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    \newcommand{\topic}{04 Requirements Continued}
    \item Administrative details
    \item Questions?
    \item Goal statment examples
    \item Requirements documentation for scientific computing
    \item A new requirements template
    \item Advantages of new template and examples
    \item The new template from a software engineering perspective
    \item Concluding remarks
    \item References
    \frametitle{Administrative Details}
    \item Add me to your GitHub repos, my GitHub id is \texttt{smiths}
    \item Assign me an issue to review your problem statements
    \item Clearly state that you would like me to review your problem statement
    \item Include a link to your problem statement
    \item Do not put generated files under version control
    \item Create a \texttt{.gitignore} file
    \item SRS template in blank project folder should be good
    \item The CA template will be revised soon
    \frametitle{Administrative Details: Deadlines}
    \begin{tabular}{l l l}
    \textbf{Problem Statement} & Week 02 & Sept 14\\
    \textbf{SRS Present} & Week 04 & Week of Sept 24\\
    \textbf{SRS} & Week 05 & Oct 4\\
    Syst.\ VnV Present & Week 06 & Week of Oct 15\\
    System VnV Plan & Week 07 & Oct 22\\
    MG Present & Week 08 & Week of Oct 29\\
    MG & Week 09 & Nov 5\\
    MIS Present & Week 10 & Week of Nov 12\\
    MIS & Week 11 & Nov 19\\
    Unit VnV or Impl.\ Present & Week 12 & Week of Nov 26\\
    Unit VnV Plan & Week 13 & Dec 3\\
    Final Doc & Week 14 & Dec 10\\
    \end {tabular}
    \frametitle{Administrative Details: Presentation Schedule}
    \item SRS Present
    \item Wednesday: Jennifer, Yang, Brooks
    \item Friday: Vajiheh, Olu, Karol
    \item Syst V\&V Plan Present
    \item Wednesday: Malavika, Robert, Qirui
    \item Friday: Jian, Hanane
    \item Wednesday: Karol, Malavika, Robert, Quirui, Jian, Hanane
    \item Friday: Vajiheh, Olu, Jennifer, Yang, Brooks
    \item Wednesday: Malavika, Robert, Qirui
    \item Friday: Jian, Hanane,  Jennifer
    \item Unit VnV Plan or Impl.\ Present
    \item Wednesday: Yang, Brooks, Vajiheh
    \item Friday: Olu, Karol
    \frametitle{Administrative Details: Presentations}
    \item 3 presentations each
    \item Presentations are about 30 minutes, except for MG, which is 15 minutes
    \item Grading out of 3
    \item Generate discussion, evidence of prior thought, organized 3/3
    \item Any element missing from above 2/3
    \item Any two elements missing from above 1/3
    \item No presentation 0/3
    \item Questions about project choices?
    \item Questions about software tools?
    \item Questions about problem statements?
    \item Questions about software qualities?
    \frametitle{Big Picture View of SRS/CA}
    \item Goal statement(s)
    \item Inputs and outputs
    \frametitle{Goal Statements for SWHS}
    \structure{What are the goal statement for the Solar Water Heating System?}
    \frametitle{Goal Statements for SWHS}
    \noindent Given the temperature of the heating coil, initial conditions for the
    temperature of the water and the temperature of the phase change material, and
    material properties, the goal statements are:
    \item[GS1:] Predict the water 
    temperature over time.
    \item[GS2:] Predict the PCM 
    temperature over time.
    \item[GS3:] Predict the 
    change in the energy of the water over time.
    \item[GS4:] Predict the 
    change in the energy of the PCM over time.
    (Consider using names instead of numbers for labels.)
    \frametitle{Goal Statements for GlassBR}
    Given the dimensions of the glass plane, glass type, the characteristics of the explosion, and
    the tolerable probability of breakage, the goal statements are:
    \item[GS1:] Analyze and predict whether the
      glass slab under consideration will be able to withstand the explosion of a
      certain degree which is calculated based on user input.
    \frametitle{Goal Statements for Game Physics}
    \item[G\_linear:] Given the physical properties, initial positions and
      velocities, and forces applied on a set of rigid bodies, determine their new
      positions and velocities over a period of time (IM-IM\_FT).
    \item[G\_ang:] Given the physical properties, initial orientations and
      angular velocities, and forces applied on a set of rigid bodies, determine
      their new orientations and angular velocities over a period of
      time. (IM-IM\_FR).
    \item[G\_dtcCol:] Given the initial positions and velocities of a set
      of rigid bodies, determine if any of them will collide with one another over a
      period of time.
