1/21/2020 & Andrew Hum & Format document and begin initial draft.\\
Date2 & Name(s) & Description of changes\\
1/21/2020 & Andrew Hum & Brainstorming.\\
1/22/2020 & Andrew Hum & Document Formatting\\
1/22/2020 & Arshan Khan & Document Formatting.\\
... & ... & ...\\
\section{Problem Statement}
\subsection{What problem are you trying to solve?}
The purpose of a game is to entertain the user however, the term entertain is broad with different interpretations and meaning based on each individual. For us, we determine a game's entertainment value through attention-grabbing features, high-quality graphics and smooth performance with minimal lag. The original project we are recreating contained simple mini-games with minimal features and low-quality graphics. Our goal is to completely redesign these simple mini-games to capture the user's entertainment through aesthetically pleasing, multi-feature mini-games and a central hub to launch these games from for ease of access.
\subsection{Why is this an important problem?}
\subsection{What is the context of the problem you are solving?}
Redesign simple Python games to increase the graphics and complexity.
Alongside the redesign, there will be a new launcher.
Alongside the redesign, there will be a new launcher.
- A clear concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by your team
- What problem are you trying to solve? Not how you are going to solve the problem
Currently, we have a collection of very simple minigames that can be played by launching each game individually. These games have
low graphics quality, minimal features and poor performance. To play a game, you have to launch them using a Linux subsystem, and each
Currently, we have a collection of very simple minigames that can be played by launching each game individually. These games have
low graphics quality, minimal features and poor user interface. To play a game, you have to launch them using a Linux subsystem, and each
game must be launched individually.
- Why is this an important problem?
It is a univeral fact that games should be entertaining, with smooth performance. We want these simple minigames to provide said
It is a universal fact that games should be entertaining, with smooth performance. We want these simple minigames to provide said
entertainment to the users, as well as ease of access.
- What is the context of the problem you are solving?
- Stakeholders?
- Software environment?
@@ -64,4 +81,4 @@ entertainment to the users, as well as ease of access.