9, Garcilazo Cruz, Uriel, garcilau@mcmaster.ca, UGarCil, Dr. Alejandro Vargas Hernandez, SUBLIMark, Optimizing the alignment of gene sequential data using greedy algorithms, Traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/UGarCil/UGarcil_capstone, main, YES, TBD,
9, Garcilazo Cruz, Uriel, garcilau@mcmaster.ca, UGarCil, Dr. Alejandro Vargas Hernandez, SUBLIMark, Optimizing the alignment of gene sequential data using greedy algorithms, Traditional, No, User manual, https://github.com/UGarCil/UGarcil_capstone, main, YES, TBD,
10, Saad, Hussein, saadh@mcmaster.ca, husseinsd1, Dr. Matthew Giamou, optimal-em-arrangement, Optimal actuator positioning for electromagnetic actuation systems, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/husseinsd1/optimal-em-arrangement, main, TBD, TBD,
10, Saad, Hussein, saadh@mcmaster.ca, husseinsd1, Dr. Matthew Giamou, optimal-em-arrangement, Optimal actuator positioning for electromagnetic actuation systems, traditional, Yes, N/A, https://github.com/husseinsd1/optimal-em-arrangement, main, TBD, TBD,
11, Huo, Yinying, huoy8@mcmaster.ca, V-AS, Dr. Sivan Sabato, Two-tower-recommentation-system, A Two-tower embeddings recommendation system for book recommendation, Traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/V-AS/Two-tower-recommender-system, main, YES, TBD,
11, Huo, Yinying, huoy8@mcmaster.ca, V-AS, Dr. Sivan Sabato, Two-tower-recommentation-system, A Two-tower embeddings recommendation system for book recommendation, Traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/V-AS/Two-tower-recommender-system, main, YES, Yuanqi,
12, Pignier, Baptiste, pignierb@mcmaster.ca, BaptistePignier, N/A, CAS741-GameOfLife, Continuous version of Conway's Game of Life , traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/BaptistePignier/CAS741-GameOfLife, main, TBD, TBD,
12, Pignier, Baptiste, pignierb@mcmaster.ca, BaptistePignier, N/A, CAS741-GameOfLife, Continuous version of Conway's Game of Life , traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/BaptistePignier/CAS741-GameOfLife, main, TBD, TBD,
13, Chen, Qianlin, chenq84@mcmaster.ca, marischan888, Dr. Anand Christopher, Computed-Tomography-Image-Reconstruction, Processing CT image reconstruction with filtering techniques, traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/marischan888/Computed-Tomography-Image-Reconstruction, main, YES, TBD,
13, Chen, Qianlin, chenq84@mcmaster.ca, marischan888, Dr. Anand Christopher, Computed-Tomography-Image-Reconstruction, Processing CT image reconstruction with filtering techniques, traditional, No, User Manual, https://github.com/marischan888/Computed-Tomography-Image-Reconstruction, main, YES, TBD,