    \item[G\_Col:] Given the physical properties, initial linear and angular
      positions and velocities, determine the new positions and velocities over a
      period of time of rigid bodies that have undergone a collision (IM-IM\_C).
    \frametitle{Goal Statements for Linear Solver}
    \structure{What would be a good goal statement for a library of linear solvers?}
    \frametitle{Goal Statements for Linear Solver}
    \item[G1] Given a system of $n$ linear equations represented by matrix $A$ and
      column vector $b$, return $x$ such that $Ax = b$, if possible
    \frametitle{Problems with Developing Quality Scientific Computing Software}
    \item Need to know requirements to judge reliability
    \item In many cases the only documentation is the code
    \item Reuse is not as common as it could be
    \item \href{}{\alert{Meshing software survey}}
    \item \href{}{\alert{Public domain finite element
    \item etc.
    \item Many people develop ``from scratch''
    \item Cannot easily reproduce the work of others
    \item Neglect of simple software development technology~\cite{Wilson2006} 
    % such as version control software
    \frametitle{Adapt Software Engineering Methods}
    \item Software engineering improves and quantifies quality %purpose of software engineering
    \item Successfully applied in other domains
    \item Business and information systems
    \item Embedded real time systems
    \item Systematic engineering process
    \item Design through documentation
    \item Use of mathematics
    \item Reuse of components
    \item Warranty rather than a disclaimer %goal of software engineering
    \frametitle{Developing Scientific Computing Software}
    \item Facilitators
    \item One user viewpoint for specifying a physical model
    \item Assumptions can be used to distinguish models
    \item High potential for reuse
    \item Libraries
    \item Already mathematical
    \item Challenges
    \item Verification and Validation
    \item Acceptance of software engineering methodologies
    \item No existing templates or examples %explain that templates are a tool for doc req.
    \frametitle{Outline of Discussion of Requirements}
    \item Background on requirements elicitation, analysis and documentation
    \item Why requirements analysis for engineering computation?
    \item System Requirements Specification and template for beam analysis software
    \item Provides guidelines
    \item Eases transition from general to specific
    \item Catalyses early consideration of design
    \item Reduces ambiguity
    \item Identifies range of model applicability
    \item Clear documentation of assumptions
    \frametitle{A Rational Design Process}
    \frametitle{Sometimes Include Commonality Analysis}
    \frametitle{Software Requirements Activities}
    \item A software requirement is a description of how the system should behave, or of a system property or attribute
    \item Requirements should be unambiguous, complete, consistent, modifiable, verifiable and traceable
    \item Requirements should express ``What'' not ``How''
    \item Formal versus informal specification
    \item Functional versus nonfunctional requirements
    \item Software requirements specification (SRS)
    \item Requirements template
    \frametitle{Why Requirements Analysis?}
    \frametitle{Beam Analysis Software}
    \frametitle{Proposed Template}
    \item Reference Material: a) Table of Symbols ...
    \item Introduction: a) Purpose of the Document; b) Scope of the Software Product; c) Organization of the Document.
    \item General System Description: a) System Context; b) User Characteristics; c) System Constraints.
    \item Specific System Description:
    \item Problem Description: i) Background Overview ...
    \item Solution specification: i) Assumptions; ii) Theoretical Models; ...
    \item Non-functional Requirements: i) Accuracy of Input Data; ii) Sensitivity ...
    \item{Traceability Matrix}
    \item List of Possible Changes in the Requirements
    \item{Values of Auxiliary Constants}
    \frametitle{Provides Guidance}
    \item Details will not be overlooked, facilitates multidisciplinary collaboration
    \item Encourages a systematic process
    \item Acts as a checklist
    \item Separation of concerns
    \item Discuss purpose separately from organization
    \item Functional requirements separate from non-functional
    %\item solve for forces
    %\item system responds within 1 second
    \item Labels for cross-referencing
    \item Sections, physical system description, goal statements, assumptions, etc.
