diff --git a/Lectures/Deadlines.tex b/Lectures/Deadlines.tex
index 74add6004150c688f226630e788c455f8070d592..5953920a7631a1b51d9ee4ef562cc8cea7cea9b1 100644
--- a/Lectures/Deadlines.tex
+++ b/Lectures/Deadlines.tex
@@ -62,26 +62,26 @@ take it personally
 \item SRS Present (15 min)
-\item {Jan 24: , , , , , }
-\item {Jan 28: , , , , , }
-\item {Jan 31: , , , , , }
-\item {Feb 4: , }
+\item \textbf{Jan 24: Uriel, Yasmin, Christopher, Baptiste, Kiran}
+\item \textbf{Jan 28: Bo, Joe, Junwei, Aliyah, Ziyang}
+\item \textbf{Jan 31: Yuanqi, Qianlin, Phillip, Hussein, Yinying}
+\item \textbf{Feb 4: Ananda, Alaap, Yuchen}
-%\item Syst V\&V Plan Present (L11, L12) (20 min)
-%\item {Feb 13: Fasil, Hunter, Phil, Adrian}
-%\item {Feb 16: Gaofeng, Al, Seyed Ali, Xinyu}
-% \item Proof of Concept Demonstrations (L14) (20 min)
-% \bi
-% \item {Mar 1: Cynthia, Valerie, Waqar, Yi-Leng}
-% \ei
-% \item MG+MIS Present (L17, L18) (20 minutes)  %(Drasil SRS Code)
-% \bi
-% \item {Mar 12: Nada, Morteza, Kim Ying, Atiyeh}
-% \item {Mar 15: Fatemeh, Yiding, Tanya, Volunteer?}
-% \ei
+\item Syst V\&V Plan Present (L11, L12) (20 min)
+\item {Feb 11: Yasmin, Qianlin, Junwei, Joe}
+\item {Feb 14: Yinying, Bo, Hussein, Volunteer?}
+\item Proof of Concept Demonstrations (L14) (20 min)
+\item {Feb 28:  Ananda,  Uriel,  Yuchen,  Christopher}
+\item MG+MIS Present (L17, L18) (20 minutes)  %(Drasil SRS Code)
+\item {Mar 11: Ziyang, Aliyah, Yuanqi, Alaap}
+\item {Mar 14: Phillip, Baptiste, Kiran, Volunteer?}
@@ -92,16 +92,15 @@ take it personally
 \frametitle{Presentation Sched Cont'd}
-% \bi
-% \item Implementation Present (15 min each)
-% \bi
-% \item 
-% % \item \textbf{Apr 2: Phil, Xinyu, Fasil, Yi-Leng}
-% % \item \textbf{Apr 5: Gaofeng, Morteza, Valerie, Hunter, Ali}
-% % \item \textbf{Apr 9: Cynthia, Adrian, Yiding, Kim Ying, Nada}
-% \ei
-% \ei
+\item Implementation Present (L22 -- L25) (15 min each)
+\item {Mar 28: Yasmin, Aliyah, Uriel, Ziyang, Yuanqi}
+\item {Apr 1: Ananda, Christopher, Yuchen, Bo, Joe}
+\item {Apr 4: Junwei, Hussein, Kiran, Alaap, Qianlin}
+\item {Apr 8: Yinying, Baptiste, Phillip}
@@ -111,17 +110,12 @@ take it personally
 \frametitle{Presentation Schedule}
-% \item Test or Impl.\ Present (25 min each)
-% \bi
-% \item Apr 5: Lesley, Deesha, Volunteer? 
