diff --git a/Lectures/Deadlines.tex b/Lectures/Deadlines.tex
index 0f6c7e19e76603cf0590f25538769e56e12c9546..1505c8d4ef5e5367aeb45c13310f7263c82d25d4 100644
--- a/Lectures/Deadlines.tex
+++ b/Lectures/Deadlines.tex
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 \begin{tabular}{l l l}
 %{Problem Statement} & Week 02 & Jan 17\\
 %{System Req.\ Spec.\ (SRS)} & Week 04 & Feb 05\\
-\textbf{System VnV Plan} & Week 06 & Feb 26\\
+%\textbf{System VnV Plan} & Week 06 & Feb 26\\
 {MG + MIS} & Week 10 & Mar 19\\
 %{Drasil Code} & Week 09 & Mar 14\\
 {Final Documentation} & Week 13 & Apr 11\\
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ traditional SRS
 \begin{tabular}{l l}
 %{SRS} & Week 03/04\\
-\textbf{Syst.\ VnV} & Week 06\\
-{POC Demo} & Week 08\\
+%\textbf{Syst.\ VnV} & Week 06\\
+%{POC Demo} & Week 08\\
 {MG + MIS} & Week 10\\
 %Drasil & Week 11 \\
 Unit VnV/Implement & Week 12 \\
@@ -69,15 +69,15 @@ take it personally
 % \item {Feb 4: Alaap, Yinying}
 % \ei
-\item Syst V\&V Plan Present (L11, L12) (20 min)
+%\item Syst V\&V Plan Present (L11, L12) (20 min)
 % \bi
 % \item \textbf{Feb 14: Qianlin, Junwei, Joe, Volunteer?}
 % \item \textbf{Feb 25: Yinying, Bo, Hussein, Volunteer?}
 % \ei
-\item Proof of Concept Demonstrations (L14) (20 min)
-\item \textbf{Mar 4:  Christopher, Uriel,  Volunteer?, Volunteer?}
+%\item Proof of Concept Demonstrations (L14) (20 min)
+%\item \textbf{Mar 4:  Christopher, Uriel,  Volunteer?, Volunteer?}
 \item MG+MIS Present (L17, L18) (20 minutes)  %(Drasil SRS Code)
 \item \textbf{Mar 14: Ziyang, Aliyah, Yuanqi, Alaap}
diff --git a/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.pdf b/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.pdf
index 421d60fc17b17f41baa381b18e2a60f2874a12b9..30a6826147a51697a1e528defbd428f86d85554e 100644
Binary files a/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.pdf and b/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.pdf differ
diff --git a/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.tex b/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.tex
index 6a6d6b4e35cf2e0af0ff47700dd3a298e11ac9f5..b8eb66cac1af0069fad171b3724432bb443824a1 100755
--- a/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.tex
+++ b/Lectures/L15_MIS/MIS.tex
@@ -45,11 +45,10 @@
 \frametitle{Module Interface Specification (MIS)}
 \item Administrative details
 \item Questions?
-%\item Finish previous day slides
-\item Module guide example
+%\item Module guide example
+\item Mathematical fundamentals
 \item MIS example
 \item Integration testing
 \item MIS overview
@@ -67,28 +66,12 @@
 \frametitle{Administrative Details}
-% \item When developing your code, remember that your goal is for someone else to
-%   be able to compile and run it
-% \item Upcoming classes
-% \bi
-% \item L15 - Module Interface Specification
-% \item L16 - Math Review + MIS
-% \item L17 - POC + MG Presentations
-% \item L18 - MIS Presentations
-% \ei
-\item Friday's class in ITB/201
-\item Mathematical review
-  \item \cite{HoffmanAndStrooper1995}
-  \item \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/smiths/cas741/-/tree/master/Lectures/MathReviewPlusExample} {Review Slides}
-  \item \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/smiths/se2aa4_cs2me3/-/blob/master/MISFormat/MISFormat.pdf} {MIS Format}
 \item Potential software for drawing figures
 \item \href{https://app.diagrams.net/} {draw.io}
 \item \href{https://www.bu.edu/math/files/2013/08/tikzpgfmanual.pdf} {Tikz} 
-\item Go over final grading rubric, traceability Rev0 to Rev1
+%\item Go over final grading rubric, traceability Rev0 to Rev1
@@ -142,10 +125,29 @@
-\item Math notation (stoichiometry example on Friday)
-\item GUI modules (environment variables)
+\item Math notation
+\item Modules with external interaction (environment variables)
 \item Types of modules
 \item Abstract Data Types (graph example)
+\item Qualities of an interface
+\item Design patterns
+  \item Adapter (Wrapper) pattern
+  \item Strategy pattern
+\frametitle{Mathematical review}
+  \item Hoffman and Strooper (1995) \cite{HoffmanAndStrooper1995}
+  \item \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/smiths/se2aa4_cs2me3/-/blob/master/MISFormat/MISFormat.pdf} {MIS Format}
+  \item \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/smiths/cas741/-/tree/master/Lectures/MathReviewPlusExample} {Stoichiometry Example} %not a great approach, can tell by bad names
+  \item MoleculeT = seq[108] of $\mathbb{N}$
diff --git a/Lectures/L16_MISContinued/MISContinued.tex b/Lectures/L16_MISContinued/MISContinued.tex
index d33344386de02eb5db0eb316b8ac9d7b5e1c7c1a..ff2b083a07cb4a45dbeb301226689013ea383b67 100755
--- a/Lectures/L16_MISContinued/MISContinued.tex
+++ b/Lectures/L16_MISContinued/MISContinued.tex
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 \frametitle{MIS Continued}
 \item Administrative details
 \item Questions?
 \item Review: Records, Libraries, ADTs, Abstract Objects, Generic ADTs