diff --git a/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.pdf b/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.pdf
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d98520660b25c7ebf5793e81dd2484c86ed1e8b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.pdf differ
diff --git a/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.tex b/Doc/TestReport/TestReport.tex
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2276e3fed1f43b24b45fb5d3a151ba292a22f7d8
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+    colorlinks,
+    citecolor=black,
+    filecolor=black,
+    linkcolor=red,
+    urlcolor=blue
+% ================ Title ===============
+    \vspace{40mm}
+	\textbf {
+	\Huge {\color[rgb]{0.9,0,0}Blaze} Brigade \\
+	\large - Test Plan -}}
+\author{SFWR ENG 3XA3 - Section L02 \\
+	007 (Group 7) \\ \\
+	Jeremy Klotz - klotzjj \\
+	Asad Mansoor - mansoa2 \\
+	Thien Trandinh - trandit \\
+	Susan Yuen - yuens2}
+% =============== Document ===============
+\caption{\bf Revision History}
+\toprule {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Notes} \\
+December 1, 2016 & 1.0 & Completed Test Report \\
+\section{Functional Requirements Evaluation}
+\section{Nonfunctional Requirements Evaluation}
+\section{Comparison to Existing Implementation}
+This section will not be appropriate for every project.
+\section{Unit Testing}
+\section{Changes Due to Testing}
+\section{Automated Testing}
+\section{Trace to Requirements}
+\section{Trace to Modules}
+\section{Code Coverage Metrics}
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