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Commit 47943274 authored by W. Spencer Smith's avatar W. Spencer Smith
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Updates to SRS template and to SRS review checklist

parent 835d56b0
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......@@ -23,27 +23,108 @@
\item Structure
\item Frame the problem
\item Write solution
\item profit
\item Follows the template, all parts present
\item Table of contents
\item Pages are numbered
\item Revision history included for major revisions
\item Sections from template are all present
\item Values of auxiliary constants are given
\item Grammar, spelling, presentation
\item No spelling mistakes (use a spell checker!)
\item No grammar mistakes (review, as someone else to review (at least a few
\item No grammar mistakes (review, ask someone else to review (at least a few
\item Paragraphs are structured well (clear topic sentence, cohesive)
\item Paragraphs are concise (not wordy)
\item No low information content phrases (url plus examples)
\item All hyperlinks work
\item Every figure has a caption
\item Every table has a heading
\item Symbolic names are used for quantities, rather than literal values
\item LaTeX
\item Instructor comments are left turned on
\item Instructor comments (wss) are left in the tex file. Template comments
(plt) can be removed.
\item References and labels are used so that maintenance is feasible
\item Overall qualities of documentation
\item No statement is repeated at the same level of abstraction (for instance
the scope should be more abstract than the assumptions, the goal statements
should be more abstract than the requirements, etc.)
\item Someone that meets the characteristics of the intended reader could
learn what they need to know
\item Someone that meets the characteristics of the intended reader could
verify all of the statement made in the SRS. That is, they do not have to
trust the SRS authors on any information.
\item Reference Material
\item All units introduced are listed (searching the document can help look
for other units that may be present, but not listed)
\item Units listed are each used at least once (manually searching the
document is a quick way to check this)
\item The names of units named after people are in lower-case
\item All symbols used in the document are listed in the table of symbols
\item All symbols listed in the table of symbols are used in the document
\item All abbreviations/acronyms used in the document are listed in the
table of abbreviations/acronyms
\item All abbreviations/acronyms listed in the table of
abbreviations/acronyms are used in the document
\item Introduction
\item General System Description
\item Problem Description
\item Solution Characteristics Specification
\item Each assumption is ``atomic'' (no explicit or implicit ``ands'')
\item Assumptions are a refinement of the scope
\item The rationale is given for assumptions that require justification
\item The derivation of all GDs as refinements from other models is clear
\item The derivation of all IMs as refinements from other models is clear
\item All DD are used (referenced) by at least one other model
\item Functional Requirements
\item Nonfunctional Requirements
\item Likely and Unlikely changes
\item Traceability Matrices
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......@@ -213,7 +213,10 @@ which heat is transferred in
\plt{This template document assumes that a single program is being documented.
If you are documenting a family of models, you should start with a commonality
analysis. A separate template is provided for this. For program
families you should look at \cite{Smith2006, SmithMcCutchanAndCarette2017}.}
families you should look at \cite{Smith2006, SmithMcCutchanAndCarette2017}.
Single family member programs are often programs based on a single physical
model. General purpose tools are usually documented as a family. Families of
physical models also come up.}
\plt{The SRS is not generally written, or read, sequentially. The SRS is a
reference document. It is generally read in an ad hoc order, as the need
......@@ -245,6 +248,20 @@ which heat is transferred in
of the template, and not considered an instance of academic integrity. Of
course, you need to cite the source of the template.}
\plt{When the documentation is done, it should be possible to trace back to the
source of every piece of information. Some information will come from
external sources, like terminology. Other information will be derived, like
General Definitions.}
\plt{An SRS document should have the following qualities: unambiguous,
consistent, complete, validatable, abstract and traceable.}
\plt{The overall goal of the SRS is that someone that meets the Characteristics
of the Intended Reader (Section~\ref{sec_IntendedReader}) can learn,
understand and verify the captured domain knowledge. They should not have to
trust the authors of the SRS on any statements. They should be able to
independently verify/derive every statement made.}
\plt{The introduction section is written to introduce the problem. It starts
......@@ -396,13 +413,16 @@ The description here should be in the problem space, not the solution space.}
\subsubsection{Terminology and Definitions}
\plt{This section is expressed in words, not with equations. It provide the
meaning of the different words and phrases used in the domain of the problem.
