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+%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
+%% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/
+%% Created for Spencer Smith at 2016-10-27 23:57:04 -0400 
+%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) 
+	Address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
+	Author = {David L. Parnas},
+	Booktitle = {ICSE '78: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Software engineering},
+	Date-Added = {2016-10-28 03:56:16 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-10-28 03:56:16 +0000},
+	Isbn = {none},
+	Location = {Atlanta, Georgia, United States},
+	Pages = {264--277},
+	Publisher = {IEEE Press},
+	Title = {Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction},
+	Year = {1978}}
+	Author = {David L. Parnas},
+	Date-Added = {2016-10-28 03:55:43 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-10-28 03:55:43 +0000},
+	Journal = {Comm. ACM},
+	Month = {December},
+	Number = {2},
+	Pages = {1053--1058},
+	Title = {On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules},
+	Volume = {15},
+	Year = {1972},
+	Author = {D.L. Parnas and P.C. Clement and D. M. Weiss},
+	Booktitle = {International Conference on Software Engineering},
+	Date-Added = {2016-10-28 03:55:23 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-10-28 03:55:23 +0000},
+	Pages = {408-419},
+	Title = {The modular structure of complex systems},
+	Year = {1984},
+	Author = {James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson},
+	Date-Added = {2016-09-22 13:54:40 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-09-22 14:01:42 +0000},
+	Edition = {16},
+	Publisher = {Atlantic Systems Guild Limited},
+	Title = {Volere Requirements Specification Template},
+	Year = {2012}}
+	Author = {David L. Parnas and P.C. Clements},
+	Date-Added = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
+	Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
+	Number = {2},
+	Pages = {251--257},
+	Title = {A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake it},
+	Volume = {12},
+	Year = {February 1986},
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+\documentclass[12pt, titlepage]{article}
+    colorlinks,
+    citecolor=black,
+    filecolor=black,
+    linkcolor=red,
+    urlcolor=blue
+\title{SE 3XA3: Software Requirements Specification\\Title of Project}
+\author{Team \#, Team Name
+		\\ Student 1 name and macid
+		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+\caption{\bf Revision History}
+\toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes}\\
+Date 1 & 1.0 & Notes\\
+Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\
+Decomposing a system into modules is a commonly accepted approach to developing
+software.  A module is a work assignment for a programmer or programming
+team~\citep{ParnasEtAl1984}.  We advocate a decomposition
+based on the principle of information hiding~\citep{Parnas1972a}.  This
+principle supports design for change, because the ``secrets'' that each module
+hides represent likely future changes.  Design for change is valuable in SC,
+where modifications are frequent, especially during initial development as the
+solution space is explored.  
+Our design follows the rules layed out by \citet{ParnasEtAl1984}, as follows:
+\item System details that are likely to change independently should be the
+  secrets of separate modules.
+\item Each data structure is used in only one module.
+\item Any other program that requires information stored in a module's data
+  structures must obtain it by calling access programs belonging to that module.
+After completing the first stage of the design, the Software Requirements
+Specification (SRS), the Module Guide (MG) is developed~\citep{ParnasEtAl1984}. The MG
+specifies the modular structure of the system and is intended to allow both
+designers and maintainers to easily identify the parts of the software.  The
+potential readers of this document are as follows:
+\item New project members: This document can be a guide for a new project member
+  to easily understand the overall structure and quickly find the
+  relevant modules they are searching for.
+\item Maintainers: The hierarchical structure of the module guide improves the
+  maintainers' understanding when they need to make changes to the system. It is
+  important for a maintainer to update the relevant sections of the document
+  after changes have been made.
+\item Designers: Once the module guide has been written, it can be used to
+  check for consistency, feasibility and flexibility. Designers can verify the
+  system in various ways, such as consistency among modules, feasibility of the
+  decomposition, and flexibility of the design.
