September 28 & Pareek Ravi and Kunal Shah & Started on Development Plan\\
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Put your introductory blurb here.
\section{Team Meeting Plan}
Our Team will be meeting 4 times a week; twice during lab hours and twice outside of lab. Out of lab meetings will take place in a
few locations such as Thode Library, Health Sciences Library, team member?s homes or via online mediums such as skype.
During each meeting minutes will be taken down. This will recap what was done during the meeting, what we have done since the
last meeting and what we plan to accomplish before the next meeting. \\
\section{Team Communication Plan}
All team communication about setting group meetings and project related communication will occur on the Facebook messenger
group chat. Skype will be used to conduct ''virtual'' face to face meetings outside of lab. Git issues will be used for setting milestones,
delegating tasks and reporting bugs in the program. \\
\section{Team Member Roles}
During every meeting one member (alternating) will be the meeting facilitator. This role consists of fill out the \href{run:3XA3 Meeting Summary Template.docx}{\textcolor{blue}{meeting minutes
word document}} and saving a pdf copy to the git repo. Other Member roles are distributed as follows:\\