diff --git a/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.pdf b/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.pdf
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Binary files a/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.pdf and b/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.pdf differ
diff --git a/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.tex b/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.tex
index 18fa01e70dcffb5f349d027a1efced148b6fa3a5..a609a5f94d1a692efce60462cff65fd25874348e 100755
--- a/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.tex
+++ b/Lectures/L31_OverviewOfTesting/OverviewOfTesting.tex
@@ -352,59 +352,5 @@ validity
-\frametitle{Fault Testing}
-\item Common analogy involves planting fish in a lake to estimate the fish population
-\item T = total number of fish in the lake (to be estimated)
-\item N = fish stocked (marked) in the lake
-\item M = total number of fish caught in lake
-\item M' = number of marked fish caught
-\item T = (M - M')*N/M'
-\item Artificially seed faults, discover both seeded and new faults, estimate the total number of faults
-\frametitle{Fault Testing Continued}
-\item Method assumes that the real and seeded faults have the same distribution
-\item Hard to seed faults
-\item By hand (not a great idea)
-\item Independent testing by two groups and obtain the faults from one group for use by the other
-\item Want most of the discovered faults to be seeded faults
-\item If many faults are found, this is a bad thing
-\item The probability of errors is proportional to the number of errors already found
-\frametitle{Exam Question: Homework}
-After completion of a complex software project, two independent groups test
-it. The first group finds 300 errors and the second group finds 200 errors. A
-comparison of the errors discovered by the two teams shows that they found the
-same error in 50 cases. What is the range that estimates the number of errors in
-the original software project?
-% M1 = 300, M1'=50, N1 = 200, T1 = 1000
-% M2 = 200, M2'=50, N2 = 300, T2 = 900
-\item 900--1000 %answer
-\item -17--25
-\item 600--1500
-\item 0--150
-\item 150--250
diff --git a/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.pdf b/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.pdf
index dfc7a6932a7918ac4a77ad3283a950893df95480..e7470556c8ce931c6daa8f83af0b5cb2952ff2c0 100644
Binary files a/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.pdf and b/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.pdf differ
diff --git a/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.tex b/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.tex
index 3749fa04ad5a7aac84fb2b31cbb3c783005b794f..1702257e7aa25528faf56b3108f8f5f52a4e4e75 100755
--- a/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.tex
+++ b/Lectures/L32_WhiteBoxTesting/WhiteBoxTesting.tex
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 \newcommand{\topicTitle}{32 White Box Testing (Ch.\ 6)}
@@ -77,29 +77,23 @@ TBD
-\item Problems with GitLab - now resolved
+\item A4: Due April 9 at 11:59 pm
-\item A4
+\item No classes on Thurs, Mar 29 or Fri, Mar 30
+\item Final tutorial (examination review)
-\item \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/Group7/Battleship}{Sample Design and
-    Documentation}
-\item \structure{Marking scheme has 175 potential marks (8.75/5)}
-\item \structure{Consider using a tool for code coverage metrics}
-\item Coverage.py
-\item JCov
-\item etc.
-\item Due April 3 at 11:59 pm
+\item Monday, Mar 26
+\item Tuesday, Mar 27
+\item Friday, Apr 6 (no tutorial on Fri, Mar 30)
 \item Course evaluations
-\item \href{https://evals.mcmaster.ca/login.php}{https://evals.mcmaster.ca/}
-\item Opens: 10:00 am, Monday, March 27
-\item Closes: 11:59 pm, Monday, April 10
+\item \href{https://evals.mcmaster.ca}{https://evals.mcmaster.ca}
+\item Start: Tues, Mar 27, 10:00 am
+\item Close: Tues, Apr 10, 11:59 pm
 \item \textbf{Your participation is highly valued!}
-\item Hi class participation means bonus marks
+\item \emph{Grade bonus for class participation!}
@@ -110,60 +104,25 @@ TBD
-\frametitle{Continuous Integration Testing}
+\frametitle{Quality Testing: Installability}
-\item \structure{What is continuous integration testing?}
+\item \structure{How might you test installability?} %virtual machines, docker
-\frametitle{Continuous Integration Testing}
+\frametitle{Bugs Per Lines of Code}
+\href{http://amartester.blogspot.ca/2007/04/bugs-per-lines-of-code.html}{Some numbers}
-\item Information available on
-  \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration}{Wikipedia}
-\item Developers integrate their code into a shared repo frequently (multiple
-  times a day)
-\item Each integration is automatically accompanied by regression tests and
-  other build tasks
-\item Build server
-\item Unit tests
-\item Integration tests
-\item Static analysis
-\item Profile performance
-\item Extract documentation
-\item Update project web-page
-\item Portability tests
-\item etc.
-\item Avoids potentially extreme problems with integration when the baseline and
-  a developer's code greatly differ
-\frametitle{Continuous Integration Tools}
-\item Gitlab
-\item Example at
-  \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/andrem5/RogueReborn/pipelines}{Rogue
-    Reborn}
-\item Jenkins
-\item Travis
-\item \href{https://www.docker.com/}{Docker}
-\item Eliminates the ``it works on my machine'' problem
-\item Package dependencies with your apps
-\item A container for lightweight virtualization
-\item Not a full VM
+\item Indust avg: 15--50 errors per 1000 lines of delivered code
+\item Microsoft apps: 10--20 errors per 1000 lines in-house testing, 0.5/1000 for
+  released product
+\item Harlan Mills: 3/1000 in-house testing, 0.1/1000 released product
+\item Space shuttle: 0/500 000
+\structure{How do we estimate these numbers?}
@@ -416,6 +375,64 @@ application or version of the application
+\frametitle{White-box Coverage Testing}
+\item (In)adequacy criteria - if significant parts of the program structure are not tested, testing is inadequate
+\item Control flow coverage criteria
+\item Statement coverage
+\item Edge coverage
+\item Condition coverage
+\item Path coverage
+\frametitle{Statement-Coverage Criterion}
+\item Select a test set $T$ such that every elementary statement in $P$ is
+  executed at least once by some $d$ in $T$
+\item An input datum executes many statements - try to minimize the number of
+  test cases still preserving the desired coverage
+\frametitle{Weakness of the Criterion}