+The rest of the document is organized as follows. Section
+\ref{SecChange} lists the anticipated and unlikely changes of the software
+requirements. Section \ref{SecMH} summarizes the module decomposition that
+was constructed according to the likely changes. Section \ref{SecConnection}
+specifies the connections between the software requirements and the
+modules. Section \ref{SecMD} gives a detailed description of the
+modules. Section \ref{SecTM} includes two traceability matrices. One checks
+the completeness of the design against the requirements provided in the SRS. The
+other shows the relation between anticipated changes and the modules. Section
+\ref{SecUse} describes the use relation between modules.
+\section{Anticipated and Unlikely Changes} \label{SecChange}
+This section lists possible changes to the system. According to the likeliness
+of the change, the possible changes are classified into two
+categories. Anticipated changes are listed in Section \ref{SecAchange}, and
+unlikely changes are listed in Section \ref{SecUchange}.
+\subsection{Anticipated Changes} \label{SecAchange}
+Anticipated changes are the source of the information that is to be hidden
+inside the modules. Ideally, changing one of the anticipated changes will only
+require changing the one module that hides the associated decision. The approach
+adapted here is called design for
+\item[\refstepcounter{acnum} \actheacnum \label{acHardware}:] The specific
+  hardware on which the software is running.
+\item[\refstepcounter{acnum} \actheacnum \label{acInput}:] The format of the
+  initial input data.
+\item ...
+\subsection{Unlikely Changes} \label{SecUchange}
+The module design should be as general as possible. However, a general system is
+more complex. Sometimes this complexity is not necessary. Fixing some design
+decisions at the system architecture stage can simplify the software design. If
+these decision should later need to be changed, then many parts of the design
+will potentially need to be modified. Hence, it is not intended that these
+decisions will be changed.
+\item[\refstepcounter{ucnum} \uctheucnum \label{ucIO}:] Input/Output devices
+  (Input: File and/or Keyboard, Output: File, Memory, and/or Screen).
+\item[\refstepcounter{ucnum} \uctheucnum \label{ucInput}:] There will always be
+  a source of input data external to the software.
+\item ...
+\section{Module Hierarchy} \label{SecMH}
+This section provides an overview of the module design. Modules are summarized
+in a hierarchy decomposed by secrets in Table \ref{TblMH}. The modules listed
+below, which are leaves in the hierarchy tree, are the modules that will
+actually be implemented.
+\item [\refstepcounter{mnum} \mthemnum \label{mHH}:] Hardware-Hiding Module
+\item ...
+\begin{tabular}{p{0.3\textwidth} p{0.6\textwidth}}
+\textbf{Level 1} & \textbf{Level 2}\\
+{Hardware-Hiding Module} & ~ \\
+\multirow{7}{0.3\textwidth}{Behaviour-Hiding Module} & ?\\
+& ?\\
+& ?\\
+& ?\\
+& ?\\
+& ?\\
+& ?\\ 
+& ?\\
+\multirow{3}{0.3\textwidth}{Software Decision Module} & {?}\\
+& ?\\
+& ?\\
+\caption{Module Hierarchy}
+\section{Connection Between Requirements and Design} \label{SecConnection}
+The design of the system is intended to satisfy the requirements developed in
+the SRS. In this stage, the system is decomposed into modules. The connection
+between requirements and modules is listed in Table \ref{TblRT}.
+\section{Module Decomposition} \label{SecMD}
+Modules are decomposed according to the principle of ``information hiding''
+proposed by \citet{ParnasEtAl1984}. The \emph{Secrets} field in a module
+decomposition is a brief statement of the design decision hidden by the
+module. The \emph{Services} field specifies \emph{what} the module will do
+without documenting \emph{how} to do it. For each module, a suggestion for the
+implementing software is given under the \emph{Implemented By} title. If the
+entry is \emph{OS}, this means that the module is provided by the operating
+system or by standard programming language libraries.  Also indicate if the
+module will be implemented specifically for the software.
+Only the leaf modules in the
+hierarchy have to be implemented. If a dash (\emph{--}) is shown, this means
+that the module is not a leaf and will not have to be implemented. Whether or
+not this module is implemented depends on the programming language
+\subsection{Hardware Hiding Modules (\mref{mHH})}
+\item[Secrets:]The data structure and algorithm used to implement the virtual
+  hardware.
