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-# Makefile
-# From https://danielkaes.wordpress.com/2009/03/14/compiling-latex-documents-using-makefiles/
-	rm -f *.dvi *.log *.bak *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ps *.eps *.pdf *.toc *.out *~
-	rm -f *.log *.bak *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.toc *.out *.lof *.lot *~
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-# Test Plan
-The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
-Describe ...
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-    linkcolor=blue,
-    citecolor=blue,
-    filecolor=blue,
-    urlcolor=blue,
-    unicode=false}
-\title{SRS and CA Checklist}
-\author{Spencer Smith}
-% Show an item is done by   \item[\done] Frame the problem
-% Show an item will not be fixed by   \item[\wontfix] profit
-\item Follows the template, all parts present
-  \begin{todolist}
-  \item Table of contents
-  \item Pages are numbered
-  \item Revision history included for major revisions
-  \item Sections from template are all present
-  \item Values of auxiliary constants are given (constants are used to improve
-    maintainability and to increase understandability)
-  \end{todolist}
-\item Grammar, spelling, presentation
-  \begin{todolist}
-  \item No spelling mistakes (use a spell checker!)
-  \item No grammar mistakes (review, ask someone else to review (at least a few
-    sections))
-  \item Paragraphs are structured well (clear topic sentence, cohesive)
-  \item Paragraphs are concise (not wordy)
-  \item No Low Information Content (LIC) phrases
-    (\href{https://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/range357/extra-refs/empty-words.htm}{List
-      of LIC phrases})
-  \item All hyperlinks work
-  \item Every figure has a caption
-  \item Every table has a heading
-  \item Symbolic names are used for quantities, rather than literal values
-  \end{todolist}
-\item LaTeX
-  \begin{todolist}
-  \item Template comments (plt) do not show in the pdf version, either by
-    removing them, or by turning them off.
-  \item References and labels are used so that maintenance is feasible
-\item Overall qualities of documentation
-\item Specific programming language is listed
-\item Specific linter tool is listed (if appropriate)
-\item Specific coding standard is given
-\item Specific unit testing framework is given
-\item Investigation of code coverage measuring tools
-\item Specific plans for Continuous Integration (CI), or an explanation that CI
-  is not being done
-\item Specific performance measuring tools listed (like Valgrind), if
-  appropriate
-\item Very careful use of random testing
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-\documentclass[12pt, titlepage]{article}
-    colorlinks,
-    citecolor=blue,
-    filecolor=black,
-    linkcolor=red,
-    urlcolor=blue
-\title{Project Title: Unit Verification and Validation Plan for \progname{}} 
-\author{Author Name}
-\section{Revision History}
-\toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes}\\
-Date 1 & 1.0 & Notes\\
-Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\
-\wss{Do not include if not relevant}
-\wss{Do not include if not relevant}
-\section{Symbols, Abbreviations and Acronyms}
-\begin{tabular}{l l} 
-  \toprule		
-  \textbf{symbol} & \textbf{description}\\
-  \midrule 
-  T & Test\\
-  \bottomrule
-\wss{symbols, abbreviations or acronyms -- you can reference the SRS
-  \citep{SRS}, MG or MIS tables if needed}
-This document ... \wss{provide an introductory blurb and roadmap of the
-  unit V\&V plan}
-\wss{If content in this document is already covered in the VnV System plan, you
-  do not have to repeat it.}
-\section{General Information}
-\wss{Identify software that is being unit tested (verified).}
-\wss{What modules are outside of the scope.  If there are modules that are
-  developed by someone else, then you would say here if you aren't planning on
-  verifying them.  There may also be modules that are part of your software, but
-  have a lower priority for verification than others.  If this is the case,
-  explain your rationale for the ranking of module importance.}
-\subsection{Verification and Validation Team}
-\wss{You, your classmates and the course instructor.  Maybe your supervisor.}
-\subsection{Automated Testing and Verification Tools}
-\wss{What tools are you using for automated testing.  Likely a unit testing
-  framework and maybe a profiling tool, like ValGrind.  Other possible tools
-  include a static analyzer, make, continuous integration tools, test coverage
-  tools, etc.  Explain your plans for summarizing code coverage metrics.
-  Linters are another important class of tools.  For the programming language
-  you select, you should look at the available linters.  There may also be tools
-  that verify that coding standards have been respected, like flake9 for
-  Python.}
-\subsection{Non-Testing Based Verification}
-\wss{List any approaches like code inspection, code walkthrough, symbolic
-  execution etc.  Enter not applicable if you do not plan on any non-testing
-  based verification.}
-\section{Unit Test Description}
-\wss{Reference your MIS and explain your overall philosophy for test case
-  selection.}
-\subsection{Tests for Functional Requirements}
-\wss{Most of the verification will be through automated unit testing.  If
-  appropriate specific modules can be verified by a non-testing based
-  technique.  That can also be documented in this section.}
-\subsubsection{Module 1}
-\wss{Include a blurb here to explain why the subsections below cover the module.
