@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Num, Last Name, First Name, e-mail, GitHub ID, Supervisor, Project Name, Project
1, Tran, Phillip, tranp30@mcmaster.ca, ptrandev, Dr. Denise Geiskkovitch, OCRacle, Optical Character Recognition for Latin Alphabet Characters, Traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/ptrandev/OCRacle, main, YES, TBD,
2, Fang, Ziyang, fangz58@mcmaster.ca, FangZiyang, Dr. Spencer Smith, polar-bear-robot, Robot kinematics and dynamics software, traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/FangZiyang/CAS741-Ryan, main, YES, Alaap Grandhi,
3, Lin, Junwei, lin523@mcmaster.ca, Lychee-acaca, Dr. Shiva Kumar, RwaveDetection, ECG signal processing and R-wave detection, traditional, No,User manual, https://github.com/Lychee-acaca/CAS741, main, YES, TBD,
4, Jimoh, Aliyah, jimoha1@mcmaster.ca, AliyahJimoh, Dr. Matthew Giamou, 2D-Localizer, 2-D Localization for Mobile Robots, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/AliyahJimoh/2D-Localizer, main, YES, TBD,
5, Singh, Kiran, singhk56@mcmaster.ca, KiranSingh15, Dr. Matthew Giamou, CAS-741-Image-Correspondences, Image Feature Correspondences for Camera Calibration, traditional, Yes, User Manual, https://github.com/KiranSingh15/CAS-741-Image-Correspondences, main, YES, TBD,
4, Jimoh, Aliyah, jimoha1@mcmaster.ca, AliyahJimoh, Dr. Matthew Giamou, 2D-Localizer, 2-D Localization for Mobile Robots, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/AliyahJimoh/2D-Localizer, main, YES, Kiran Singh,
5, Singh, Kiran, singhk56@mcmaster.ca, KiranSingh15, Dr. Matthew Giamou, CAS-741-Image-Correspondences, Image Feature Correspondences for Camera Calibration, traditional, Yes, User Manual, https://github.com/KiranSingh15/CAS-741-Image-Correspondences, main, YES, Aliyah Jimoh,
6, Ahmadi, Yasmin, ahmady3@mcmaster.ca, YasminAhmadi, Dr. Christian Brodbeck, NeuroMap, Integration of Predictive Algorithms for Mapping to Neural Activity, Traditional, Yes, User manual, https://github.com/YasminAhmadi/CAS-741, main, YES, TBD,
7, Schankula, Christopher, schankuc@mcmaster.ca, CSchank, Dr. Spencer Smith and Dr. Jacques Carette, Drasil Tensors,"Adding Tensors, Matrices, and Vectors to Drasil", Other (Meta-Drasil), Yes, Possible research or arXiv paper, https://github.com/CSchank/TensorCodeGen, main, YES, Phillip Tran,