The terminology is used to introduce concepts from the world outside of the
mathematical model The terminology provides a real world connection to give the
mathematical model meaning.}
This subsection provides a list of terms that are used in the subsequent
sections and their meaning, with the purpose of reducing ambiguity and making it
easier to correctly understand the requirements:
\plt{This section is expressed in words, not with equations. It provide the
meaning of the different words and phrases used in the domain of the problem.}
......@@ -449,13 +469,15 @@ includes the following elements:
\subsubsection{Goal Statements}
\plt{A goal is a functional objective the system under consideration should
achieve. Goals provide criteria for sufficient completeness of a requirements
specification and for requirements pertinence. Goals will be refined in
Section “Instanced Models” (Section~\ref{sec_instance}). Large and complex
goals should be decomposed into smaller sub-goals. The goals are written
abstractly, with a minimal amount of technical language. They should be
understandable by non-domain experts.}
\plt{The goal statements refine the ``Problem Description''
(Section~\ref{Sec_pd}). A goal is a functional objective the system under
consideration should achieve. Goals provide criteria for sufficient
completeness of a requirements specification and for requirements
pertinence. Goals will be refined in Section “Instanced Models”
(Section~\ref{sec_instance}). Large and complex goals should be decomposed
into smaller sub-goals. The goals are written abstractly, with a minimal
amount of technical language. They should be understandable by non-domain
\noindent Given the \plt{inputs}, the goal statements are:
......@@ -500,8 +522,17 @@ includes the following elements:
about how the information is used. In one problem the definition of
acceleration can be a TM, in another it would be a DD.}
\plt{There is repetition between the information given in the different chunks
(TM, GDs etc) with other information in the document. For instance, the
meaning of the symbols, the units etc are repeated. This is so that the
chunks can stand on their own when being read by a reviewer/user. It also
facilitates reuse of the models in a different context.}
\noindent \plt{The relationships between the parts of the document are show in
the following figure.}
the following figure. In this diagram ``may ref'' has the same role as
``uses'' above. The figure adds ``Likely Changes,'' which are able to
reference (use) Assumptions.}
......@@ -513,6 +544,9 @@ models can be verified.
\subsubsection{Assumptions} \label{sec_assumpt}
\plt{The assumptions are a refinement of the scope. The scope is general, where
the assumptions are specific. All assumptions should be listed, even those
that domain experts know so well that they are rarely (if ever) written down.}
\plt{The document should not take for granted that the reader knows which
assumptions have been made. In the case of unusual assumptions, it is
recommended that the documentation either include, or point to, an explanation
......@@ -529,7 +563,9 @@ likely change [LC], in which the respective assumption is used.
\item[A\refstepcounter{assumpnum}\theassumpnum \label{A_meaningfulLabel}:]
\plt{Short description of each assumption. Each assumption
should have a meaningful label. Use cross-references to identify the
appropriate traceability to T, GD, DD etc., using commands like dref, ddref etc.}
appropriate traceability to T, GD, DD etc., using commands like dref, ddref
etc. Each assumption should be atomic - that is, there should not be an
explicit (or implicit) ``and'' in the text of an assumption.}
......@@ -582,8 +618,15 @@ on. \plt{Modify the examples below for your problem, and add additional models
\subsubsection{General Definitions}\label{sec_gendef}
This section collects the laws and equations that will be used in deriving the
data definitions, which in turn are used to build the instance models.
\plt{General Definitions (GDs) are a refinement of one or more TMs, and/or of
other GDs. The GDs are less abstract than the TMs. Generally the reduction
in abstraction is possible through invoking (using/referencing) Assumptions.
For instance, the TM could be Newton's Law of Cooling stated abstracting. The
GD could take the general law and apply it to get a 1D equation.}
This section collects the laws and equations that will be used in building the
instance models.
\plt{Some projects may not have any content for this section, but the section
heading should be kept.} \plt{Modify the examples below for your problem, and
add additional definitions as appropriate.}
......@@ -628,10 +671,21 @@ between the environment and the object (\si{\celsius}).
