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Commit e14cf50b authored by Steven Palmer's avatar Steven Palmer
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Updates to a3 soln

parent dc053d5b
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......@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
class PathT
vector<LineT> s;
std::vector<LineT> s;
void translatePriv(int dx, int dy);
vector<PointT> pointsInLine(LineT ln) const;
std::vector<PointT> pointsInLine(LineT ln) const;
PointT adjPt(CompassT o) const;
bool intersects(LineT a, LineT b) const;
......@@ -8,13 +8,11 @@
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
template <class T>
class Seq2D
vector<vector<T>> s;
std::vector<std::vector<T>> s;
double scale;
nat nRow;
nat nCol;
......@@ -24,11 +22,11 @@ class Seq2D
bool validPoint(PointT p) const;
bool validLine(LineT l) const;
bool validPath(PathT pth) const;
vector<PointT> pointsInLine(LineT l) const;
vector<PointT> pointsInPath(PathT pth) const;
std::vector<PointT> pointsInLine(LineT l) const;
std::vector<PointT> pointsInPath(PathT pth) const;
Seq2D(vector<vector<T>> s, double scale);
Seq2D(std::vector<std::vector<T>> s, double scale);
void set(PointT p, T v);
T get(PointT p) const;
nat getNumRow() const;
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ PointT PathT::end() const
LineT PathT::line(nat i) const
if(i >= s.size())
throw outside_bounds();
return s[i];
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ bool Seq2D<T>::validCol(nat j) const
template <class T>
bool Seq2D<T>::validPoint(PointT p) const
return validRow(p.x()) && validCol(p.y());
return validRow(p.y()) && validCol(p.x());
template <class T>
#include "catch.h"
#include "PointADT.h"
#include "LineADT.h"
#include "PathADT.h"
#include "DEM.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
TEST_CASE( "tests for DEMT" , "[DEMT]" ) {
vector<vector<int>> v;
/* TEST GRID 'v':
* 3 3 3 0
* 0 1 3 1
* 1 1 3 1
* 1 2 3 3
* 3 3 3 0 6
* 0 1 3 1 6
* 1 1 3 1 5
* 1 2 3 3 5
v.push_back( vector<int> {1,2,3,3} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {1,1,3,1} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {0,1,3,1} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {3,3,3,0} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {1,2,3,3,5} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {1,1,3,1,5} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {0,1,3,1,6} );
v.push_back( vector<int> {3,3,3,0,6} );
DEMT dem(v, 3.0);
SECTION( "get" ){
REQUIRE( dem.get(PointT(2,2)) == 3 );
SECTION( "constructor exception for negative scale" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( DEMT(v, -1.0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "constructor exception for zero scale" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( DEMT(v, 0.0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "constructor exception for empty grid" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( DEMT(vector<vector<int>>(), 1.0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "constructor exception for grid with empty row" ){
vector<vector<int>> grid;
grid.push_back( vector<int>() );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( DEMT(grid, 1.0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "constructor exception for grid with unequal row lengths" ){
vector<vector<int>> grid;
grid.push_back( vector<int> {0,0,0,0} );
grid.push_back( vector<int> {0,0,0,0} );
grid.push_back( vector<int> {0,0,0} );
grid.push_back( vector<int> {0,0,0,0} );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( DEMT(grid, 1.0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "general tests for get" ){
REQUIRE( dem.get(PointT(1,2)) == 1 );
SECTION( "get on upper right corner" ){
REQUIRE( dem.get(PointT(4,3)) == 6 );
SECTION( "get exception on invalid point" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( dem.get(PointT(3,4)), outside_bounds );
SECTION( "general tests for set" ){
dem.set(PointT(1,3), 50);
REQUIRE( dem.get(PointT(1,3)) == 50 );
SECTION( "set exception on invalid point" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( dem.set(PointT(3,4), 0), outside_bounds );
SECTION( "general tests for getNumRow" ){
REQUIRE( dem.getNumRow() == 4 );
SECTION( "general tests for getNumCol" ){
REQUIRE( dem.getNumCol() == 5 );
SECTION( "general tests for getScale" ){
// don't need approx here since no arithmetic has been done.