+\item[Services:]Serves as a virtual hardware used by the rest of the
+  system. This module provides the interface between the hardware and the
+  software. So, the system can use it to display outputs or to accept inputs.
+\item[Implemented By:] OS
+\subsection{Behaviour-Hiding Module}
+\item[Secrets:]The contents of the required behaviours.
+\item[Services:]Includes programs that provide externally visible behaviour of
+  the system as specified in the software requirements specification (SRS)
+  documents. This module serves as a communication layer between the
+  hardware-hiding module and the software decision module. The programs in this
+  module will need to change if there are changes in the SRS.
+\item[Implemented By:] --
+\subsubsection{Input Format Module (\mref{mInput})}
+\item[Secrets:]The format and structure of the input data.
+\item[Services:]Converts the input data into the data structure used by the
+  input parameters module.
+\item[Implemented By:] [Your Program Name Here]
+\subsection{Software Decision Module}
+\item[Secrets:] The design decision based on mathematical theorems, physical
+  facts, or programming considerations. The secrets of this module are
+  \emph{not} described in the SRS.
+\item[Services:] Includes data structure and algorithms used in the system that
+  do not provide direct interaction with the user. 
+  % Changes in these modules are more likely to be motivated by a desire to
+  % improve performance than by externally imposed changes.
+\item[Implemented By:] --
+\section{Traceability Matrix} \label{SecTM}
+This section shows two traceability matrices: between the modules and the
+requirements and between the modules and the anticipated changes.
+% the table should use mref, the requirements should be named, use something
+% like fref
+\begin{tabular}{p{0.2\textwidth} p{0.6\textwidth}}
+\textbf{Req.} & \textbf{Modules}\\
+R1 & \mref{mHH}, \mref{mInput}, \mref{mParams}, \mref{mControl}\\
+R2 & \mref{mInput}, \mref{mParams}\\
+R3 & \mref{mVerify}\\
+R4 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mControl}\\
+R5 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mODEs}, \mref{mControl}, \mref{mSeqDS}, \mref{mSolver}, \mref{mPlot}\\
+R6 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mODEs}, \mref{mControl}, \mref{mSeqDS}, \mref{mSolver}, \mref{mPlot}\\
+R7 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mEnergy}, \mref{mControl}, \mref{mSeqDS}, \mref{mPlot}\\
+R8 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mEnergy}, \mref{mControl}, \mref{mSeqDS}, \mref{mPlot}\\
+R9 & \mref{mVerifyOut}\\
+R10 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mODEs}, \mref{mControl}\\
+R11 & \mref{mOutput}, \mref{mODEs}, \mref{mEnergy}, \mref{mControl}\\
+\caption{Trace Between Requirements and Modules}
+\begin{tabular}{p{0.2\textwidth} p{0.6\textwidth}}
+\textbf{AC} & \textbf{Modules}\\
+\acref{acHardware} & \mref{mHH}\\
+\acref{acInput} & \mref{mInput}\\
+\acref{acParams} & \mref{mParams}\\
+\acref{acVerify} & \mref{mVerify}\\
+\acref{acOutput} & \mref{mOutput}\\
+\acref{acVerifyOut} & \mref{mVerifyOut}\\
+\acref{acODEs} & \mref{mODEs}\\
+\acref{acEnergy} & \mref{mEnergy}\\
+\acref{acControl} & \mref{mControl}\\
+\acref{acSeqDS} & \mref{mSeqDS}\\
+\acref{acSolver} & \mref{mSolver}\\
+\acref{acPlot} & \mref{mPlot}\\
+\caption{Trace Between Anticipated Changes and Modules}
+\section{Use Hierarchy Between Modules} \label{SecUse}
+In this section, the uses hierarchy between modules is
+provided. \citet{Parnas1978} said of two programs A and B that A {\em uses} B if
+correct execution of B may be necessary for A to complete the task described in
+its specification. That is, A {\em uses} B if there exist situations in which
+the correct functioning of A depends upon the availability of a correct
+implementation of B.  Figure \ref{FigUH} illustrates the use relation between
+the modules. It can be seen that the graph is a directed acyclic graph
+(DAG). Each level of the hierarchy offers a testable and usable subset of the
+system, and modules in the higher level of the hierarchy are essentially simpler
+because they use modules from the lower levels.
