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\title{Computing and Software 741 (Computational Engineering and Science 741)
Development of Scientific Computing Software}
%\author{Spencer Smith}
\pagestyle {plain}
\pagenumbering {arabic}
% enumi counter is redefined for the purpose of numbering the deliverables
This course outline contains important information that will affect your
grade. You should retain and refer to this outline throughout the term.
\section {Instructor}
Dr.~Spencer Smith\\
Office: ITB/167\\
E-mail: \texttt{smiths@mcmaster.ca}\\
Web: \url{http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~smiths}\\
Office Hours: Drop in, or by appointment\\
\section{Calendar Description}
This course presents the basic principles of software development for reliable
and sustainable scientific and engineering software. Using example
applications, we discuss a systematic process for the development and
documentation of requirements, system design, module design, implementation,
testing, and inspection.
Scientific computation (Research Software) consists of using computer tools to
simulate mathematical models of real world systems so that we can better
understand and predict the system's behaviour. A small sample of some important
applications of scientific computation include the following: designing new
automotive parts, analysing the flow of blood in the body, and determining the
concentration of a pollutant released into the groundwater. As these examples
illustrate, scientific computation can be used for tackling problems that impact
such areas as manufacturing, financial planning, environmental policy, and the
health, welfare and safety of communities. Given the important applications of
scientific computation, it is surprising that developers place little emphasis
on the quality of the software that performs the computations. Although many
successful and sophisticated algorithms have been developed for scientific
computing, the software often suffers from problems with such qualities as
reliability, usability, verifiability, maintainability, reusability, and
portability. This is why developers sell scientific software with a disclaimer
instead of a warranty. To make matters worse, the quality of scientific
software is becoming increasingly more of an issue because the complexity and
size of the problems that can be simulated on modern computers is constantly
growing. The question for the future is how to meet the growing need for
providing quick solutions to large and complex problems, and at the same time
ensure that the solutions are correct? This graduate course will investigate
this question by applying to scientific computing problems such software
engineering methodologies as commonality analysis, requirements analysis and
documentation, modular decomposition, module interface specification, testing,
code and document generation and assurance cases.
The course will look at tools, techniques, and principles for iterative and
incremental development of scientific and engineering software. Despite the
iterative development cycle, the documentation will follow 5 rational steps: i)
identify the problem, ii) document the requirements, iii) design the system, iv)
implement the software, and v) perform tests. This structure is well suited to
scientific computing because it parallels the idealized scientific method, as
follows: i) we identify a physical problem of engineering or scientific
importance; ii) we derive a system of governing equations and the associated
boundary conditions; iii) we develop numerical algorithms; iv) we implement the
numerical algorithms on a computer; and, v) we verify and validate the model and
the computed results, with the potential to return to one of the previous steps
if necessary. These five steps are inherently multidisciplinary as they involve
skills from physical modelling, mathematics, numerical analysis and computer
science. For this reason it is important that we clearly document requirements
(including assumptions) and design decisions.
\subsection*{Avenue, GitLab, GitHub and Teams}
This course will be administered via Avenue to Learn. Go to
\item[] \url{http://avenue.mcmaster.ca/}
\noindent to access the course's Avenue to Learn page. Please send only normal
McMaster e-mail; do not send mail via Avenue.
Students should be aware that, when they access the electronic components of
this course, private information such as first and last names, usernames for the
McMaster e-mail accounts, and program affiliation may become apparent to all
other students in the same course. The available information is dependent on
the technology used. Continuation in this course will be deemed consent to this
disclosure. If you have any questions or concerns about such disclosure please
discuss this with the Instructor.
\emph{It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the
information on the course's Avenue to Learn page and to check
regularly for announcements.}
The primary purpose of Avenue will be for maintaining grades. Most of the
course content will be maintained in a public git (CAS GitLab) repository. You
can access this repository at:
% \noindent Rather than use the Avenue discussion board, please post your
% questions (issues) to the GitLab issue tracker.
In addition to Avenue and the Gitlab course note repository, every student will
create a public GitHub repository (with the instructor added as a full access
collaborator) for their work. The GitHub server is at
\url{https://github.com/}. Each student's repo will start from the given
\href{https://github.com/smiths/capTemplate} {template repo}. Students will be
expected to use GitHub to provide comments on the work of other students in the
We will use Teams for for discussion. Our communication policy is that questions
that are relevant to other students in the class should be posted on Teams.
That way everyone can benefit from the discussion. Questions that are relevant
to only one individual, should be sent to the instructor via e-mail. Please
send only normal McMaster e-mail; do not send mail via Avenue or direct messages
using Teams.
