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Haley Glavina authoredHaley Glavina authored
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2XB3 Group 11 - Trawl Expert - Repository
This is our repository for everything relating to our project for 2XB3.
Opening this project in Eclipse
- In Eclipse, click on File -> Open Projects from File System.
- Beside "Import source" click on "Directory..."
- Navigate to the repository on your hard drive (folder should be called 2XB3).
- Click "Open" then "Finish"
Now you should be able to view and edit code :)
Code standards
- To keep our code somewhat "pretty" and to make it easier for us to
read each other's code try to remember to use the
) option before committing. - Use comments for anything particularly tricky or confusing.
Respository guidelines / suggestions
- Commit often -- don't write a bunch of code then commit
- Use descriptive commit messages
Other random things
- I have set the repository to ignore all files in the /bin/ directory. These
files are generated automatically by Eclipse when you run your code; they're
ananlogous to *.o files we dealt with in C last semester. Therefore, it is
pointless and a pain to include them in the repository. So you don't need to
try to
git add
these files and don't worry that they're not showing up on the repository online.