+\caption{Use hierarchy among modules}
+\bibliographystyle {plainnat}
+\bibliography {MG}
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+# Module Guide
+The folders and files for the module guide.
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Module Interface Specification #
+Use doxygen (or equivalent) to document the interface for your modules.
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new file mode 100644
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+# Design Documentation
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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new file mode 100644
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+\title{SE 3XA3: Development Plan\\Title of Project}
+\author{Team \#, Team Name
+		\\ Student 1 name and macid
+		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+\caption{Revision History} \label{TblRevisionHistory}
+\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Developer(s)} & \textbf{Change}\\
+Date1 & Name(s) & Description of changes\\
+Date2 & Name(s) & Description of changes\\
+... & ... & ...\\
+Put your introductory blurb here.
+\section{Team Meeting Plan}
+\section{Team Communication Plan}
+\section{Team Member Roles}
+\section{Git Workflow Plan}
+\section{Proof of Concept Demonstration Plan}
+\section{Coding Style}
+\section{Project Schedule}
+Provide a pointer to your Gantt Chart.
+\section{Project Review}
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Development Plan
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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new file mode 100644
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+# Final Presentation
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/ProblemStatement/ProblemStatement.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\title{SE 3XA3: Problem Statement\\Title of Project}
+\author{Team \#, Team Name
+		\\ Student 1 name and macid
+		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+\caption{Revision History} \label{TblRevisionHistory}
+\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Developer(s)} & \textbf{Change}\\
+Date1 & Name(s) & Description of changes\\
+Date2 & Name(s) & Description of changes\\
+... & ... & ...\\
+Put your problem statement here.
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+# Problem Statement
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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new file mode 100644
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+# Documentation folders
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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+# Software Requirements Specification
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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new file mode 100644
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+%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
+%% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/
+%% Created for Spencer Smith at 2016-09-22 10:01:42 -0400 
+%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) 
+	Author = {James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson},
+	Date-Added = {2016-09-22 13:54:40 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-09-22 14:01:42 +0000},
+	Edition = {16},
+	Publisher = {Atlantic Systems Guild Limited},
+	Title = {Volere Requirements Specification Template},
+	Year = {2012}}
+	Author = {David L. Parnas and P.C. Clements},
+	Date-Added = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
+	Date-Modified = {2016-09-10 13:11:57 +0000},
+	Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
+	Number = {2},
+	Pages = {251--257},
+	Title = {A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake it},
+	Volume = {12},
+	Year = {February 1986},
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+\documentclass[12pt, titlepage]{article}
+    colorlinks,
+    citecolor=black,
+    filecolor=black,
+    linkcolor=red,
+    urlcolor=blue
+\title{SE 3XA3: Software Requirements Specification\\Title of Project}
+\author{Team \#, Team Name
+		\\ Student 1 name and macid
+		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+\caption{\bf Revision History}
+\toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes}\\
+Date 1 & 1.0 & Notes\\
+Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\
+This document describes the requirements for ....  The template for the Software
+Requirements Specification (SRS) is a subset of the Volere
+template~\citep{RobertsonAndRobertson2012}.  If you make further modifications
+to the template, you should explicity state what modifications were made.
+\section{Project Drivers}
+\subsection{The Purpose of the Project}
+\subsection{The Stakeholders}
+\subsubsection{The Client}
+\subsubsection{The Customers}
+\subsubsection{Other Stakeholders}
+\subsection{Mandated Constraints}
+\subsection{Naming Conventions and Terminology}
+\subsection{Relevant Facts and Assumptions}
+User characteristics should go under assumptions.
