diff --git a/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.pdf b/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.pdf
index 209eb4210669fb638dc9f9711d6f7c25246f993d..af87a607451215006885113df11e9a95db68358a 100644
Binary files a/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.pdf and b/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.pdf differ
diff --git a/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.tex b/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.tex
index 4b461bcd691b12d2fa104d13363c0c4132d616ff..300e8d77d4c0267b6c39443dad904baad66f3c6b 100755
--- a/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.tex
+++ b/Lectures/L14_MIS/MIS.tex
@@ -146,14 +146,36 @@ Room for more volunteers.  :-)
+% \begin{frame}
+% \frametitle{Finish Previous Day's Discussion}
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Static Definition of Uses Relation
+% \item Module Guide
+% \item MG Template
+% \item MG Verification
+% \item OO versus modular
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{frame}
-\frametitle{Finish Previous Day's Discussion}
+\frametitle{MG + MIS Syntax Presentations}
+\item MG
+\item Decomposition by secrets
+\item Interesting module secrets
+\item Uses relationship
+\item MIS Syntax
-\item Static Definition of Uses Relation
-\item Module Guide
-\item MG Template
-\item MG Verification
-\item OO versus modular
+\item Access routine syntax (types of inputs and outputs)
+\item State variables
+\item Environment variables
+\item Likely better to discuss MG secret together with MIS syntax
+\item Not necessary to cover all details
@@ -772,6 +794,64 @@ seq\_init():
+\frametitle{Examples of Modules \cite{GhezziEtAl2003}}
+\item \structure{Record}
+\item Consists of only data
+\item Has state but no behaviour
+\item \structure{Collection of related procedures (library)}
+\item Has behaviour but no state
+\item Procedural abstractions
+% like many routines in a scientific computing library
+\item \structure{Abstract object}
+\item Consists of data (\structure{fields}) and procedures (\structure{methods})
+\item Consists of a collection of \structure{constructors},
+  \structure{selectors}, and \structure{mutators}
+\item Has state and behaviour
+\frametitle{Examples of Modules Continued}
+\item \structure{Abstract data type (ADT)}
+\item Consists of a collection of abstract objects and a collection of
+  procedures that can be applied to them
+\item Defines the set of possible values for the type and the associated
+  procedures that manipulate instances of the type
+\item Encapsulates the details of the implementation of the type
+\item \structure{Generic Modules}
+\item A single abstract description for a family of abstract objects or ADTs
+\item Parameterized by type
+\item Eliminates the need for writing similar specifications for modules that
+  only differ in their type information
+\item A generic module facilitates specification of a stack of integers, stack
+  of strings, stack of stacks etc.