    \item PS1.a ``the shape of the beam is long and thin''
    %\item Use of parameters instead of explicit values
    \frametitle{Eases Transition from General to Specific}
    \item ``Big picture'' first followed by details
    \item Facilitates reuse
    \item ``Introduction'' to ``General System Description'' to ``Specific System Description''
    \item Refinement of abstract goals to theoretical model to instanced model
    \item \textbf{G1}. Solve for the unknown external forces applied to the beam
    \item $ \textbf{T1}~ 
    \textrm{$\sum{F_{xi}} = 0$,}~  
    \textrm{$\sum{F_{yi}} = 0$,}~
    \textrm{$\sum{M_i} = 0$}$
    \item \textbf{M1} \textrm{$F_{ax} - F_1\cdot \cos\theta_3 - F_2\cdot \cos\theta_4 - F_{bx} = 0$}
    \frametitle{Ensures Special Cases are Considered}
    \begin{tabular}{| p{3.8cm} | p{1.7cm} | p{0.05cm} | p{9.0cm} | p{1.8cm} |}
    \multicolumn{3}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{>{\large}c}{$H_1$} \\
    \multicolumn{3}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{$S_{GET} = S_{sym} - S_{unkF}$} & $S_{GET} \ne  (S_{sym} - S_{unkF})$ \\
    \hhline{|-|-|~|-|-|} $S_{unkF} \notin \mathbb{P}_3$ & - &  & $(ErrorMsg'=InvalidUnknown)$ \newline
    $\land ChangeOnly(ErrorMsg)$ &
    \multirow{9}{2cm}{$FALSE$} \\
    \hhline{|-|-|~|-|~|} $S_{unkF} = \newline \{@{F_{ax}}, @{F_{bx}}, @{F_{ay}} \}$ & - & & $ErrorMsg'=NoSolution$ \newline
    $\land ChangeOnly(ErrorMsg)$ & \\
    %\hhline{|-|-|~|-|~|} $S_{unkF} = \newline \{@{F_{ax}}, @{F_{bx}}, @{F_{by}} \}$ & - & & $ErrorMsg'=NoSolution$ \newline
    %$\land ChangeOnly(ErrorMsg)$ & \\
    %\hhline{|-|-|~|-|~|} $S_{unkF} = \newline \{@{F_{ax}}, @{F_{bx}}, @{F_1} \}$ & - & & $ErrorMsg'=NoSolution$ \newline
    %$\land ChangeOnly(ErrorMsg)$ & \\
    %\hhline{|-|-|~|-|~|} $S_{unkF} = \newline \{@{F_{ax}}, @{F_{bx}}, @{F_2} \}$ & - & & $ErrorMsg'=NoSolution$ \newline
    %$\land ChangeOnly(ErrorMsg)$ & \\
    {$S_{unkF} = \newline \{@{F_{ax}}, @{F_{ay}}, @{F_1}\}$} & 
    $x_1 \ne 0 $ \newline
    $\land~\theta_3 \ne 0$ \newline
    $\land~\theta_3 \ne 180$
    & & 
    $F_{ax}' = $\newline
    $\frac{-\cos\theta_3 F_2 x_2 \sin\theta_4 + \cos\theta_3 F_{by} L + F_2 \cos\theta_4 x_1 \sin\theta_3
    + F_{bx} x_1 \sin\theta_3}{x_1 \sin\theta_3}$\newline
    $F_{ay}' = -\frac{F_2 x_2 \sin\theta_4 - F_{by} L - F_2 \sin\theta_4 x_1 + F_{by} x_1}{x_1}$\newline
    {$\land~F_1' = \frac{-F_2 x_2 \sin\theta_4 + F_{by} L}{x_1 \sin\theta_3} \land ChangeOnly(S_{unkF})$}
    & \\
    \hhline{|~|-|~|-|~|} & $otherwise$ & & $(ErrorMsg'=Indeterminant)$\newline
    $\land ChangeOnly(ErrorMsg)$ & \\
    \multicolumn{5}{c}{} \\
    \multicolumn{3}{>{\large}c}{$H_2$} & \multicolumn{2}{>{\large}c}{$G$} \\
    \end{tabular} }
    \frametitle{Catalyses Early Consideration of Design}
    \item Identification of significant issues early will improve the design
    \item Section for considering sensitivity
    \item Conditioning?