REQUIRE( dem.getScale() == 3.0 );
SECTION( "connected"){
SECTION( "general tests for count(T)" ){
(( dem.count(0) == 2
&& dem.count(1) == 6
&& dem.count(2) == 1
&& dem.count(3) == 7
&& dem.count(4) == 0
&& dem.count(5) == 2
&& dem.count(6) == 2
SECTION( "general tests for count(LineT, T)" ){
LineT l(PointT(4,2), W, 4);
(( dem.count(l, 0) == 0
&& dem.count(l, 1) == 2
&& dem.count(l, 2) == 0
&& dem.count(l, 3) == 1
&& dem.count(l, 4) == 0
&& dem.count(l, 5) == 0
&& dem.count(l, 6) == 1
SECTION( "count(LineT, T) exception for line extending outside of grid" ){
LineT l(PointT(2,2), N, 3);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( dem.count(l, 0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "general tests for count(PathT, T)" ){
PathT p(PointT(0,0), N, 3);
p.append(E, 3);
p.append(S, 1);
(( dem.count(p, 0) == 1
&& dem.count(p, 1) == 5
&& dem.count(p, 2) == 0
&& dem.count(p, 3) == 1
&& dem.count(p, 4) == 0
&& dem.count(p, 5) == 0
&& dem.count(p, 6) == 0
SECTION( "count(PathT, T) exception for path extending outside of grid" ){
PathT p(PointT(0,0), N, 3);
p.append(E, 3);
p.append(S, 1);
p.append(E, 2);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( dem.count(p, 0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "general tests for length" ){
PathT p(PointT(0,0), N, 3);
p.append(E, 3);
p.append(S, 1);
REQUIRE( dem.length(p) == Approx(21.0) );
SECTION( "length exception for path extending outside of grid" ){
PathT p(PointT(0,0), N, 3);
p.append(E, 3);
p.append(S, 1);
p.append(E, 2);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( dem.length(p), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "(0,0) -> (1,2) is connected" ){
REQUIRE( dem.connected(PointT(0,0), PointT(1,2)) );
SECTION( "(0,0) -> (3,2) not connected" ){
REQUIRE( !dem.connected(PointT(0,0), PointT(3,2)) );
SECTION( "(3,0) -> (0,3) is connected" ){
REQUIRE( dem.connected(PointT(3,0), PointT(0,3)) );
SECTION( "(0,3) -> (3,0) is connected" ){
REQUIRE( dem.connected(PointT(0,3), PointT(3,0)) );
SECTION( "(0,2) -> (3,3) not connected" ){
REQUIRE( !dem.connected(PointT(0,2), PointT(3,3)) );
SECTION( "(2,1) -> (0,0) not connected" ){
REQUIRE( !dem.connected(PointT(2,1), PointT(0,0)) );
\ No newline at end of file
SECTION( "connected exception for point outside grid" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( dem.connected(PointT(0,0), PointT(5,5)), ::invalid_argument );
#include "catch.h"
#include "PointADT.h"
#include "LineADT.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
TEST_CASE( "tests for LineT" , "[LineT]" ) {
LineT lN(PointT(5, 10), N, 5);
LineT lE(PointT(5, 10), E, 5);
LineT lS(PointT(5, 10), S, 5);
LineT lW(PointT(5, 10), W, 5);
SECTION( "constructor exception for LineT with length 0" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( LineT(PointT(0,0), N, 0), ::invalid_argument );
SECTION( "general tests for strt" ){
(( lN.strt().x() == 5
&& lN.strt().y() == 10
SECTION( "general tests for end" ){
(( lN.end().x() == 5
&& lN.end().y() == 14
&& lE.end().x() == 9
&& lE.end().y() == 10
&& lS.end().x() == 5
&& lS.end().y() == 6
&& lW.end().x() == 1
&& lW.end().y() == 10
SECTION( "general tests for orient" ){
(( lN.orient() == N
&& lE.orient() == E
&& lS.orient() == S
&& lW.orient() == W
SECTION( "general tests for len" ){
REQUIRE( lN.len() == 5 );
SECTION( "flip reverses direction" ){
(( lN.flip().orient() == S
&& lE.flip().orient() == W
&& lS.flip().orient() == N
&& lW.flip().orient() == E
SECTION( "flip maintains other parameters" ){
(( lN.flip().strt().x() == 5
&& lN.flip().strt().y() == 10
&& lN.flip().len() == 5
SECTION( "rotate changes direction properly" ){
(( lN.rotate(CW).orient() == E
&& lE.rotate(CW).orient() == S
&& lS.rotate(CW).orient() == W
&& lW.rotate(CW).orient() == N
&& lN.rotate(CCW).orient() == W
&& lE.rotate(CCW).orient() == N
&& lS.rotate(CCW).orient() == E