\subsubsection*{Detailed derivation of simplified rate of change of temperature}
\plt{This may be necessary when the necessary information does not fit in the
description field.}
description field.}
\plt{Derivations are important for justifying a given GD. You want it to be
clear where the equation came from.}
\subsubsection{Data Definitions}\label{sec_datadef}
\plt{The Data Definitions are definitions of symbols and equations that are
given for the problem. They are not derived; they are simply used by other
models. For instance, if a problem depends on density, there may be a data
definition for the equation defining density. The DDs are given information
that you can use in your other modules.}
\plt{All Data Definitions should be used (referenced) by at least one other
This section collects and defines all the data needed to build the instance
models. The dimension of each quantity is also given. \plt{Modify the examples
below for your problem, and add additional definitions as appropriate.}
......@@ -677,6 +731,12 @@ Symbol &$q_C$\\
\subsubsection{Instance Models} \label{sec_instance}
\plt{The motivation for this section is to reduce the problem defined in
``Physical System Description'' (Section~\ref{sec_phySystDescrip}) to one
expressed in mathematical terms. The IMs are built by refining the TMs and/or
GDs. This section should remain abstract. The SRS should specify the
requirements without considering the implementation.}
This section transforms the problem defined in Section~\ref{Sec_pd} into
one which is expressed in mathematical terms. It uses concrete symbols defined
in Section~\ref{sec_datadef} to replace the abstract symbols in the models
......@@ -730,20 +790,23 @@ The goals \plt{reference your goals} are solved by \plt{reference your instance
\subsubsection*{Derivation of ...}
\plt{May be necessary to include this subsection in some cases.}
\plt{The derivation shows how the IM is derived from the TMs/GDs. In cases
where the derivation cannot be described under the Description field, it will
be necessary to include this subsection.}
\subsubsection{Data Constraints} \label{sec_DataConstraints}
\subsubsection{Input Data Constraints} \label{sec_DataConstraints}
Table~\ref{TblInputVar} shows the data constraints on the
input output variables. The column for physical constraints gives
the physical limitations on the range of values that can be taken by the
variable. The column for software constraints restricts the range of inputs to
reasonable values. The constraints are conservative, to give the user of the
model the flexibility to experiment with unusual situations. The column of
typical values is intended to provide a feel for a common scenario. The
uncertainty column provides an estimate of the confidence with which the
physical quantities can be measured. This information would be part of the
input if one were performing an uncertainty quantification exercise.
Table~\ref{TblInputVar} shows the data constraints on the input output
variables. The column for physical constraints gives the physical limitations
on the range of values that can be taken by the variable. The column for
software constraints restricts the range of inputs to reasonable values. The
software constraints will be helpful in the design stage for picking suitable
algorithms. The constraints are conservative, to give the user of the model the
flexibility to experiment with unusual situations. The column of typical values
is intended to provide a feel for a common scenario. The uncertainty column
provides an estimate of the confidence with which the physical quantities can be
measured. This information would be part of the input if one were performing an
uncertainty quantification exercise.
The specification parameters in Table~\ref{TblInputVar} are listed in
......@@ -804,6 +867,9 @@ A correct solution must exhibit \plt{fill in the details}. \plt{These
\plt{The requirements refine the goal statement. They will make heavy use of
references to the instance models.}
This section provides the functional requirements, the business tasks that the
software is expected to complete, and the nonfunctional requirements, the
qualities that the software is expected to exhibit.
......@@ -850,7 +916,8 @@ qualities that the software is expected to exhibit.
\noindent \begin{itemize}
\item[LC\refstepcounter{lcnum}\thelcnum\label{LC_meaningfulLabel}:] \plt{Give
the likely changes, with a reference to the related assumption (aref), as appropriate.}
the unlikely changes. The design can assume that the changes listed will
not occur.}
......@@ -869,6 +936,9 @@ the assumptions.
\plt{You will have to modify these tables for your problem.}
\plt{The traceability matrix is challenging to maintain manually. Please do
your best. In the future tools (like Drasil) will make this much easier.}
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