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    \frametitle{Introduction to CAS 741 (CES 741)}
    \item Administrative details
    \item Introductions
    \item Course outline
    \item Requirements
    \frametitle{Administrative Details}
    \item Lecture times (ITB/222)
    \item Wednesdays, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
    \item Fridays, , 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
    \item This course uses Avenue
    \item \url{} 
    \item Consider putting a picture up on Avenue
    \item We'll also use git on GitLab for the course material
    \item \url{}
    \item Create your account by logging in
    \item Course material and issue tracking at \url{}
    \item Your projects will be hosted on GitHub
    \item \url{}
    \item Create an account, if you do not already have one
    \item Give the instructor (me) master access to your repo
    \frametitle{Overview of the Course}
    \item Application of software engineering methodologies to improve the quality
      of scientific computing software
    \item \structure{What is the definition of scientific computing?}
    \item \structure{What are some examples of scientific computing and scientific
        computing software?}
    \item \structure{What is the definition of software engineeing?}
    \item \structure{What are some techniques, tools and principles for software
    \frametitle{Scientific Computing (SC)}
    \item Scientific computation consists of using computer tools to simulate
      mathematical models of real world systems so that we can better understand and
      predict the system’s behaviour.
    \item Examples
    \item Temperature of fuel-pin in nuclear reactor
    \item Flow of pollutant in groundwater
    \item Displacement of a structure
    \item Thickness of cast film
    \item Temperature of water in a solar water heating tank over time
    \item etc.
    \frametitle{Software Engineering (SE)}
    \item An area of engineering that deals with the development of software systems that
    \item Are large or complex
    \item Exist in multiple versions
    \item Exist for large period of time
    \item Are continuously being modified
    \item Are built by teams
    \item Software engineering is ``application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development,
    operation and maintenance of software'' (IEEE 1990)
    \item D.\ Parnas (1978) defines software engineering as ``multi-person construction of multi-version software''
    \item Like other areas of engineering, software engineering relies heavily on mathematical techniques, especially
    logic and discrete mathematics
    \item SE might be applied to SC for software certification
    \frametitle{SE Tools, Techniques and Principles}
    \item Tools
    \item Programming languages
    \item Version control software (git, svn, etc)
    \item Debugger
    \item Profiler
    \item ...
    \item Techniques
    \item Documentation
    \item Testing
    \item Program families
    \item Code generation
    \item ...
    \item Principles
    \item Information hiding
    \item Least privelege
    \item ...
    \item Instructor
    \item Dr.\ Spencer Smith ({\tt})
    \item ITB/167
    \item Drop in or make an appointment
    \frametitle{Introduction: Dr.\ Spencer Smith} 
       \item Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Software.
       \item B.Eng.C.S, Civil Engineering Department, McMaster University. \\
             M.Eng., Ph.D., Civil Engineering Department, McMaster University.
       \item P.Eng.~(Licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario).
       \item \structure{Teaching}: Software design, scientific computing, introduction to computing, 
         communication skills, software project management.
       \item \structure{Research}: Application of software engineering methodologies to improve the quality of
         scientific computing software.
    \item Your name
    \item Degree program
    \item Academic background
    \item Experience with:
    \item Scientific computing
    \item Continuous math
    \item Discrete math
    \item Software engineering
    \item Software development technology
    \item Git
    \item GitHub or GitLab
    \item LaTeX
    \item Make etc.
    \item What do you hope to get out of this course?
    \frametitle{Course Introduction}
    \item Calendar description
    \item Principles of software development for reliable scientific and engineering software
    \item Systematic process for development and documentation of
    \item Requirements
    \item System architecture
    \item Detailed design
    \item Implementation
    \item Verification and Validation Plan
    \item Verification and Validation Report
    \frametitle{Course Project}
    \begin {itemize}
    \item Select a candidate SC problem
    \item Requires approval from instructor
    \item Will accommodate your interests as much as feasible
    \item Select a project related to your research
    \item Scope needs to be feasible within one term
    \item Milestones
    \item Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
    \item Module Guide (MG)
    \item Module Interface Specification (MIS)
    \item Implementation (and appropriate programming language)
    \item VnV Plan
    \item VnV Report
    \item Deliverables can potentially be modified to provide project flexibility
    \end {itemize}
    \frametitle{``Faked'' Rational Design Process}
    See Parnas and Clements 1986 about ``Faking It''
    \frametitle{Our ``Faked'' Process}
    V Model
    \frametitle{Our Deliverables}
    Not all docs necessary
    \frametitle{Course Structure}
    \begin {itemize}
    \item Student and instructor presentations
    \item Classroom discussions
    \item Will present a subset of your documentation for in-class feedback
    \item Structure from our documentation
    \item Use GitHub issue tracker for feedback from other students
    \end {itemize}
    \frametitle{Grade Assessment}
    \begin {enumerate}
    \item Presentations and class discussion 10\%
    \item Quality of GitHub issues provided to classmates 5\%
    \item Problem Statement 0\%
    \item System Requirements Specification (SRS) 20\%
    \item Verification and Validation Plan 15\%
    \item System VnV Plan 10\%
    \item Unit VnV Plan 5\%
    \item Module Guide (MG) 5\%
    \item Module Interface Specification (MIS) 15\%
    \item Final Documentation (including revised versions of previous documents,
      plus the source code and a testing reports (System and Unit)) 30\%
    \end {enumerate}
    \frametitle{Policy Statements}
    \begin {itemize}
    \item Ideas to improve the course are welcomed
    \item Missed/late work please communicate in advance, or a penalty of 20 \% per
      working day
    \item If there is a problem with discrimination please contact the Department
      Chair, or other appropriate body
    \frametitle{Academic Dishonesty}
    \begin {itemize}
    \item Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means
    \item Can result in serious consequences, e.g. the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on
    the transcript, and/or suspension or expulsion from the university.
    \item It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty
    \item Three examples of academic dishonesty
    \item Plagiarism
    \item Improper collaboration
    \item Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations
    \item Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated!
    \frametitle{Assigned Reading}
    \begin {itemize}
    \item \href{}{\bibentry{Smith2016}}
    \item \href{}{\bibentry{SmithEtAl2007}}
    \item \href{}{Solar Water Heating System Example}