+\section{Functional Requirements}
+\subsection{The Scope of the Work and the Product}
+\subsubsection{The Context of the Work}
+\subsubsection{Work Partitioning}
+\subsubsection{Individual Product Use Cases}
+\subsection{Functional Requirements}
+\section{Non-functional Requirements}
+\subsection{Look and Feel Requirements}
+\subsection{Usability and Humanity Requirements}
+\subsection{Performance Requirements}
+\subsection{Operational and Environmental Requirements}
+\subsection{Maintainability and Support Requirements}
+\subsection{Security Requirements}
+\subsection{Cultural Requirements}
+\subsection{Legal Requirements}
+\subsection{Health and Safety Requirements}
+This section is not in the original Volere template, but health and safety are
+issues that should be considered for every engineering project.
+\section{Project Issues}
+\subsection{Open Issues}
+\subsection{Off-the-Shelf Solutions}
+\subsection{New Problems}
+\subsection{Migration to the New Product}
+\subsection{User Documentation and Training}
+\subsection{Waiting Room}
+\subsection{Ideas for Solutions}
+This section has been added to the Volere template.  This is where you can place
+additional information.
+\subsection{Symbolic Parameters}
+The definition of the requirements will likely call for SYMBOLIC\_CONSTANTS.
+Their values are defined in this section for easy maintenance.
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Test Plan
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
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new file mode 100644
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+\documentclass[12pt, titlepage]{article}
+    colorlinks,
+    citecolor=black,
+    filecolor=black,
+    linkcolor=red,
+    urlcolor=blue
+\title{SE 3XA3: Test Plan\\Title of Project}
+\author{Team \#, Team Name
+		\\ Student 1 name and macid
+		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+\caption{\bf Revision History}
+\toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes}\\
+Date 1 & 1.0 & Notes\\
+Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\
+This document ...
+\section{General Information}
+\subsection{Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols}
+\caption{\textbf{Table of Abbreviations}} \label{Table}
+\textbf{Abbreviation} & \textbf{Definition} \\
+Abbreviation1 & Definition1\\
+Abbreviation2 & Definition2\\
+\caption{\textbf{Table of Definitions}} \label{Table}
+\textbf{Term} & \textbf{Definition}\\
+Term1 & Definition1\\
+Term2 & Definition2\\
+\subsection{Overview of Document}
+\subsection{Software Description}
+\subsection{Test Team}
+\subsection{Automated Testing Approach}
+\subsection{Testing Tools}
+\subsection{Testing Schedule}
+See Gantt Chart at the following url ...
+\section{System Test Description}
+\subsection{Tests for Functional Requirements}
+\subsubsection{Area of Testing1}
+\paragraph{Title for Test}
+Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+\subsubsection{Area of Testing2}
+\subsection{Tests for Nonfunctional Requirements}
+\subsubsection{Area of Testing1}
+\paragraph{Title for Test}
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+\subsubsection{Area of Testing2}
+\subsection{Traceability Between Test Cases and Requirements}
+\section{Tests for Proof of Concept}
+\subsection{Area of Testing1}
+\paragraph{Title for Test}
+Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+Type: Functional, Dynamic, Manual, Static etc.
+Initial State: 
+How test will be performed: 
+\subsection{Area of Testing2}
+\section{Comparison to Existing Implementation}	
+\section{Unit Testing Plan}
+\subsection{Unit testing of internal functions}
+\subsection{Unit testing of output files}		
+This is where you can place additional information.
+\subsection{Symbolic Parameters}
+The definition of the test cases will call for SYMBOLIC\_CONSTANTS.
+Their values are defined in this section for easy maintenance.
+\subsection{Usability Survey Questions?}
+This is a section that would be appropriate for some teams.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/TestReport/README.md
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+# Test Report
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.pdf b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b9bc92a3b84a7eaac4f3eee84146a37ff2a16c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.pdf differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+\documentclass[12pt, titlepage]{article}
+    colorlinks,
+    citecolor=black,
+    filecolor=black,
+    linkcolor=red,
+    urlcolor=blue
+\title{SE 3XA3: Test Report\\Title of Project}
+\author{Team \#, Team Name
+		\\ Student 1 name and macid
+		\\ Student 2 name and macid
+		\\ Student 3 name and macid
+\caption{\bf Revision History}
+\toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes}\\
+Date 1 & 1.0 & Notes\\
+Date 2 & 1.1 & Notes\\
+This document ...
