diff --git a/Repos.csv b/Repos.csv
index 53670d12bd0bd7c61ceb16a9f74c43bbd706aee5..a9f73218428e5ecda51dcb4e72ea8c25752eb233 100644
--- a/Repos.csv
+++ b/Repos.csv
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ Num, Last Name, First Name, e-mail, GitHub ID, Supervisor, Project Name, Project
 7, Schankula, Christopher, schankuc@mcmaster.ca, CSchank, Dr. Spencer Smith and Dr. Jacques Carette, Drasil Tensors,"Adding Tensors, Matrices, and Vectors to Drasil", Other (Meta-Drasil), Yes, Possible research or arXiv paper, https://github.com/CSchank/TensorCodeGen, main, No, TBD,
 8, Xue, Yuanqi, xuey45@mcmaster.ca, Yuanqi-X, Dr.Lingyang Chu, UMD, Unsupervised Motif Discovery, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/Yuanqi-X/CAS751-project, main, TBD, TBD,
 9, Garcilazo Cruz, Uriel, garcilau@mcmaster.ca, UGarCil, Dr. Alejandro Vargas Hernandez, Multiple sequence alignment, Optimizing the alignment of gene sequential data using greedy algorithms, Traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/UGarCil/UGarcil_capstone, main, No, TBD, 
-10, Saad, Hussein, saadh@mcmaster.ca, husseinsd1, Dr. Matthew Giamou, optimal-em-arrangement, Optimal actuator positioning for electromagnetic actuation systems, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/husseinsd1/optimal-em-arrangement, main, TBD, TBD,
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+10, Saad, Hussein, saadh@mcmaster.ca, husseinsd1, Dr. Matthew Giamou, optimal-em-arrangement, Optimal actuator positioning for electromagnetic actuation systems, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/husseinsd1/optimal-em-arrangement, main, TBD, TBD,
+11, Yinying, Huo, huoy8@mcmaster.ca, V-AS, Dr. Sivan Sabato, Two-tower-recommentation-system, A Two-tower embeddings recommentation system for book recommendation, Traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/V-AS/Two-tower-recommender-system, main, TBD, TBD
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