var setColor = "#79A6D8" var fullBoard = [[], [], []]; var winningSet = null; fullBoard[0][0] = null; fullBoard[0][1] = null; fullBoard[0][2] = null; fullBoard[1][0] = null; fullBoard[1][1] = null; fullBoard[1][2] = null; fullBoard[2][0] = null; fullBoard[2][1] = null; fullBoard[2][2] = null; var win = null; /** * Will start the game and initialize the variables */ function startGame() { document.turn = "X"; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { document.turn = "O"; } setMessage(document.turn + " gets to start."); //creating a click listener for each element var squares = document.getElementsByClassName("Square"); for (var s = 0; s < squares.length; s++){ squares[s].addEventListener('click',nextMove,false); } } /** * DIsplay the status message * @param{string} - The message to display */ function setMessage(msg) { document.getElementById("message").innerText = msg; } /** * Button to show and hide the rules */ function switchVisible() { if (document.getElementById('HideRules')) { if (document.getElementById('HideRules').style.display == 'none') { document.getElementById('HideRules').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('ShowRules').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("Button1").value="Show Rules"; } else { document.getElementById('HideRules').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('ShowRules').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById("Button1").value="Hide Rules"; } } } /** * Called when the player makes a move */ function nextMove() { square = this; // console.log(; if (win == null) { // if tile is empty if (square.innerText == "") { // Print move to board square.innerText = document.turn; // log player move. // console.log("player: " + document.turn + " Played at: " + + " || " +; // display as last move // document.getElementById("sirep").innerText = "last move: " + + " || " +; // Check if win then change turn checkCompletedBoard(square); changeColour(square); switchTurn(); } } else { console.log('Game over'); } } // alternates player turn function switchTurn() { if (document.turn == "X") { document.turn = "O"; } else { document.turn = "X"; } setMessage("It's " + document.turn + "'s turn!"); } function changeColour(square) { var boardID; var tileID =; tileID = tileID.substring(2); // set Next move's playable region boardID switch (tileID) { case "s1": boardID = 'B00'; break; case "s2": boardID = 'B01'; break; case "s3": boardID = 'B02'; break; case "s4": boardID = 'B10'; break; case "s5": boardID = 'B11'; break; case "s6": boardID = 'B12'; break; case "s7": boardID = 'B20'; break; case "s8": boardID = 'B21'; break; case "s9": boardID = 'B22'; break; } if (win == null) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fullBoard[boardID.charAt(1)][boardID.charAt(2)] != null) { if (fullBoard[i][j] == null) { // set all backgound colour document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.backgroundColor = setColor; // set whole board clickable document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; } else { // set all backgound colour document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.backgroundColor = 'none'; // set whole board clickable document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } } else { if (fullBoard[i][j] == null) { // set all backgound colour document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.backgroundColor = 'white'; // set whole board clickable document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } // set playable region backgound colour to indicate active area. document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = setColor; // set region clickable document.getElementById(boardID).style.pointerEvents = 'auto' } } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fullBoard[i][j] == null) { document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.backgroundColor = 'white'; } document.getElementById("B" + i + j).style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } } } } function checkCompletedBoard(square) { var color = null; if (square.innerText == 'O') { color = 'red' } else { color = 'pink'; } //id of the inner board var boardID =; //the inner board element var boardTable = document.getElementById(boardID).children[0].children[0].children; //getting the inner board as a 2d array var innerBoard = getBoard(boardTable); //identifying the col and row of the innerBoard in terms of the fullBoard var row = boardID.charAt(1); var col = boardID.charAt(2); // row 1 if (innerBoard[0][0] == square.innerText && innerBoard [0][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard[0][2] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } //row 2 else if (innerBoard[1][0] == square.innerText && innerBoard [1][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard[1][2] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } //row 3 else if (innerBoard[2][0] == square.innerText && innerBoard [2][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard[2][2] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } //col 1 else if (innerBoard[0][0] == square.innerText && innerBoard [1][0] == square.innerText && innerBoard[2][0] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } //col 2 else if (innerBoard[0][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard [1][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard[2][1] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } //col 3 else if (innerBoard[0][2] == square.innerText && innerBoard [1][2] == square.innerText && innerBoard[2][2] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } // diagonal else if (innerBoard[0][0] == square.innerText && innerBoard [1][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard[2][2] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } //diagonal else if (innerBoard[0][2] == square.innerText && innerBoard [1][1] == square.innerText && innerBoard[2][0] == square.innerText) { //changing the color of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).style.backgroundColor = color; //changing the label of the inner board to show a win document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = document.turn; //indicating on the full board that the inner board is won fullBoard[row][col] = square.innerText; // console.log(fullBoard) } else { var flag = true; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (innerBoard[i][j] == "") { flag = false; break; } } } if (flag) { fullBoard[row][col] = "-"; // console.log(fullBoard) document.getElementById(boardID).innerHTML = "-"; } } win = checkWin(); } function checkWin() { var winner; var winLine; // row 1 if (fullBoard[0][0] == fullBoard[0][1] && fullBoard[0][0] == fullBoard[0][2] && fullBoard[0][0] != null) { winner = fullBoard[0][0]; // setMessage(fullBoard[0][0] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[0][0] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['00', '01', '02']; } //row 2 else if (fullBoard[1][0] == fullBoard[1][1] && fullBoard[1][0] == fullBoard[1][2] && fullBoard[1][0] != null) { winner = fullBoard[1][0]; // setMessage(fullBoard[1][0] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[1][0] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['10', '11', '12']; } //row 3 else if (fullBoard[2][0] == fullBoard[2][1] && fullBoard[2][0] == fullBoard[2][2] && fullBoard[2][0] != null) { winner = fullBoard[2][0]; // setMessage(fullBoard[2][0] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[2][0] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['20', '21', '22']; } //col 1 else if (fullBoard[0][0] == fullBoard[1][0] && fullBoard[0][0] == fullBoard[2][0] && fullBoard[0][0] != null) { winner = fullBoard[0][0]; // setMessage(fullBoard[0][0] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[0][0] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['00', '10', '20']; } //col 2 else if (fullBoard[0][1] == fullBoard[1][1] && fullBoard[0][1] == fullBoard[2][1] && fullBoard[0][1] != null) { winner = fullBoard[0][1]; // setMessage(fullBoard[0][1] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[0][1] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['01', '11', '21']; } //col 3 else if (fullBoard[0][2] == fullBoard[1][2] && fullBoard[0][2] == fullBoard[2][2] && fullBoard[0][2] != null) { winner = fullBoard[0][2]; // setMessage(fullBoard[0][2] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[0][2] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['02', '12', '22']; } // diagonal else if (fullBoard[0][0] == fullBoard[1][1] && fullBoard[0][0] == fullBoard[2][2] && fullBoard[0][0] != null) { winner = fullBoard[0][0]; // setMessage(fullBoard[0][0] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[0][0] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['00', '11', '22']; } //diagonal else if (fullBoard[0][2] == fullBoard[1][1] && fullBoard[0][2] == fullBoard[2][0] && fullBoard[0][2] != null) { winner = fullBoard[0][2]; // setMessage(fullBoard[0][2] + " wins the game!!!"); window.alert(fullBoard[0][2] + " wins the game!!!"); winningSet = ['02', '11', '20']; } if (winningSet != null) { for (var i = 0; i < winningSet.length; i++) { // set all backgound colour document.getElementById("B" + winningSet[i].charAt(0) + winningSet[i].charAt(1)).style.backgroundColor = 'green'; // set whole board clickable document.getElementById("B" + winningSet[i].charAt(0) + winningSet[i].charAt(1)).style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } } return winner; } function getBoard(boardTable) { var innerBoard = [[], [], []]; for (var i = 0; i < boardTable.length; i++) { //get the row element var row = boardTable[i].children; for (var j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { //get the inner text of every element and put it in a 2d array innerBoard[i][j] = row[j].innerText; } } return innerBoard; } // })(); // console.log(fullBoard);