@@ -55,20 +55,21 @@ to the template, you should explicity state what modifications were made.
\section{Project Drivers}
\subsection{The Purpose of the Project}
The purpose of this project is to redevelop an existing open source project. This is to de While creating proper documentation and following a modified waterfall design method.
\subsection{The Stakeholders}
The stakeholders of this project are all the people who would be interested in playing the game.
\subsubsection{The Client}
The client of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe is Dr. Smith as he is the project manager. We are creating this game for him to distribute to the masses.
\subsubsection{The Customers}
The target customer for this game would be anyone who has a device connected to the internet and wants to play a game with a friend. This would be highly beneficial to young children, but it is open for anyone to play
\subsubsection{Other Stakeholders}
Another stakeholder is the teaching assistant, Chris, as is aiding Dr. Smith in project management during lab as well as the developers.
\subsection{Mandated Constraints}
The constraints of this game are that there is a device that can connect to the internet and a friend to play the game with.
\subsection{Naming Conventions and Terminology}
The naming convention for winning an inner game will be called controlling a square. In order to win, a player must get a tic tac toe of controlled squares.
\subsection{Relevant Facts and Assumptions}
We assume that the users have a stable internet connection and are aware of the rules of regular Tic Tac Toe. It is important to note that the game will work better in large screens rather than a small display.
User characteristics should go under assumptions.
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ User characteristics should go under assumptions.
\subsubsection{The Context of the Work}
\subsubsection{Work Partitioning}
The development of this game is shared evenly between the two team members. The game logic is developed by both members. The graphical portion is mainly going to be done by Kunal, and the server portion will be done by Pareek.