    \item Buckling of beam
    \item Non-functional requirements
    \item Tradeoffs in design
    \item Speed efficiency versus accuracy
    \item Tolerance allowed for solution: $|\sum{F_{xi}}| / \sqrt{\sum{F_{xi}}^2} \le \epsilon$
    \item Solution validation strategies
    \item List of possible changes in requirements
    \frametitle{Reduces Ambiguity}
    \item Unambiguous requirements allow communication between experts, requirements review, designers do not have to
    make arbitrary decisions
    \item Tabular expressions allow automatic verification of completeness
    \item Table of symbols
    \item Abbreviations and acronyms
    \item Scope of software product and system context
    \item User characteristics
    \item Terminology definition and data definition
    \item Ends arguments about the relative merits of different designs
    \frametitle{Identifies Range of Model Applicability}
    \item Clear documentation as to when model applies
    \item Can make the design specific to the problem
    \item Input data constraints are identified
    \item Physically meaningful: $0 \leq x_1 \leq L$
    \item Maintain physical description: PS1.a, $0 < h \leq 0.1 L$
    \item Reasonable requirements: $0 \leq \theta_3 \leq 180$
    \item The constraints for each variable are documented by tables, which are later composed together
    \item $(min_f \le |F_{ax}| \le max_f) 
    \land (|F_{ax}| \ne 0) \Rightarrow \forall ({FF}|{@{FF} \in S_F} \cdot {FF \ne 0
    \land  \frac{max\{{|F_{ax}|,|FF|}\}}{min\{{|F_{ax}|, |FF|}\}} \le 10 ^ {r_f}})$
    \frametitle{Summary of Variables}
    \multicolumn{5}{c}{} \\
    \textbf{Var} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Physical\newline Constraints} & \textbf{System\newline Constraints} &
    \textbf{Prop} \\
    \hline $x$ & $Real$ & $x\ge 0 \land x\le L$ & $min_d \le x \le max_d$ & NIV \\
    \hline $x_1$ & $Real$ & $x_1\ge0 \land x_1\le L$ & $min_d \le x_1 \le max_d$ & IN \\
    \hline $x_2$ & $Real$ & $x_2\ge0 \land x_2\le L$ & $min_d \le x_2 \le max_d$ & IN \\
    \hline $e$ & $Real$ & $e>0 \land e \le h$ & $min_e \le e \le max_e$ & IN \\
    \hline $h$ & $Real$ & $h>0 \land h\le 0.1L$ & $min_h \le h \le max_h$ & IN \\
    \hline $L$ & $Real$ & $L>0$ & $min_d \le L \le max_d$ & IN \\
    \hline $E$ & $Real$ & $E>0$ & $min_E \le E \le max_E$ & IN \\
    \hline $\theta_3$ & $Real$ & $-\infty < \theta_3 < +\infty$ & $0 \le \theta_3 \le 180$ & IN \\
    \hline $\theta_4$ & $Real$ & $-\infty < \theta_4 < +\infty$ & $0 \le \theta_4 \le 180$ & IN \\
    \hline $V$ & $Real$ & $-\infty < V < +\infty$ & - & OUT \\
    \hline $M$ & $Real$ & $-\infty < M < +\infty$ & - & OUT \\
    \hline $y$ & $Real$ & $-\infty < y < +\infty$ & - & OUT \\
    \hline $...$ & $...$ & $...$ & ... & ... \\
    \end{tabular} }
    \frametitle{Clear Documentation of Assumptions}
    \begin{tabular}{| p{1.3cm} | p{1.3cm} | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l |}
    Phy. Sys. /Goal & Data /Model & \multicolumn{10}{c|}{Assumption} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Model} \\
    &  & A1 & A2 & ... & A4 & ... & A8 & A9 & A10 & ...  & A14 & \textbf{M1} & ... \\
    \textbf{G1} & \textbf{T1} & $\surd$ & & ... &  & ... & $\surd$ & $\surd$ &  & ... & & $\surd$ & ...\\
    \textbf{G2} & \textbf{T2} & $\surd$ & & ... & &... & $\surd$ & $\surd$ &  & ... & &  & ... \\
    \textbf{G3} & \textbf{T3} & $\surd$ & & ... &  &... &  & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & ... & &  & ...\\
    ~ & \textbf{M1} &  & $\surd$ & ...  &  & ... &  & &  & ... & & $\surd$ &... \\
    PS1.a & $L$ &  & &... & &...  & & & $\surd$  & ... & & ... & ... \\
    ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\
    \textbf{A10}. The deflection of the beam is caused by bending moment only, the shear does not contribute.\\
    %\textbf{A15}. The beam behaves as a rigid body
    \frame{\frametitle{More on the Template}
    \begin{itemize}%[<+-| alert@+>]%[iacolor=gray]
    \item Why a new template?
