \hline
+  SI Units & \si{\watt\per\square\metre}\\
+  \hline
+  Equation&$q_C(t) = h_C (T_C - T_W(t))$, over area $A_C$\\
+  \hline
+  Description & 
+                $T_C$ is the temperature of the coil (\si{\celsius}).  $T_W$ is the temperature of the water (\si{\celsius}).  
+                The heat flux out of the coil, $q_C$ (\si{\watt\per\square\metre}), is found by
+                assuming that Newton's Law 
+                of Cooling applies (\aref{A_Newt_coil}).  This law (\dref{NL}) is used on the surface of
+                the coil, which has area $A_C$ (\si{\square\metre}) and heat 
+                transfer coefficient $h_C$
+                (\si{\watt\per\square\metre\per\celsius}).  This equation
+                assumes that the temperature of the coil is constant over time (\aref{A_tcoil}) and that it does not vary along the length
+                of the coil (\aref{A_tlcoil}).
+  \\
+  \hline
+  Sources&~\cite{Lightstone2012}  \\
+  \hline
+  Ref.\ By & \iref{ewat}\\
+  \hline
+\subsubsection{Instance Models} \label{sec_instance}    
+This section transforms the problem defined in Section~\ref{Sec_pd} into 
+one which is expressed in mathematical terms. It uses concrete symbols defined 
+in Section~\ref{sec_datadef} to replace the abstract symbols in the models 
+identified in Sections~\ref{sec_theoretical} and~\ref{sec_gendef}.
+The goals \wss{reference your goals} are solved by \wss{reference your instance
+  models}.  \wss{other details, with cross-references where appropriate.}
+\wss{Modify the examples below for your problem, and add additional models as
+  appropriate.}
+%Instance Model 1
+\begin{tabular}{| p{\colAwidth} | p{\colBwidth}|}
+  \hline
+  \rowcolor[gray]{0.9}
+  Number& IM\refstepcounter{instnum}\theinstnum \label{ewat}\\
+  \hline
+  Label& \bf Energy balance on water to find $T_W$\\
+  \hline
+  Input&$m_W$, $C_W$, $h_C$, $A_C$, $h_P$, $A_P$, $t_\text{final}$, $T_C$, 
+  $T_\text{init}$, $T_P(t)$ from \iref{epcm}\\
+  & The input is constrained so that $T_\text{init} \leq T_C$ (\aref{A_charge})\\
+  \hline
+  Output&$T_W(t)$, $0\leq t \leq t_\text{final}$, such that\\
+  &$\frac{dT_W}{dt} = \frac{1}{\tau_W}[(T_C - T_W(t)) + {\eta}(T_P(t) - T_W(t))]$,\\
+  &$T_W(0) = T_P(0) = T_\text{init}$ (\aref{A_InitTemp}) and $T_P(t)$ from \iref{epcm} \\
+  \hline
+  Description&$T_W$ is the water temperature (\si{\celsius}).\\
+  &$T_P$ is the PCM temperature (\si{\celsius}).\\
+  &$T_C$ is the coil temperature (\si{\celsius}).\\
+  &$\tau_W = \frac{m_W C_W}{h_C A_C}$ is a constant (\si{\second}).\\
+  &$\eta = \frac{h_P A_P}{h_C A_C}$ is a constant (dimensionless).\\
+  & The above equation applies as long as the water is in liquid form,
+  $0<T_W<100^o\text{C}$, where $0^o\text{C}$ and $100^o\text{C}$ are the melting
+  and boiling points of water, respectively (\aref{A_OpRange}, \aref{A_Pressure}).
+  \\
+  \hline
+  Sources&~\cite{Lightstone2012} \ \\
+  \hline
+  Ref.\ By & \iref{epcm}\\
+  \hline
+\subsubsection*{Derivation of ...}
+\wss{May be necessary to include this subsection in some cases.}
+\subsubsection{Data Constraints} \label{sec_DataConstraints}    
+Tables~\ref{TblInputVar} and \ref{TblOutputVar} show the data constraints on the
+input and output variables, respectively.  The column for physical constraints gives
+the physical limitations on the range of values that can be taken by the
+variable.  The column for software constraints restricts the range of inputs to
+reasonable values.  The constraints are conservative, to give the user of the
+model the flexibility to experiment with unusual situations.  The column of
+typical values is intended to provide a feel for a common scenario.  The
+uncertainty column provides an estimate of the confidence with which the
+physical quantities can be measured.  This information would be part of the
+input if one were performing an uncertainty quantification exercise.