+\section{Functional Requirements Evaluation}
+\section{Nonfunctional Requirements Evaluation}
+\section{Comparison to Existing Implementation}	
+This section will not be appropriate for every project.
+\section{Unit Testing}
+\section{Changes Due to Testing}
+\section{Automated Testing}
+\section{Trace to Requirements}
+\section{Trace to Modules}		
+\section{Code Coverage Metrics}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/Doc/UserGuide/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# User Guide (Optional)
+The folders and files for this folder are as follows:
+Describe ...
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/LICENSE.txt b/BlankProjectTemplate/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87df9ff3a2909bc9b60cd93c3931acfc2ab2e0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+LICENSE Information
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/ProjectSchedule/3X_Example.gan b/BlankProjectTemplate/ProjectSchedule/3X_Example.gan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcdff549f3f40b0386230b3f866acef67e8c2ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/ProjectSchedule/3X_Example.gan
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project name="PCM" company="McMaster, CAS Department" webLink="" view-date="2015-11-03" view-index="1" gantt-divider-location="354" resource-divider-location="300" version="2.7.1" locale="en_US">
+    <description><![CDATA[Simulation of temperature over time for a solar water heating tank incorporating phase change material (PCM).]]></description>
+    <view zooming-state="default:2" id="gantt-chart">
+        <field id="tpd3" name="Name" width="57" order="0"/>
+        <field id="tpd4" name="Begin date" width="21" order="1"/>
+        <field id="tpd5" name="End date" width="21" order="2"/>
+    </view>
+    <view id="resource-table">
+        <field id="0" name="Name" width="52" order="0"/>
+        <field id="1" name="Default role" width="47" order="1"/>
+    </view>
+    <!-- -->
+    <calendars>
+        <day-types>
+            <day-type id="0"/>
+            <day-type id="1"/>
+            <default-week id="1" name="default" sun="0" mon="0" tue="0" wed="0" thu="0" fri="0" sat="0"/>
+            <only-show-weekends value="false"/>
+            <overriden-day-types/>
+            <days/>
+        </day-types>
+    </calendars>
+    <tasks empty-milestones="true">
+        <taskproperties>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd0" name="type" type="default" valuetype="icon"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd1" name="priority" type="default" valuetype="icon"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd2" name="info" type="default" valuetype="icon"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd3" name="name" type="default" valuetype="text"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd4" name="begindate" type="default" valuetype="date"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd5" name="enddate" type="default" valuetype="date"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd6" name="duration" type="default" valuetype="int"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd7" name="completion" type="default" valuetype="int"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd8" name="coordinator" type="default" valuetype="text"/>
+            <taskproperty id="tpd9" name="predecessorsr" type="default" valuetype="text"/>
+        </taskproperties>
+        <task id="0" name="Write Design Doc" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-03" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true" cost-manual-value="20.0" cost-calculated="false">
+            <task id="29" name="MG" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-03" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true">
+                <depend id="31" type="2" difference="0" hardness="Strong"/>
+            </task>
+            <task id="31" name="MIS" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-05" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true">
+                <depend id="44" type="2" difference="0" hardness="Strong"/>
+            </task>
+            <task id="32" name="Schedule" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-03" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        </task>
+        <task id="2" name="Design Doc Due" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="true" start="2015-11-06" duration="0" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="44" name="Implementation" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true">
+            <task id="20" name="Input Hiding Module" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="49" name="Input Parameter Module" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="51" name="Output Format Module" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="53" name="Temperature ODEs Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="55" name="Energy Equations Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="57" name="Control Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-07" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        </task>
+        <task id="61" name="Unit Testing" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-12" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true">
+            <task id="62" name="Input Hiding Module" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-12" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="63" name="Input Parameter Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-12" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="64" name="Output Format Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-12" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="65" name="Temperature ODEs Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-12" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+            <task id="66" name="Energy Equations Module" meeting="false" start="2015-11-12" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        </task>
