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    W. Spencer Smith's avatar
    W. Spencer Smith committed
    \newcommand{\topic}{22 Assurance Case}
    \frametitle{Assurance Case}
    \item Administrative details
    \item Feedback on MG
    \item Final documentation
    \item Questions?
    \item License and copyright
    \frametitle{Administrative Details}
    W. Spencer Smith's avatar
    W. Spencer Smith committed
    \item Course evaluation
    \item Nov 23 to Dec 7
    \item \url{}
    \item GitHub issues for colleagues
    \item Assigned 1 colleague (see \texttt{Repos.xlsx} in repo)
    \item Provide at least 5 issues on their MIS
    \item Grading as before
    \item Due by Tuesday, Dec 5, 11:59 pm
    \item Today is the last ``lecture''
    \item Next week for presentations
    \item Following Tuesday for Discussion
    \frametitle{Administrative Details: Deadlines}
    \begin{tabular}{l l l}
    W. Spencer Smith's avatar
    W. Spencer Smith committed
    \textbf{MIS} & Week 11 & Nov 29\\
    \textbf{Impl.\ Present} & Week 12 & Week of Nov 27\\
    \textbf{Final Documentation} & Week 13 & Dec 6\\
    \end {tabular}
    \frametitle{Administrative Details: Presentation Schedule}
    \item \textbf{Tuesday: Alexander S., Steven, Alexandre P.}
    \item \textbf{Friday: Jason, Geneva, Yuzhi}
    \item Can present anything related to the implementation
    \item Code
    \item Tools used
    \item Testing
    \item As always it is fine to show work in progress
    \item Good to bring questions to the class
    \frametitle{Feedback on MG}
    \item Good work!  Good starting point.  May have to modify design as a response
      to MIS
    \item If multiple anticipated changes map to the same module, you should explain
    \item If one anticipated change maps to multiple modules, you should explain why
    \item You don't have an input parameters module
    \frametitle{Final Documentation}
    \item Looking for 
    \item Revision of documentation
    \item Consistency between documents
    \item Traceability between documents - should be able to pick a requirement and
      trace it all the way to testing
    \item Effort made to address issues and comments
    \item Appropriate challenge level
    \item Make it easy to see changes from Rev 0
    \item Specific explanation in Revision History
    \item Comments in tex file
    \frametitle{Final Documentation}
    \item Requirements Document revised and improved
    \item Design Documents revised and improved
    \item Test Plan revised and improved
    \item Test Report
    \item Source Code
    \frametitle{Final Documentation: Source Code}
    \item Comments on ``what'' not ``how''
    \item Identifiers that are consistent, distinctive, and meaningful
    \item Avoidance of hard-coded constants (other than maybe 0 and 1)
    \item Appropriate modularization
    \item Consistent indentation
    \item Explicit identification of coding standards (see next slide)
    \item Parameters are in the same order for all functions
    \item Descriptive names of source code files
    \item Traceability to modules in module guide
    \frametitle{Coding Style}
    \item Having a coding standard is more important than which standard you use
    \item Examples
    \item Google guides
    \item \href{}{Python}
    \item \href{}{C++}
    \item \href{}{Java}
        Developer Network}
    \item \href{}{NASA C
        Style Guide}
    \item Your decisions on style may evolve over the project
    \item Important to be consistent
    \frametitle{Installability and Learnability}
    \item You can test this
    \item Ask a colleague to install your software
    \item Run it on a virtual machine, like
    \item Use a ``light weight'' VM like docker
    \item Include installation instructions (INSTALL.txt)
    \item Include instructions so that someone else can run your tests cases
    \frametitle{Final Documentation}
    \item Traceability between documents
    \item Look for an obvious requirement to see if it is in the requirements
      document and traceable through the other documents
    \item Installability - instructions given, makefiles etc to support, means to
      validate the installation, required libraries are explicitly identified
    \item Learnability - instructions to get someone started using the software
    \item Robustness - can the software handle garbage inputs reasonably
    \item Performance - measured if appropriate
    \item Usability - measured if appropriate
    \frametitle{Final Documentation: Test Report}
    \item Completing what you proposed in your test plan
    \item You do not need to repeat material from your test plan - the emphasis is
      not on the rational for test case selection, but on the results.
    \item If your test plan does not match what you are now testing, edit your test
      plan to ``fake'' a rational design process.
    \frametitle{Test Report Continued}
    \item Point to specific test cases in test plan
    \item Summarize your test results
    \item Test case name
    \item Initial state
    \item Input
    \item Expected results
    \item Whether actual output matched expected
    \item Summarize and explain usability tests - quantify the results
    \item Performance tests - quantify the results
    \item Stress tests
    \item Robustness tests
    \item After quantification of nonfunctional tests, explain significance of
    \frametitle{Test Report Continued}
    \item In cases where there are many similar tests
    \item Summarize the results
    \item If the expected result is obvious, you might not need to state it
    \item Give an example test case, and explain how similar tests were constructed
    \item If the tests were random, describe how they were selected, and how many,
      but not all of the details
    \item Use graphs and tables
    \item You need enough information that
    \item Someone could reproduce your tests
    \item Your test results are convincing
    \item Evidence that you have used testing to improve the quality of your project
    \frametitle{Test Report Continued}
    \item Summarize changes made in response to test results
    \item Explain your automated testing set-up (if require more detail than from
      the test plan)
    \item Provide traceability to requirements (if not in test plan)
    \item Provide traceability to modules (if not in test plan)
    \item Make sure you show test results for ``bad/abnormal'' input
    \frametitle{Sample Test Report Documents} 
      \href{}{2D Physics Based Game}
      (Uses doxygen)
      \href{}{Follow given template}
    \item Examples are not perfect
    \item Examples are intended to give you ideas, not to be strictly followed
    \item You can modify/extend the test report template as appropriate
    \item Questions about MIS documentation?