+The specification parameters in Table~\ref{TblInputVar} are listed in
+  \caption{Input Variables} \label{TblInputVar}
+  \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}
+\noindent \begin{longtable*}{l l l l c} 
+  \toprule
+  \textbf{Var} & \textbf{Physical Constraints} & \textbf{Software Constraints} &
+                             \textbf{Typical Value} & \textbf{Uncertainty}\\
+  \midrule 
+  $L$ & $L > 0$ & $L_{\text{min}} \leq L \leq L_{\text{max}}$ & 1.5 \si[per-mode=symbol] {\metre} & 10\%
+  \\
+  \bottomrule
+\item[(*)] \wss{you might need to add some notes or clarifications}
+\caption{Specification Parameter Values} \label{TblSpecParams}
+\noindent \begin{longtable*}{l l} 
+  \toprule
+  \textbf{Var} & \textbf{Value} \\
+  \midrule 
+  $L_\text{min}$ & 0.1 \si{\metre}\\
+  \bottomrule
+\caption{Output Variables} \label{TblOutputVar}
+\noindent \begin{longtable*}{l l} 
+  \toprule
+  \textbf{Var} & \textbf{Physical Constraints} \\
+  \midrule 
+  $T_W$ & $T_\text{init} \leq T_W \leq T_C$ (by~\aref{A_charge})
+  \\
+  \bottomrule
-\subsection{Waiting Room}
+\subsubsection{Properties of a Correct Solution} \label{sec_CorrectSolution}
-\subsection{Ideas for Solutions}
+A correct solution must exhibit \wss{fill in the details}
+This section provides the functional requirements, the business tasks that the
+software is expected to complete, and the nonfunctional requirements, the
+qualities that the software is expected to exhibit.
+\subsection{Functional Requirements}
+\noindent \begin{itemize}
+\item[R\refstepcounter{reqnum}\thereqnum \label{R_Inputs}:] \wss{Requirements
+    for the inputs that are supplied by the user.  This information has to be
+    explicit.}
+\item[R\refstepcounter{reqnum}\thereqnum \label{R_OutputInputs}:] \wss{It isn't
+    always required, but often echoing the inputs as part of the output is a
+    good idea.}
+\item[R\refstepcounter{reqnum}\thereqnum \label{R_Calculate}:] \wss{Calculation
+    related requirements.}
+\item[R\refstepcounter{reqnum}\thereqnum \label{R_VerifyOutput}:]
+  \wss{Verification related requirements.}
+\item[R\refstepcounter{reqnum}\thereqnum \label{R_Output}:] \wss{Output related
+    requirements.}
+\subsection{Nonfunctional Requirements}
+\wss{List your nonfunctional requirements.  You may consider using a fit
+  criterion to make them verifiable.}
+\section{Likely Changes}    
+\noindent \begin{itemize}
+\item[LC\refstepcounter{lcnum}\thelcnum\label{LC_meaningfulLabel}:] \wss{Give
+    the likely changes, with a reference to the related assumption (aref), as appropriate.}
+\section{Traceability Matrices and Graphs}
+The purpose of the traceability matrices is to provide easy references on what
+has to be additionally modified if a certain component is changed.  Every time a
+component is changed, the items in the column of that component that are marked
+with an ``X'' may have to be modified as well.  Table~\ref{Table:trace} shows the
+dependencies of theoretical models, general definitions, data definitions, and
+instance models with each other. Table~\ref{Table:R_trace} shows the
+dependencies of instance models, requirements, and data constraints on each
+other. Table~\ref{Table:A_trace} shows the dependencies of theoretical models,
+general definitions, data definitions, instance models, and likely changes on
+the assumptions.
