richTextBox1.Text="To open a GIF, click File->Open. Using the file browser window that appears, select the GIF that you would like to open for modification and click 'Open'.";
richTextBox1.Text="To save an image, click File->Ouput as Image... and select the file type you would like to export the frames as. Using the folder browser window that appears, select the location you would like to save the images.";
richTextBox1.Text="To save a GIF, click File->Save As... Using the file browser window that appears, select the location you would like to save the GIF to.";
richTextBox1.Text="To select the range of frames";
richTextBox1.Text="To select the range of frames, simply use the boxes in the bottom center of the window to adjust which frames are displayed and saved. If the range is out of bounds, the GIF may appear choppy or simply stop.";