Classes will be held in person in the graduate classroom (ITB/222).
\section {Course Project}
At the beginning of the term each student will select a scientific computing
problem. Over the course of the term software will be developed to address the
selected problem. The software development process will follow the iterative
waterfall model. Typically, students will use one of two methodologies:
\item ``Traditional/Manual Approach''
\begin {enumerate}
\item Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
\item Module Guide (MG)
\item Module Interface Specification (MIS)
\item Implementation (any appropriate programming language)
\item Verification and Validation (VnV) Plan
\item Verification and Validation (VnV) Report
\item ``Drasil (artifact+code generation)/Automated Approach''
\begin {enumerate}
\item Software Requirements Specification (SRS) draft, as for manual
\item SRS generation in Drasil
\item Drasil design choices and explanation
\item Code generation (Drasil supported programming languages)
\item Verification and Validation (VnV) Plan (manually produced)
\item Verification and Validation (VnV) Report (manually produced)
\end {enumerate}
If a student opts for the Drasil approach, they can later switch back to the
Traditional approach, without any grade related penalty.
The Drasil approach uses the \href{https://github.com/JacquesCarette/Drasil}
{Drasil framework} to generate the SRS and the code. Since Drasil is
incomplete, the V\&V documents will still be generated manually. Further
details on Drasil will be covered during the class lectures.
With approval from the instructor, the deliverables can potentially be modified,
if a project is more suited to a different structure. For instance, a project
could replace one of the above deliverables with an assurance case deliverable,
or with a greater emphasis on domain specific code to automatically build the
deliverables, or with extending Drasil's capabilities. Projects that add
something substantial to the base requirements are eligible for a bonus grade of
up to 50\%. For instance, adding support for a new external library to Drasil
would be worth additional marks. The specific bonus should be discussed with
the instructor in advance.
\section {Course Structure}
The format of the course will consist of student and instructor presentations.
Each student will be expected to do an informal presentation on some subset of
their SRS, MG, MIS, Drasil, Implementation, VnV Plan and VnV Report. The class
discussion during each presentation will assist in improving the quality of the
written deliverable. Given the term-long goal of improving each project,
students should be prepared for criticism during their presentations. This
criticism is part of formative learning; it is part of the learning process. It
will not effect the presentation grades. Please let the instructor know if you
have any concerns with the feedback you receive.
Each student following the traditional approach will be expected to virtually
hand in the following written documents: SRS, MG, MIS, VnV Plan, VnV Report,
code and Final Documentation. The deliverables for the Drasil approach are the
same, except we replace the MG and MIS with the Drasil code to generate the
documentation and code.
\section {Grading}
\begin {enumerate}
\item (Traditional and Drasil) Presentations and class discussion 5\%
\item (Traditional and Drasil) ``Domain Expert'' reviewer role 5\%
\item (Traditional and Drasil) Problem Statement, Risk, Proof of Concept (POC) Plan 0\%
\item (Traditional and Drasil) System Requirements Specification (SRS) Document 10\%
\item (Traditional and Drasil) System Verification and Validation (VnV-Syst) Plan 10\%
\item (Traditional) Module Guide and Module Interface Specification (MG and MIS) 10\%
\item (Drasil) Drasil code and Code Explanation Document 10\%
\item (Traditional and Drasil) Final Documentation 60\%
\item Problem Statement (Revised)
\item SRS (Revised)
\item System VnV Plan (Revised)
\item (Traditional) MG (Revised)
\item (Traditional) MIS (Revised)
\item (Drasil) Drasil code and explanation (Revised)
\item Unit VnV Plan
\item Code
\item System VnV Report
\item Unit VnV Report
\item Reflection Report
\item Extra task (for non-research projects, see below)
\end {enumerate}
All projects are expected to use Continuous Integration (CI), unless there is a
compelling reason (agreed on with the instructor) why CI is not an option.
\subsection{Peer Review}
Each student will be assigned as a ``Domain Expert'' (DE) for one of their
classmates. The DE will review (via GitHub issues) their assigned project. %
%In addition, they will write the code for one of the modules of their assigned
% project and issue a pull request through GitHub. For the secondary reviewer
% role, the instructor will assign various review tasks throughout the term. The
% secondary reviewers feedback will focus more on the structure and format of the
% documentation, rather than on issues related to domain knowledge.