+        <task id="68" name="System Testing" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-15" duration="3" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="21" name="Rev 0 Demo" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="true" start="2015-11-18" duration="0" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="69" name="Revise SRS" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-19" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="83" name="Revise Test Plan" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-19" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="70" name="Revise MG" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-20" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="71" name="Revise MIS" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-20" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="72" name="Revise Implementation" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-20" duration="2" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="73" name="Testing" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-19" duration="8" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="74" name="Usability Test" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-23" duration="3" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="6" name="Test Report Due" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="true" start="2015-11-27" duration="0" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="98" name="Prepare Final Demo" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-11-28" duration="4" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="8" name="Final Demo" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="true" start="2015-12-01" duration="0" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="100" name="Revise Existing Documentation" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-12-02" duration="7" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="10" name="Final Doc Due" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="true" start="2015-12-08" duration="0" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="76" name="New Requirements" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-12-09" duration="3" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+        <task id="77" name="Second Usability Test" color="#8cb6ce" meeting="false" start="2015-12-14" duration="5" complete="0" expand="true"/>
+    </tasks>
+    <resources>
+        <resource id="0" name="Student 1" function="Default:0" contacts="" phone=""/>
+        <resource id="1" name="Student 2" function="Default:0" contacts="" phone=""/>
+        <resource id="2" name="Student 3" function="Default:0" contacts="" phone=""/>
+    </resources>
+    <allocations>
+        <allocation task-id="31" resource-id="0" function="Default:0" responsible="true" load="90.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="29" resource-id="0" function="Default:0" responsible="true" load="90.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="32" resource-id="0" function="Default:0" responsible="true" load="10.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="29" resource-id="1" function="Default:0" responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="31" resource-id="1" function="Default:0" responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="32" resource-id="1" function="Default:0" responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="29" resource-id="2" function="Default:0" responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="31" resource-id="2" function="Default:0" responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
+        <allocation task-id="32" resource-id="2" function="Default:0" responsible="false" load="50.0"/>
+    </allocations>
+    <vacations/>
+    <taskdisplaycolumns>
+        <displaycolumn property-id="tpd2" order="-1" width="75" visible="false"/>
+        <displaycolumn property-id="tpd6" order="-1" width="75" visible="false"/>
+        <displaycolumn property-id="tpd3" order="0" width="190" visible="true"/>
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+        <displaycolumn property-id="tpd13" order="-1" width="75" visible="false"/>
+        <displaycolumn property-id="tpd0" order="-1" width="75" visible="false"/>
+    </taskdisplaycolumns>
+    <previous/>
+    <roles roleset-name="Default"/>
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/ProjectSchedule/README.md b/BlankProjectTemplate/ProjectSchedule/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca9b1921983ac459e3592a567411ee661b1ee492
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+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/ProjectSchedule/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Project Name
+This folder contains the project schedule Gantt Chart.
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5e659e049d588557103a7cf9dc736fb7a2ac491
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+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/README.md
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+# Project Name
+Team Name: ?
+Team Members: ?, ?, ?
+This project is a reimplementation of ...
+The folders and files for this project are as follows:
+Doc - Documentation for the project
+Code - Implementation
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/ReferenceMaterial/README.md b/BlankProjectTemplate/ReferenceMaterial/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a1eecaefa3ffc0d5c55fb84ca1900a9bc256c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlankProjectTemplate/ReferenceMaterial/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Project Name
+This folder holds information and resources of interest for the project.  This
+is intended to be a convenient location for project members to access
+support material for the project.
diff --git a/BlankProjectTemplate/src/README.md b/BlankProjectTemplate/src/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50aa3a2cf915773d339d82a8ecb43cd5a44f062c
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+# Project Name Source Code
+The folders and files for this project are as follows: