@@ -157,6 +157,25 @@ implemented by Java so there is no need to re-implement them.
\section{Connection Between Requirements and Design}
\subsection{Nonfunctional Requirements}
non-Req1: Look And Feel Requirements: Look and feel requirement mainly require the GUI part of the Design model.
non-Req2: Usability And Humanity Requirements: this part is mainly related to the Logic and the Hint module which decided the diffculity of the game.
non-Req3: Performance Requirements: this part should relating to the hardware part(hoardware should have good CPU, memory, graphic...) and each module's algorithm.
non-Req4: Operational And Environmental Requirements this requirement can be complished by using the Jave language for programming and then it can run on any Java machine
non-Req5: Maintainability And Support Requirements: the logic and hint module should ba able to handel this
non-Req6: Security Requirements: for the software part, there won't be any offentive code
non-Req7: Cultural Requirements: for this part we will not allow the offensive pictures to be added to our database
non-Req8: Legal Requirements: the logical won't allow conpile the picture without permission
\section{Module Decomposition}
\subsection{Hardware Hiding Module (M1)}
@@ -216,6 +235,58 @@ implemented by Java so there is no need to re-implement them.