October 25 & 1.2 & Adding non functional req tests.\\
October 30 & 1.3 & Adding Unit tests, and automated functional tests\\
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ This document describes the test plan for the Gifitti application developed for
\section{General Information}
The purpose of the testing plan is to establish a set of tests that will test the product in its entiretiy to ensure that it fufills the intendend purpose. This would be accomplished through verifying if Gifitti satisfies the different functional and non-functional requirements that were assigned to it. Having test plans for any product is essential to be able to understand how well the product is satisfying the clients needs and if there are rooms for improvement.
The purpose of the testing plan is to establish a set of tests that will test the product in its entiretiy to ensure that it fufills the intendend purpose. This would be accomplished through verifying if Gifitti satisfies the different functional and non-functional requirements that were assigned to it. Having test plans for any product is essential to be able to understand how well the product is satisfying the clients needs and if there is room for improvement.
This testing plan is utilizing different testing methods, automated and user created, and various techniques, black box and white box testing, to establish if the project has any need of improvement. Two different products will be analyized through these tests, the Proof of Concept and the first iteration of the final product. Proof of Concept will be tested to ensure that a basic representation of the product was demonstrated while the requirements should be tested when the first iteration of the final product is completed.
This testing plan is utilizing different testing methods, automated and user created, and various techniques, black box and white box testing, to establish if the project has any need for improvement. Two different products will be analyzed through these tests, the Proof of Concept and the first iteration of the final product. Proof of Concept will be tested to ensure that a basic representation of the product was demonstrated while the requirements should be tested when the first iteration of the final product is completed.
\subsection{Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols}
@@ -88,11 +89,10 @@ Term2 & Definition2\\
\subsection{Overview of Document}
The testing plan is broken up into distinct parts. Under the heading Plan, the basic information will be given on the product and the tests. System Test Description will contain the specific tests for the functional a requirements stated for the product. These tests will broken down into what type of tests they are and the results they achieve depending on their specific input. Test for nonfunctional requirments will follow the same format where input will be given and the output will be measured for all of the provided nonfunctional requirements. Under tests for proof of concept, the same format will be utilized as the functional testing but it will not be testing
The testing plan is broken up into distinct parts. Under the heading Plan, the basic information will be given on the product and the tests. System Test Description will contain the specific tests for the functional a requirements stated for the product. These tests will broken down into what type of tests they are and the results they achieve depending on their specific input. Testing for non-functional requirments will follow the same format where input will be given and the output will be measured for all of the provided non-functional requirements. Under tests for proof of concept, the same format will be utilized as the functional testing but it will not be testing
the requirements for the project but for the goals of the proof of concept. Furthermore there will be tests to compare Gifitti to the
original product it was based on and unit testing plans to ensure correct output is achieved through proper internal functions.
\subsection{Software Description}
Gifitti is a software prodcut that allows the common user to be able to manipulate for their entertainment or commercial needs.
@@ -100,25 +100,24 @@ With an intuitive design, it allows a person who has never done any kind of grap
the person's particular design. This product can also serve a commercial purpose in allowing the creation of sprite spreadsheets and
a quick production of GIFs.
\subsection{Test Team}
The team to implement the test plan for the project will be Pavle Arezina, Riley McGee, Nicolai Kozel
The team to implement the test plan for the project will be Pavle Arezina, Riley McGee, Nicolai Kozel.
\subsection{Automated Testing Approach}
This test plan will not utilize an automated testing approach towared Gifitti since the project centers around a graphical manipulation
of the GIF.
This test plan will utilize automated testing for verification that the GIF manipulation functionality changes the GIF properly. Such that the exported GIF image will match what is created by the user of our produt.
\subsection{Testing Tools}
The only tool to be utilized to test this product will be the Microsoft unit test framework found in the C\# Visual Basic Studio.
The only tool to be utilized to test this product will be the Microsoft Unit Test Framework taht is native with Visual Studio.
\subsection{Testing Schedule}
See Gantt Chart \href{https://gitlab.cas.mcmaster.ca/kozeln/Gifitti/tree/master/ProjectSchedule}{ here.}
\section{System Test Description}
Testing allows the developers to know if their program is free of errors and if there are errors, testing allows the developer to detect them. With the functional and non-functional requirments the developer knows the expected results and can evaluate the results of tests accordingly.
Testing allows the developers to detect errors that the test cases cover. With the functional and non-functional requirments the developer knows the expected results and can evaluate the results of tests accordingly. Pass or fail values are assigned to executed tests discreetly unless the test is to have an error tolerance for passing.
\subsection{Tests for Functional Requirements}
Functional requirments prescribe what services the software should provide. They capture the intendend software effects on the environment and applicability conditions. These tests ensure that the functional requirments of Gifitti are fufilled or the tests will allow the discovery of any requirments not satisfied by Gifitti.
Functional requirments prescribe what services the software should provide. They capture the intendend software effects on the environment and applicability conditions. These tests ensure that the functional requirments of Gifitti are fufilled or the tests will help to discover any functional requirments not satisfied by Gifitti.
\subsubsection{Open GIF}
\paragraph{The User is Able to Open a GIF from a specified location}
\paragraph{The User is able to open a GIF from a specified location}