\subsection{Challenge Level and Extra Tasks}
Due to differences in interests and background, students in this course will
select topics with varying levels of complexity in the required domain knowledge
and possibly in the implementation. If a project requires graduate-level domain
knowledge, it is classified as a ``research'' project. For projects that are
not ``research'' projects, an extra task required. Examples of extra tasks
include usability testing, rigorous code walkthroughs, user manual, formal
proof, etc. If a research project does extra work, the extra work is graded as
a bonus. The extra task is evaluated as part of the final documentation.
\section {Policy Statements}
This section of the course outline explains the course policy with respect to
improving the course, missed work, discrimination and academic dishonesty.
\subsection {Improving the course}
Ideas to improve the course are always welcome. Moreover, if you have problems
in the course please contact the instructors as early as possible.
\subsection {Missed Work}
Late assignments, without permission, will receive a penalty of -20 \% per
working day that the assignment is late.
\subsection {Discrimination}
The Faculty of Engineering is concerned with ensuring an environment
that is free of all adverse discrimination. If there is a problem,
that cannot be resolved by discussion among the persons concerned,
individuals are reminded that they should contact their Department
Chair and the Human Rights and Equity Services (HRES) office as soon
as possible.
\subsection {Academic Dishonesty}
You are expected to exhibit honesty and use ethical behaviour in all aspects of
the learning process. Academic credentials you earn are rooted in principles of
honesty and academic integrity.
Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or
could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. This behaviour can result
in serious consequences, e.g., the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of
credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: ``Grade of F assigned
for academic dishonesty''), and/or suspension or expulsion from the university.
It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty.
For information on the various types of academic dishonesty please refer to the
Academic Integrity Policy, located at
\noindent The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:
\item Plagiarism, e.g., the submission of work that is not one's own or for
which other credit has been obtained.
\item Improper collaboration in group work.
\item Copying or using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.
\emph{Your work must be your own.} Plagiarism and copying will not be
tolerated! If it is discovered that you plagiarized or copied, it
will be considered as academic dishonesty.
Students may be asked to defend their written work orally.
\subsection*{Course Modifications}
The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of
the course during the term. The university may change the dates and
deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either
type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and
communication with the students will be given with explanation and the
opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the
student to check their McMaster e-mail and course websites weekly
during the term and to note any changes. Your McMaster e-mail is the
one with the address ending in \texttt{@mcmaster.ca}. This is a
separate e-mail address from your Avenue address.
\subsection*{Conduct Expectations}
As a McMaster graduate student, you have the right to experience, and the
responsibility to demonstrate, respectful and dignified interactions within all
of our living, learning and working communities. These expectations are
described in the Code of Student Rights \& Responsibilities (the ``Code''). All
students share the responsibility of maintaining a positive environment for the
academic and personal growth of all McMaster community members, whether in
person or online.
It is essential that students be mindful of their interactions online, as the
Code remains in effect in virtual learning environments. The Code applies to any
interactions that adversely affect, disrupt, or interfere with reasonable
participation in University activities. Student disruptions or behaviours that
interfere with university functions on online platforms (e.g. use of Avenue 2
Learn, WebEx or Zoom for delivery), will be taken very seriously and will be
investigated. Outcomes may include restriction or removal of the involved
students’ access to these platforms.
\subsection*{Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities}
Students with disabilities who require academic accommodation must contact
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) at 905-525-9140 ext. 28652 or
sas@mcmaster.ca to make arrangements with a Program Coordinator. For further
information, consult McMaster University’s Academic Accommodation of Students
with Disabilities policy.
\subsection*{Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous or Spiritual
Observations (RISO)}
Students requiring academic accommodation based on religious, indigenous or
spiritual observances should follow the procedures set out in the RISO
policy. Students should submit their request to their Faculty Office normally
within 10 working days of the beginning of term in which they anticipate a need
for accommodation or to the Registrar's Office prior to their
examinations. Students should also contact their instructors as soon as possible
to make alternative arrangements for classes, assignments, and tests.
\subsection*{Copyright and Recording}
Students are advised that lectures, demonstrations, performances, and any other
course material provided by an instructor include copyright protected works. The
Copyright Act and copyright law protect every original literary, dramatic,
musical and artistic work, including lectures by University instructors
The recording of lectures, tutorials, or other methods of instruction may occur
during a course. Recording may be done by either the instructor for the purpose
of authorized distribution, or by a student for the purpose of personal
study. Students should be aware that their voice and/or image may be recorded by
others during the class. Please speak with the instructor if this is a concern
for you.
\subsection*{Extreme Circumstances}
The University reserves the right to change the dates and deadlines for any or
all courses in extreme circumstances (e.g., severe weather, labour disruptions,
etc.). Changes will be communicated through regular McMaster communication
channels, such as McMaster Daily News, A2L and/or McMaster email.