+\wss{You will have to modify these tables for your problem.}
+	& \aref{A_OnlyThermalEnergy}& \aref{A_hcoeff}& \aref{A_mixed}& \aref{A_tpcm}& \aref{A_const_density}& \aref{A_const_C}& \aref{A_Newt_coil}& \aref{A_tcoil}& \aref{A_tlcoil}& \aref{A_Newt_pcm}& \aref{A_charge}& \aref{A_InitTemp}& \aref{A_OpRangePCM}& \aref{A_OpRange}& \aref{A_htank}& \aref{A_int_heat}& \aref{A_vpcm}& \aref{A_PCM_state}& \aref{A_Pressure} \\
+\tref{T_COE}        & X& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\tref{T_SHE}        & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\tref{T_LHE}        & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\dref{NL}           & & X& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\dref{ROCT}         & & & X& X& X& X& & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{FluxCoil}    & & & & & & & X& X& X& & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{FluxPCM}     & & & X& X& & & & & & X& & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{D_HOF}       & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{D_MF}        & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\iref{ewat}         & & & & & & & & & & & X& X& & X& X& X& & & X \\ \hline
+\iref{epcm}         & & & & & & & & & & & & X& X& & & X& X& X& \\ \hline
+\iref{I_HWAT}       & & & & & & & & & & & & & & X& & & & & X \\ \hline
+\iref{I_HPCM}       & & & & & & & & & & & & & X& & & & & X & \\ \hline
+\lcref{LC_tpcm}     & & & & X& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\lcref{LC_tcoil}    & & & & & & & & X& & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\lcref{LC_tlcoil}   & & & & & & & & & X& & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\lcref{LC_charge}   & & & & & & & & & & & X& & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\lcref{LC_InitTemp} & & & & & & & & & & & & X& & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\lcref{LC_htank}    & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & X& & & & \\
+\caption{Traceability Matrix Showing the Connections Between Assumptions and Other Items}
+	& \tref{T_COE}& \tref{T_SHE}& \tref{T_LHE}& \dref{NL}& \dref{ROCT} & \ddref{FluxCoil}& \ddref{FluxPCM} & \ddref{D_HOF}& \ddref{D_MF}& \iref{ewat}& \iref{epcm}& \iref{I_HWAT}& \iref{I_HPCM} \\
+\tref{T_COE}     & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\tref{T_SHE}     & & & X& & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\tref{T_LHE}     & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\dref{NL}        & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\dref{ROCT}      & X& & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{FluxCoil} & & & & X& & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{FluxPCM}  & & & & X& & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{D_HOF}    & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\ddref{D_MF}     & & & & & & & & X& & & & & \\ \hline
+\iref{ewat}      & & & & & X& X& X& & & & X& & \\ \hline
+\iref{epcm}      & & & & & X& & X& & X& X& & & X \\ \hline
+\iref{I_HWAT}    & & X& & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\iref{I_HPCM}    & & X& X& & & & X& X& X& & X& & \\
+\caption{Traceability Matrix Showing the Connections Between Items of Different Sections}
+	& \iref{ewat}& \iref{epcm}& \iref{I_HWAT}& \iref{I_HPCM}& \ref{sec_DataConstraints}& \rref{R_RawInputs}& \rref{R_MassInputs} \\
+\iref{ewat}            & & X& & & & X& X \\ \hline
+\iref{epcm}            & X& & & X& & X& X \\ \hline
+\iref{I_HWAT}          & & & & & & X& X \\ \hline
+\iref{I_HPCM}          & & X& & & & X& X \\ \hline
+\rref{R_RawInputs}     & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_MassInputs}    & & & & & & X& \\ \hline
+\rref{R_CheckInputs}   & & & & & X& & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_OutputInputs}  & X& X& & & & X& X \\ \hline
+\rref{R_TempWater}     & X& & & & & & \\ \hline 
+\rref{R_TempPCM}       & & X& & & & & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_EnergyWater}   & & & X& & & & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_EnergyPCM}     & & & & X& & & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_VerifyOutput}  & & & X& X& & & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_timeMeltBegin} & & X& & & & & \\ \hline
+\rref{R_timeMeltEnd}   & & X& & & & & \\ 
+\caption{Traceability Matrix Showing the Connections Between Requirements and Instance Models}
+The purpose of the traceability graphs is also to provide easy references on
+what has to be additionally modified if a certain component is changed.  The
+arrows in the graphs represent dependencies. The component at the tail of an
+arrow is depended on by the component at the head of that arrow. Therefore, if a
+component is changed, the components that it points to should also be
+changed. Figure~\ref{Fig_ATrace} shows the dependencies of theoretical models,
+general definitions, data definitions, instance models, likely changes, and
+assumptions on each other. Figure~\ref{Fig_RTrace} shows the dependencies of
+instance models, requirements, and data constraints on each other.
