The final product shall be a desktop application which will contain a playground with a snake in it. It shall have different theme options and buttons to \textcolor{red}{select different modes to play with. In addition, there should be a help page for a new player in order to get familiar with the commands to play this game}. Also, it shall show the highest score made on the specific device.
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: The game will be ran and checked if all the mentioned options pop up.}
The product should be given a modern style by adding a nice background to it with a user-friendly interface.
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: The game will be ran and beta testing will be performed to check this.}
\subsection{Usability and Humanity Requirements:\textcolor{red}{NFR3}}
The application must be simple for a person aged 10 or above. It should be understandable by any person within the age group who is familiar to the technology. No feature should restrict the player to a non-knowledgeable outcome.
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: People with different age group will be requested to play the game and rate it.}
The application is intended to be used anywhere, at any desktop device. It can be used in any climatic condition from harsh summers to chilly winter( given that the device is working as well).
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: The game should work under any environmental conditions.}
The application shall require minimum maintenance. Also, the application shall be revised every year. \textcolor{red}{Also, the code should be heavily commented in order to provide ease to the developer/maintainer.}
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: Doxygen commenting should be done to ease maintainability.}
The application will not use any kind of communicating data that will offend any religion, country or user in any way. The product will give a detailed explanation in case of use of any cultural or political symbol.
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: The system must not contain anything that can offend any subject.}
The application shall comply with all national and federal laws. In addition, the application must agree to the MIT Open License.
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: The system must obey laws and have an open License.}
\subsection{Health and Safety Requirements :\textcolor{red}{NFR16}}
\textcolor{red}{This software should not affect the health of the user by any means. Color contrast ratio between colors used in the game \textcolor{blue}{ is at a minimum of 4.5:1 according to G18 of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0}}
\textcolor{red}{This software should not affect the health of the user by any means. Color contrast ratio between colors used in the game is at a minimum of 4.5:1 according to G18 of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0}
\textcolor{red}{Fit Criterion: The system must not harm an individuals health in any way.}
\section{Project Issues}
\subsection{Open Issues}
@@ -317,6 +332,7 @@ Below is a list of open issues pertaining to the project scope:
\item Investigating and understanding the capabilities of the Pygame library is yet to be completed.
\item Integrating additional features is not decided on as of yet. It is dependant on time constraints.
\item snake-game multiplayer mode is an open issue on the open source project which we may or may not choose to implement as time permits.