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W. Spencer Smith / cas741
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W. Spencer Smith authoredW. Spencer Smith authored
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titlepage.tex 1022 B
%Title page information for 1D04 lectures slides
% Define year specific parameters - used in title page and footer
\newcommand{\season}{Fall} %use to switch between Winter and Fall
\newcommand{\instructor}{Dr.~Spencer Smith} %use to switch instructor
\newcommand{\courseCode}{CAS 741, CES 741}
\newcommand{\courseTitle}{Development of Scientific Computing Software}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[ball]
{\normalsize \bf
\borange{\courseCode~(\courseTitle)\\ \season~\yr}}\\[2ex]
{\Large \bf \topic}}
Faculty of Engineering,
McMaster University}
%January 2011\\
\includegraphics[scale = 0.2, keepaspectratio]
\renewcommand{\borange}[1] %orange is too hard to read