    \item The new template
    \item Overview of changes from existing templates
    \item Goal $\rightarrow$ Theoretical Model $\rightarrow$ Instanced Model hierarchy
    \item Traceability matrix
    \item System behaviour, including input constraints
    \frame{\frametitle{Why a New Template?}
    \begin{enumerate}%[<+-| alert@+>]%[iacolor=gray]
    %\item Reasons for a new template also form principles for its design
    \item One user viewpoint for the physical model
    \item Assumptions distinguish models
    \item High potential for reuse of functional requirements
    \item Characteristic hierarchical nature facilitates change
    \item Continuous mathematics presents a challenge
    \frame{\frametitle{Overview of the New Template}
    \item{Reference Material}
    {a) Purpose of the Document}
    {b) Scope of the Software Product}
    {c) Organization of the Document}
    \item General System Description:
    {a) System Context}
    {b) User Characteristics}
    {c) System Constraints}
    \item \structure<2->{Specific System Description:
    a) Problem Description 
    b) Solution Characteristics Specification
    c) Non-functional Requirements}
    \item{Other System Issues}
    \item \structure<2->{Traceability Matrix}
    \item List of Possible Changes in the Requirements
    \item{Values of Auxiliary Constants}
    \frametitle{Excerpts from Specific System Description}
    \item Problem Description
    \item Physical system description (\textbf{PS}) 
    \item Goals (\textbf{G})
    \item Solution Characteristics Specification
    \item Assumptions (\textbf{A})
    \item Theoretical models (\textbf{T})
    \item Data definitions
    \item Instanced models (\textbf{M})
    \item Data constraints
    \item System behaviour
    \item Non-functional Requirements
    \item Accuracy of input data
    \item Sensitivity of the model
    \item Tolerance of the solution
    \item Solution validation strategies
    \frametitle{Refinement from Abstract to Concrete}
    \only<2>{\textbf{G1}: Solve for unknown forces}
    \textrm{$\sum{F_{xi}} = 0$}\\  
    \textrm{$\sum{F_{yi}} = 0$}\\
    \textrm{$\sum{M_i} = 0$}\\
    \end{array} \right. $%\end{displaymath}
    \begin{center} $%\begin{displaymath}
    \textrm{$F_{ax} - F_1\cdot \cos\theta_3 - F_2\cdot \cos\theta_4 - F_{bx} = 0$} \\ 
    \textrm{$F_{ay} - F_1\cdot \sin\theta_3 - F_2\cdot \sin\theta_4 + F_{by} = 0$}\\
    \textrm{$- F_1\cdot x_1\sin\theta_3 - F_2\cdot x_2\sin\theta_4 + F_{by}\cdot L = 0$}\\
    \end{array} \right. 
    The virtual work done by all the external forces and couples acting on the system is zero for each independent virtual
    displacement of the system, or mathematically $\delta U = 0$
    \frametitle{Other goals and models}
    \item \textbf{G2}: Solve for the functions of shear force and bending moment along the beam
    \item \textbf{G3}: Solve for the function of deflection along the beam
    \item $\mathbf{T3_1}$: $\frac{d^2 y}{d x^2} = \frac{M}{EI}$, $y(0) = y(L) = 0$
    \item $\mathbf{T3_2}$: $y$ determined by moment area method
    \item $\mathbf{T3_3}$: $y$ determined using Castigliano's theorem
    \item $\mathbf{M3_{11}}$: $y = \frac{12 \int_0^L (\int_0^L M dx) dx}{Eeh^3}$, $y(0) = y(L) = 0$
    \frametitle{Kreyman and Parnas Five Variable Model}
    \item See \cite{KreymanAndParnas2002}
    \item An alternative approach
    \item Unfortunately the numerical algorithm is not hidden in the requirements specification
    \item The analogy with real-time systems leads to some confusion
    \item \href{}{Solar Water Heating System}
    \item \href{}{GlassBR}
    \frametitle{Summary of Template}
    \item Quality is a concern for scientific computing software
    \item Software engineering methodologies can help
    \item Motivated, justified and illustrated a method of writing requirements specification for engineering computation
    to improve reliability
    \item Also improve quality with respect to usability, verifiability, maintainability, reusability and portability
    \item Tabular expressions to reduce ambiguity, encourage systematic approach
    \item Conclusions can be generalized because other computation problems follow the same pattern of \emph{Input} then
    \emph{Calculate} then \emph{Output}
    \item Benefits of approach should increase as the number of details and the number of people involved increase
    \frametitle{Summary of Template (Continued)}
    \item A new template for scientific computing has been developed
    \item Characteristics of scientific software guided the design
    \item Designed for reuse
    \item Functional requirements split into ``Problem Description'' and ``Solution Characteristics Specification''
    \item Traceability matrix
    \item Addresses nonfunctional requirements (but room for improvement)