-  References to the MIS would be good.  You will want tests from a black box
-  perspective and from a white box perspective.  Explain to the reader how the
-  tests were selected.}
-Type: \wss{Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Automatic, Static etc. Most will
-  be automatic}
-Initial State: 
-Output: \wss{The expected result for the given inputs}
-Test Case Derivation: \wss{Justify the expected value given in the Output field}
-How test will be performed: 
-Type: \wss{Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Automatic, Static etc. Most will
-  be automatic}
-Initial State: 
-Output: \wss{The expected result for the given inputs}
-Test Case Derivation: \wss{Justify the expected value given in the Output field}
-How test will be performed: 
-\subsubsection{Module 2}
-\subsection{Tests for Nonfunctional Requirements}
-\wss{If there is a module that needs to be independently assessed for
-  performance, those test cases can go here.  In some projects, planning for
-  nonfunctional tests of units will not be that relevant.}
-\wss{These tests may involve collecting performance data from previously
-  mentioned functional tests.}
-\subsubsection{Module ?}
-Type: \wss{Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Automatic, Static etc. Most will
-  be automatic}
-Initial State: 
-How test will be performed: 
-Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
-Initial State: 
-How test will be performed: 
-\subsubsection{Module ?}
-\subsection{Traceability Between Test Cases and Modules}
-\wss{Provide evidence that all of the modules have been considered.}
-\wss{This is where you can place additional information, as appropriate}
-\subsection{Symbolic Parameters}
-\wss{The definition of the test cases may call for SYMBOLIC\_CONSTANTS.
-Their values are defined in this section for easy maintenance.}
\ No newline at end of file
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index b799dd213bdb40d706e4025da764674957748539..de232a5e145a3c6937dca8230befbfde9a3651e5 100644
--- a/BlankProjectTemplate/docs/VnVPlan/VnVPlan.tex
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/docs/VnVPlan/VnVPlan.tex
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
@@ -113,6 +113,19 @@ This document ... \wss{provide an introductory blurb and roadmap of the
   the implementation.  Potential techniques include code walkthroughs, code
   inspection, static analyzers, etc.}
+\subsection{Automated Testing and Verification Tools}
+\wss{What tools are you using for automated testing.  Likely a unit testing
+  framework and maybe a profiling tool, like ValGrind.  Other possible tools
+  include a static analyzer, make, continuous integration tools, test coverage
+  tools, etc.  Explain your plans for summarizing code coverage metrics.
+  Linters are another important class of tools.  For the programming language
+  you select, you should look at the available linters.  There may also be tools
+  that verify that coding standards have been respected, like flake9 for
+  Python.}
+\wss{The details of this section will likely evolve as you get closer to the
+  implementation.}
 \subsection{Software Validation Plan}
 \wss{If there is any external data that can be used for validation, you should
@@ -224,10 +237,126 @@ How test will be performed:
 \wss{Provide a table that shows which test cases are supporting which
+\section{Unit Test Description}
+\wss{Reference your MIS and explain your overall philosophy for test case
+  selection.}  
+\wss{This section should not be filled in until after the MIS has
+  been completed.}
+\subsection{Unit Testing Scope}
+\wss{What modules are outside of the scope.  If there are modules that are
+  developed by someone else, then you would say here if you aren't planning on
+  verifying them.  There may also be modules that are part of your software, but
+  have a lower priority for verification than others.  If this is the case,
+  explain your rationale for the ranking of module importance.}
+\subsection{Tests for Functional Requirements}
+\wss{Most of the verification will be through automated unit testing.  If
+  appropriate specific modules can be verified by a non-testing based
+  technique.  That can also be documented in this section.}
+\subsubsection{Module 1}
+\wss{Include a blurb here to explain why the subsections below cover the module.
+  References to the MIS would be good.  You will want tests from a black box
+  perspective and from a white box perspective.  Explain to the reader how the
+  tests were selected.}
+Type: \wss{Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Automatic, Static etc. Most will
+  be automatic}
+Initial State: 
+Output: \wss{The expected result for the given inputs}
+Test Case Derivation: \wss{Justify the expected value given in the Output field}
+How test will be performed: 
+Type: \wss{Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Automatic, Static etc. Most will
+  be automatic}
+Initial State: 
+Output: \wss{The expected result for the given inputs}
+Test Case Derivation: \wss{Justify the expected value given in the Output field}
+How test will be performed: 
+\subsubsection{Module 2}
+\subsection{Tests for Nonfunctional Requirements}
+\wss{If there is a module that needs to be independently assessed for
+  performance, those test cases can go here.  In some projects, planning for
+  nonfunctional tests of units will not be that relevant.}
+\wss{These tests may involve collecting performance data from previously
+  mentioned functional tests.}
+\subsubsection{Module ?}
+Type: \wss{Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Automatic, Static etc. Most will
+  be automatic}
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+\subsubsection{Module ?}
+\subsection{Traceability Between Test Cases and Modules}
+\wss{Provide evidence that all of the modules have been considered.}