diff --git a/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.pdf b/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.pdf
index 964b8b072bb8c45bcd89f50fcbfeefa097750bee..5cac2c3bc60a9fa20eb68a70766d0d6083f295b6 100644
Binary files a/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.pdf and b/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.pdf differ
diff --git a/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.tex b/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.tex
index fbc0dedcd6b2abde9155d35946c95096fe10e1ad..3d30f2109bf3a0b57297e4c6f9416e71b098fc0d 100755
--- a/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.tex
+++ b/CourseOutline/CAS741_Outline.tex
@@ -293,4 +293,63 @@ during the term and to note any changes.  Your McMaster e-mail is the
 one with the address ending in \texttt{@mcmaster.ca}.  This is a
 separate e-mail address from your Avenue address.
+\subsection*{Conduct Expectations}
+As a McMaster graduate student, you have the right to experience, and the
+responsibility to demonstrate, respectful and dignified interactions within all
+of our living, learning and working communities. These expectations are
+described in the Code of Student Rights \& Responsibilities (the ``Code''). All
+students share the responsibility of maintaining a positive environment for the
+academic and personal growth of all McMaster community members, whether in
+person or online.
+It is essential that students be mindful of their interactions online, as the
+Code remains in effect in virtual learning environments. The Code applies to any
+interactions that adversely affect, disrupt, or interfere with reasonable
+participation in University activities. Student disruptions or behaviours that
+interfere with university functions on online platforms (e.g. use of Avenue 2
+Learn, WebEx or Zoom for delivery), will be taken very seriously and will be
+investigated. Outcomes may include restriction or removal of the involved
+students’ access to these platforms.
+\subsection*{Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities}
+Students with disabilities who require academic accommodation must contact
+Student Accessibility Services (SAS) at 905-525-9140 ext. 28652 or
+sas@mcmaster.ca to make arrangements with a Program Coordinator. For further
+information, consult McMaster University’s Academic Accommodation of Students
+with Disabilities policy. 
+\subsection*{Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous or Spiritual
+  Observations (RISO)}
+Students requiring academic accommodation based on religious, indigenous or
+spiritual observances should follow the procedures set out in the RISO
+policy. Students should submit their request to their Faculty Office normally
+within 10 working days of the beginning of term in which they anticipate a need
+for accommodation or to the Registrar's Office prior to their
+examinations. Students should also contact their instructors as soon as possible
+to make alternative arrangements for classes, assignments, and tests.
+\subsection*{Copyright and Recording}
+Students are advised that lectures, demonstrations, performances, and any other
+course material provided by an instructor include copyright protected works. The
+Copyright Act and copyright law protect every original literary, dramatic,
+musical and artistic work, including lectures by University instructors
+The recording of lectures, tutorials, or other methods of instruction may occur
+during a course. Recording may be done by either the instructor for the purpose
+of authorized distribution, or by a student for the purpose of personal
+study. Students should be aware that their voice and/or image may be recorded by
+others during the class. Please speak with the instructor if this is a concern
+for you.
+\subsection*{Extreme Circumstances} 
+The University reserves the right to change the dates and deadlines for any or
+all courses in extreme circumstances (e.g., severe weather, labour disruptions,
+etc.). Changes will be communicated through regular McMaster communication
+channels, such as McMaster Daily News, A2L and/or McMaster email.
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