    \item Questions about implementation presentations?
    W. Spencer Smith's avatar
    W. Spencer Smith committed
    \frametitle{No License?}
    \item Can others use your work if you do not include a license?
    \item \href{}{See this link for the answer}
    \item Your work is automatically afforded protection by copyright law
    \item Your cannot infringe on someone else's copyright
    \item Must be some creativity
    \item Additional protection through registration with the copyright office
    \item Copyright does not apply to the idea, but the expression of the idea
    \item Trademarks and patents cover concepts and ideas
    \item In work for hire, copyright belongs to employer
    \item You can assign your copyright to someone else or a corporation
    \item Owner has full and exclusive rights to control who may copy or create a
      derivative work
    \item Right to sue for copyright infringement
    \item Permission to others to reproduce or distribute a work
    \item Licenses are distinguished by the restrictions (conditions)
    W. Spencer Smith's avatar
    W. Spencer Smith committed
    \frametitle{Proprietary License}
    \item Copyright holder retains all rights
    \item Cannot copy
    \item Cannot use
    \item Cannot modify
    \frametitle{GNU General Public License (GPL)}
    \item Can copy the software
    \item Can distribute the software
    \item Can charge a fee to distribute the software (which will still include the license information)
    \item Can make modifications
    \item Condition -- all modifications/uses are also under GPL, source
      code must be available
    \item Lesser GPL allows to link to libraries, without automatically falling under
      GPL conditions
    \frametitle{GNU Questions}
    \item Question 1
    \item You modify some Linux source files to install Linux on your embedded
    \item You write software to run on this new Linux ``box''
    \item What software falls under the GPL?
    \item \href{}{Answer}
    \item Question 2
    \item You want to distribute object code compiled by gcc, where gcc is under GPL
    \item Is your object code under GPL?
    \item \href{}{Answer}
    \frametitle{BSD and MIT}
    \item Removes ``virus'' from GPL
    \item Can copy, distribute, charge a fee, make modifications
    \item Under the condition that you keep the license intact, credit the author
    \item Not required to disclose source 
    \item Use at your own risk (cannot sue)
    \frametitle{Public Domain}
    \item Do what you want with the code
    \item No conditions
    \frametitle{Copyright and License Related Links}
        guide to copyright law}
    \item \href{}{Summary of licenses}
        types of licenses}
    \item \href{}{Choose a license}
    \item \href{}{Another summary}
    \item \href{}{Plain English summaries}
    \frametitle{Assurance Cases in Scientific Computing \cite{SmithEtAl2017}}
    \item Assurance cases
    \item Organized and explicit argument for correctness
    \item Successfully used for safety critical systems
    \item Advantages for SC
    \item Engaging domain experts
    \item Producing necessary and relevant documentation
    \item Evidence that can be verified/replicated by a third party
    \item Example of 3dfim+
    \item No errors found
    \item However
    \item Documentation ambiguities
    \item No warning about parametric statistical model
    \frametitle{Assurance Cases in SC Motivation}
    \item Do we put too much trust in the quality of SCS?
    \item Are enough checks and balances in place, especially for safety related
    \item Problems with imposing external requirements for certification
    \item External body does not have expertise
    \item SCS developers dislike documentation
    \item Solution -- Assurance Cases by experts
    \item Experts engaged
    \item Relevant documentation
    \item Current techniques of development and testing still used, but arguments
      will no longer be ad hoc and incompletely documented
    %\frametitle{Goal Structuring Notation}
    %\frametitle{3dfim+ Software}
    %\frametitle{Correlation of One Voxel}
    %\frametitle{Context and Assumption in Top Goal}
    %\frametitle{Top Goal}
    %\frametitle{GR Decomposition}
    %\frametitle{Modifiability of Documentation Requirements}
    %\frametitle{Generic Evidence}
    %\frametitle{Defined Operational Assumptions}
    \frametitle{Proposed Changes to 3dfim+}
    \item No mistakes found in calculations
    \item Goal of original software was not certification
    \item Problems found
    \item GR goal not satisfied
    \item Not complete, verifiable, modifiable or traceable
    \item Coordinate system information missing
    \item Ambiguous rank function
    \item Inputs not checked in code
    \item User not informed of their responsibility to use tool with correct
      statistical model
    \frametitle{Concluding Remarks}
    \item Hopefully motivated assurance cases for SC
    \item Quality is improved by looking at a problem from different perspectives,
      assurance cases provide a systematic and rigorous way to introduce a new
    \item An assurance cases will likely use the same documentation and ideas used
      in CAS 741
    \item However, an assurance case can focus and direct efforts right from the
      start of the project