diff --git a/Repos.csv b/Repos.csv
index 56f4da372bb5b84db108e3094cf90917e296dee8..975f48658364465cc4b04e052fe6dbc16fa2de16 100644
--- a/Repos.csv
+++ b/Repos.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Num, Last Name, First Name, e-mail, GitHub ID, Supervisor, Project Name, Project Topic, Traditional or Drasil or Other, Research Project (Yes or No), Extra, GitHub Repos url, Branch, Prob State Approval?, Domain Expert Reviewer, 
 0, Last Name, First Name, email@mcmaster.ca, githubid, Dr. X, projName, Project Title, traditional or Drasil, Yes/No, Usability study or user manual or code walkthrough or formal proof or other, https://github.com/..., branch, Yes/No, name,
 1, Tran, Phillip, tranp30@mcmaster.ca, ptrandev, Dr. Denise Geiskkovitch, OCRacle, Optical Character Recognition for Latin Alphabet Characters, Traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/ptrandev/OCRacle, main, TBD, TBD,
-2, Ziyang, Fang,fangz58@mcmaster.ca,FangZiyang,Dr. Spencer Smith,polar-bear-robot,Robot kinematics and dynamics software,traditional,No,User manual, https://github.com/FangZiyang/CAS741-Ryan, main,TBD,TBD,
-3, Lin, Junwei, lin523@mcmaster.ca,Lychee-acaca,Dr. Shiva Kumar,RwaveDetection,ECG signal processing and R-wave detection,traditional,No,User manual, https://github.com/Lychee-acaca/CAS741, main,TBD,TBD,
+2, Fang, Ziyang, fangz58@mcmaster.ca, FangZiyang, Dr. Spencer Smith, polar-bear-robot, Robot kinematics and dynamics software, traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/FangZiyang/CAS741-Ryan, main, TBD, TBD,
+3, Lin, Junwei, lin523@mcmaster.ca, Lychee-acaca, Dr. Shiva Kumar, RwaveDetection, ECG signal processing and R-wave detection, traditional, No,User manual, https://github.com/Lychee-acaca/CAS741, main, TBD, TBD,
 4, Jimoh, Aliyah, jimoha1@mcmaster.ca, AliyahJimoh, Dr. Matthew Giamou, 2D-Localizer, 2-D Localization for Mobile Robots, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/AliyahJimoh/2D-Localizer, main, TBD, TBD, 
 5, Singh, Kiran, singhk56@mcmaster.ca, KiranSingh15, Dr. Matthew Giamou, CAS-741-Image-Correspondences, Image Feature Correspondences for Camera Calibration, traditional, Yes, User Manual, https://github.com/KiranSingh15/CAS-741-Image-Correspondences, main, TBD, TBD,
 6, Ahmadi, Yasmin, ahmady3@mcmaster.ca, YasminAhmadi, Dr. Christian Brodbeck, NeuroMap, Integration of Predictive Algorithms for Mapping to Neural Activity, Traditional, Yes, User manual, https://github.com/YasminAhmadi/CAS-741, main, TBD, TBD,
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ Num, Last Name, First Name, e-mail, GitHub ID, Supervisor, Project Name, Project
 8, Xue, Yuanqi, xuey45@mcmaster.ca, Yuanqi-X, Dr.Lingyang Chu, UMD, Unsupervised Motif Discovery, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/Yuanqi-X/CAS751-project, main, TBD, TBD,
 9, Garcilazo Cruz, Uriel, garcilau@mcmaster.ca, UGarCil, Dr. Alejandro Vargas Hernandez, Multiple sequence alignment, Optimizing the alignment of gene sequential data using greedy algorithms, Traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/UGarCil/UGarcil_capstone, main, No, TBD, 
 10, Saad, Hussein, saadh@mcmaster.ca, husseinsd1, Dr. Matthew Giamou, optimal-em-arrangement, Optimal actuator positioning for electromagnetic actuation systems, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/husseinsd1/optimal-em-arrangement, main, TBD, TBD,
-11, Yinying, Huo, huoy8@mcmaster.ca, V-AS, Dr. Sivan Sabato, Two-tower-recommentation-system, A Two-tower embeddings recommendation system for book recommendation, Traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/V-AS/Two-tower-recommender-system, main, TBD, TBD
+11, Huo, Yinying, huoy8@mcmaster.ca, V-AS, Dr. Sivan Sabato, Two-tower-recommentation-system, A Two-tower embeddings recommendation system for book recommendation, Traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/V-AS/Two-tower-recommender-system, main, TBD, TBD
 12, Pignier, Baptiste, pignierb@mcmaster.ca, BaptistePignier, N/A, CAS741-GameOfLife, Continuous version of Conway's Game of Life , traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/BaptistePignier/CAS741-GameOfLife, main, TBD, TBD,
 13, Chen, Qianlin, chenq84@mcmaster.ca, marischan888, Dr. Anand Christopher, Computed-Tomography-Image-Reconstruction, Processing CT image reconstruction with filtering techniques, traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/marischan888/Computed-Tomography-Image-Reconstruction, main, TBD, TBD,
 14, Gosh, Ananda Mohon, , , , , , , , , , , TBD, TBD,
 15, Grandhi, Alaap, , , , , , , , , , , TBD, TBD,
 16, Liang, Bo, , , , , , , , , , , TBD, TBD,
-17, Ye, Joe,yex33@mcmaster.ca, yex33,Dr. Ned Nedialkov, MPIR,A sparse linear solver for quasi-definite matrices using iterative refinement in mixed precision,traditional,Yes,N/A,https://github.com/yex33/MPIR, main, TBD, TBD,
+17, Ye, Joe, yex33@mcmaster.ca, yex33, Dr. Ned Nedialkov, MPIR, A sparse linear solver for quasi-definite matrices using iterative refinement in mixed precision, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/yex33/MPIR, main, TBD, TBD,
 18, You, Yuchen, , , , , , , , , , , TBD, TBD,