@@ -69,8 +69,23 @@ Four tests were conducted in the exact same fashion where a GIF, already loaded
One test was performed to determine if the help section could be easily acccesible and understandable. With the program loaded, the help tab was tested if it opened and the definitions given were viewable. This test proved to be successful in matching what the expected output was supposed to be.
A GIF was loaded into the program and a specific size was specified by the user. The GIF would be resized to that specified size which matched the expected output of that function. There was also a test that went through the exact same process where it utilized edge case to determine if it crashed the program. As expected, it did not crash it.
\section{Nonfunctional Requirements Evaluation}
All tested non-functional requirements fall under the Performance Category of our system. These requirements were deemed most needed to have the system pass software revision one successfully.
Two tests were conducted to validate speed performance of Gifitti, one test for loading, another for modifying and exporting a GIF.\\
The C\# debug timer was utilized to validate that exportation of a GIF, when the user invoked the process to export a sub GIF a time stamp was collected, which was then compared to the ending time stamp after export returned. All collected times for GIFs with a frame length of 100 had export times strictly less than MAX\_EXPORT\_TIME.\\
For loading GIF images into Gifitti, a similar process was used. When the tester invoked the process to open a GIF a time stamp was collected, which was then compared to the ending time stamp after the system returned to its base state. All collected time differences for images of frame length 100 were recorded to load in a time strictly less then MAX\_UI\_LOAD.\\
Overall the system has been verified to uphold to speed performance requirements.
A single test case was conducted validate precision. The test validates that exported sub GIF frames fully represent the tester’s request. The test selected the first five frames of an arbitrary GIF, using a 3rd party software system the GIF was dismantled, the export from the test case was compared to the complete set of ordered frames from the 3rd party software. The output of Gifitti matched the expected output.
\subsubsection{Safety Critical}
Three test cases were developed to validate safety critical components of Gifitti. \\
The first test had the tester export a set of frames to a known location, this step was then repeated. As user data integrity is vital to the usability of the system a prompt for checking if the user is okay with overwriting their data is required. Gifitti prompted the user, notifying them of this action, thus passing the test.\\
The second test had the tester save a GIF to a location with restricted access. In this case the restricted access was a lack of memory. A partitioned folder was created with a max folder size of 1kB on windows. This folder was then selected for save by the tester, with a loaded GIF. Windows denied the save and notified the user in the save dialog. Thus through only being usable on Windows systems the product passes.\\
The third test validates invalid user inputs to all text fields in the system. All text fields were tested with alpha-numeric, strictly alphabetical, negative, and invalid ranges of numbers for what can be represented. All inputs did not update the system and kept it in a safe state.
\section{Unit Testing}
Unit testing has been done on system methods that return a value, or modify