+% \begin{figure}[h!]
+% 	\begin{center}
+% 		%\rotatebox{-90}
+% 		{
+% 			\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{ATrace.png}
+% 		}
+% 		\caption{\label{Fig_ATrace} Traceability Matrix Showing the Connections Between Items of Different Sections}
+% 	\end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+% \begin{figure}[h!]
+% 	\begin{center}
+% 		%\rotatebox{-90}
+% 		{
+% 			\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{RTrace.png}
+% 		}
+% 		\caption{\label{Fig_RTrace} Traceability Matrix Showing the Connections Between Requirements, Instance Models, and Data Constraints}
+% 	\end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+\bibliographystyle {plainnat}
+\bibliography {../../ReferenceMaterial/References}
-This section has been added to the Volere template.  This is where you can place
-additional information.
+\wss{Your report may require an appendix.  For instance, this is a good point to
+show the values of the symbolic parameters introduced in the report.}
 \subsection{Symbolic Parameters}
-The definition of the requirements will likely call for SYMBOLIC\_CONSTANTS.
-Their values are defined in this section for easy maintenance.
+\wss{The definition of the requirements will likely call for SYMBOLIC\_CONSTANTS.
+Their values are defined in this section for easy maintenance.}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bb1127eafc0cbb587ebe7411cfd67e49aa4c81a
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+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/ReferenceMaterial/References.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
+%% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/
+%% Created for Spencer Smith at 2017-09-14 11:47:28 -0400 
+%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) 
+	Author = {W. Spencer Smith and Lei Lai and Ridha Khedri},
+	Date-Added = {2017-09-14 15:47:22 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2017-09-14 15:47:22 +0000},
+	Journal = {Reliable Computing, Special Issue on Reliable Engineering Computation},
+	Local-Url = {/Users/smiths/Work/Research/Papers/ReliableComputing/SmithLaiAndKhedri2007fulltext.pdf},
+	Month = {February},
+	Number = {1},
+	Pages = {83--107},
+	Title = {Requirements Analysis for Engineering Computation: A Systematic Approach for Improving Software Reliability},
+	Volume = {13},
+	Year = {2007},
+	Address = {Paris, France},
+	Author = {W. Spencer Smith and Lei Lai},
+	Booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Situational Requirements Engineering Processes -- Methods, Techniques and Tools to Support Situation-Specific Requirements Engineering Processes, SREP'05},
+	Date-Added = {2017-09-14 15:47:18 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2017-09-14 15:47:18 +0000},
+	Editor = {J. Ralyt\'{e} and P. \.{A}gerfalk and N. Kraiem},
+	Local-Url = {file://localhost/Users/smiths/Work/Research/Papers/SREP05/SREP05_ReformatAndRevise/SmithAndLai_2005.pdf},
+	Organization = {In conjunction with 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference},
+	Pages = {107--121},
+	Title = {A New Requirements Template for Scientific Computing},
+	Year = {2005},
+	Author = {James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson},
+	Date-Added = {2016-09-22 13:54:40 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-09-22 14:01:42 +0000},
+	Edition = {16},
+	Publisher = {Atlantic Systems Guild Limited},
+	Title = {Volere Requirements Specification Template},
+	Year = {2012}}
+	Author = {David L. Parnas and P.C. Clements},
+	Date-Added = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
+	Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
+	Number = {2},
+	Pages = {251--257},
+	Title = {A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake it},
+	Volume = {12},
+	Year = {February 1986},