-% \item Apr 6: Mina, Joachim, Maryam 
-% \ei
-\item 3 or 4 presentations each %(please check)
+\item 3 presentations each %(please check)
   \item SRS everyone
   \item VnV and POC subset of class
   \item Design subset of class
-  \item Implementation everyone
+  \item Implementation or testing results everyone
 \item If you will miss a presentation, please trade with someone
diff --git a/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.pdf b/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.pdf
index 06082f7da3445abe2c4ff584ec2366952c91268d..55cfef0afb7d9b6811682fc33a31f541e3858057 100644
Binary files a/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.pdf and b/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.pdf differ
diff --git a/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.tex b/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.tex
index 4e2e30b22314a2298fea0e69686569f160c65ad8..47342b2733d5d6a32a436c5a0883f070ccaaf077 100755
--- a/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.tex
+++ b/Lectures/L05_ProgramFamilies/ProgramFamilies.tex
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 \item Administrative details
 \item Motivating a document driven design process %including documentation
-\item Finish up SRS
+\item Finish up SRS Example
 \item Requirements specification qualities 
 \item Motivation for families
 \item Proposed family methods
@@ -215,6 +215,32 @@ Water Heating System}
+\frametitle{Examples, Checklist and Template}
+  \href{https://jacquescarette.github.io/Drasil/examples/projectile/SRS/srs/Projectile_SRS.html}
+  {Projectile Example}
+  \href{https://jacquescarette.github.io/Drasil/examples/glassbr/SRS/srs/GlassBR_SRS.html}
+  {GlassBR Example}
+  \href{https://jacquescarette.github.io/Drasil/examples/swhsnopcm/SRS/HTML/SWHSNoPCM_SRS.html}
+  {SWHS Example} (Let's go through this one)
+  \href{https://github.com/smiths/capTemplate/blob/main/docs/SRS/SRS.pdf}
+  {Blank SRS from Template} (Let's look at the advice/hints)
+  \href{https://github.com/smiths/capTemplate/blob/main/docs/Checklists/SRS-Checklist.pdf} {Checklist}
 % \begin{frame}
 % \frametitle{More Example Projects}
 % \bi
@@ -256,6 +282,24 @@ Water Heating System}
+\frametitle{Software Requirements Activities}
+\item A software requirement is a description of how the system should behave,
+  or of a system property or attribute
+\item Requirements should be \textbf{abstract}, \textbf{unambiguous},
+\textbf{complete}, \textbf{consistent}, \textbf{modifiable}, \textbf{verifiable}
+and \textbf{traceable}
+\item Requirements should express ``What'' not ``How''
+\item Formal versus informal specification
+\item Functional versus nonfunctional requirements
+\item Software requirements specification (SRS)
+\item Requirements template
 % \begin{frame}
 % \frametitle{Kreyman and Parnas Five Variable Model}
 % \begin{itemize}
@@ -607,7 +651,8 @@ PS1.a & $L$ &  & &... & &...  & & & $\surd$  & ... & & ... & ... \\
-\textbf{A10}. The deflection of the beam is caused by bending moment only, the shear does not contribute.\\
+\textbf{A10}. The deflection of the beam is caused by bending moment only, the
+shear does not contribute.\\
 %\textbf{A15}. The beam behaves as a rigid body
@@ -1236,10 +1281,12 @@ at the end of a word.}
-\item Program family idea since the 1970s (Dijkstra, Parnas, Weiss, Pohl, ...) - variabilities are often from a finite
-set of simple options \cite{Parnas1976, Parnas1979, Dijkstra1972}
-\item Families of algorithms and code generation in SC (Carette, ATLAS, Blitz++, ...) - not much emphasis on
-requirements \cite{Carette2006, WhaleyEtAl2001, Veldhuizen1998, Blitz2010}
+\item Program family idea since the 1970s (Dijkstra, Parnas, Weiss, Pohl, ...) --
+variabilities are often from a finite set of simple options \cite{Parnas1976,
+Parnas1979, Dijkstra1972}
+\item Families of algorithms and code generation in SC (Carette, ATLAS, Blitz++,
+...) -- not much emphasis on requirements \cite{Carette2006, WhaleyEtAl2001,
+Veldhuizen1998, Blitz2010}
 %\item Problem Solving Environments (PSEs)
 \item Work on requirements for SC
@@ -1520,10 +1567,11 @@ $n: \mathbb{N}$ & number of linear equations/number of unknowns\\
 $A: \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ & $n \times n$ real matrix\\
 $x: \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}$ & $n \times 1$ real column vector\\
 $b: \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}$ & $n \times 1$ real column vector\\
-$I: \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ & an $n \times n$ matrix where all entries are $0$, except for the diagonal entries, which
-are $1$\\
+$I: \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ & an $n \times n$ matrix where all entries are $0$,
+except for the diagonal entries, which are $1$\\
 $|| v || $ & the norm (estimate of magnitude) of vector $v$\\
-$A^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ & the inverse matrix, with the property that $A^{-1} A = I$\\
+$A^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ & the inverse matrix, with the property that
+$A^{-1} A = I$\\
 singular & matrix $A$ is singular if $A^{-1}$ does not exist\\
 residual & $|| b - A x ||$\\
@@ -1539,7 +1587,8 @@ residual & $|| b - A x ||$\\
-\item \structure{What would be the most general binding time for the variabilities?}
+\item \structure{What would be the most general binding time for the