&& lW.rotate(CCW).orient() == S
SECTION( "rotate maintains other parameters" ){
(( lN.rotate(CW).strt().x() == 5
&& lN.rotate(CW).strt().y() == 10
&& lN.rotate(CW).len() == 5
&& lN.rotate(CCW).strt().x() == 5
&& lN.rotate(CCW).strt().y() == 10
&& lN.rotate(CCW).len() == 5
SECTION( "general tests for translate" ){
LineT testLn = lN.translate(5, 5);
(( testLn.strt().x() == 10
&& testLn.strt().y() == 15
&& testLn.orient() == N
&& testLn.len() == 5
SECTION( "translate does not change original line" ){
lN.translate(5, 5);
(( lN.strt().x() == 5
&& lN.strt().y() == 10
&& lN.orient() == N
&& lN.len() == 5
#include "catch.h"
#include "PointADT.h"
#include "LineADT.h"
#include "PathADT.h"
#include "MapTypes.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
TEST_CASE( "tests for PathT" , "[PathT]" ) {
bool pt_eql(PointT p1, PointT p2) {
return p1.x() == p2.x()
&& p1.y() == p2.y();
bool line_eql(LineT l1, LineT l2) {
return pt_eql(l1.strt(), l2.strt())
&& l1.orient() == l2.orient()
&& l1.len() == l2.len();
TEST_CASE( "general tests for PathT" , "[PathT]" ) {
SECTION( "general tests for append" ){
PathT p_appendTest(PointT(0,0), N, 1);
for(int i = 2; i <= 100; ++i){
CompassT dir;
switch(i%4) {
case 0:
dir = W;
case 1:
dir = N;
case 2:
dir = E;
case 3:
dir = S;
p_appendTest.append(dir, i);
(( p_appendTest.len() == 5050
&& p_appendTest.size() == 100
SECTION( "translate does not change original path" ){
PathT p(PointT(0,0), N, 5);
p.append(E, 6);
p.append(S, 3);
(( line_eql(p.line(0), LineT(PointT(0, 0), N, 5))
&& line_eql(p.line(1), LineT(PointT(1, 4), E, 6))
&& line_eql(p.line(2), LineT(PointT(6, 3), S, 3))
TEST_CASE( "tests for PathT on a simple path" , "[PathT]" ) {
PathT p_simple(PointT(5, 10), N, 5);
SECTION( "general tests for strt (simple)" ){
REQUIRE( pt_eql(p_simple.strt(), PointT(5, 10)) );
SECTION( "general tests for end (simple)" ){
REQUIRE( pt_eql(p_simple.end(), PointT(5, 14)) );
SECTION( "general tests for size (simple)" ){
REQUIRE( p_simple.size() == 1 );
SECTION( "general tests for len (simple)" ){
REQUIRE( p_simple.len() == 5 );
SECTION( "general tests for line (simple)" ){
REQUIRE( line_eql(p_simple.line(0), LineT(PointT(5, 10), N, 5)) );
SECTION( "general tests for translate (simple)" ){
PathT trans = p_simple.translate(3, 3);
REQUIRE( line_eql(trans.line(0), LineT(PointT(8, 13), N, 5)) );
SECTION( "line exception for outside bounds (simple)" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( p_simple.line(1), outside_bounds );
SECTION( "append exception for self-crossing path (simple)" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( p_simple.append(S, 1), ::invalid_argument );
TEST_CASE( "tests for PathT on a complex path" , "[PathT]" ) {
PathT p_complex(PointT(10, 5), N, 5);
p_complex.append(E, 3);
p_complex.append(S, 3);
p_complex.append(E, 6);
p_complex.append(S, 3);
p_complex.append(W, 14);
p_complex.append(N, 5);
PathT p1(PointT(0, 0), N, 4);
SECTION( "general tests for strt (complex)" ){
REQUIRE( pt_eql(p_complex.strt(), PointT(10, 5)) );
SECTION( "general tests for end (complex)" ){
REQUIRE( pt_eql(p_complex.end(), PointT(5, 8)) );
SECTION( "general tests for size (complex)" ){
REQUIRE( p_complex.size() == 7 );
SECTION( "general tests for len (complex)" ){
REQUIRE( p_complex.len() == 39 );
SECTION( "general tests for line (complex)" ){
REQUIRE( line_eql(p_complex.line(4), LineT(PointT(19, 5), S, 3)) );
SECTION( "general tests for translate (complex)" ){
PathT trans = p_complex.translate(3, 3);
(( line_eql(trans.line(0), LineT(PointT(13, 8), N, 5))
&& line_eql(trans.line(1), LineT(PointT(14, 12), E, 3))
&& line_eql(trans.line(2), LineT(PointT(16, 11), S, 3))
&& line_eql(trans.line(3), LineT(PointT(17, 9), E, 6))
&& line_eql(trans.line(4), LineT(PointT(22, 8), S, 3))
&& line_eql(trans.line(5), LineT(PointT(21, 6), W, 14))
&& line_eql(trans.line(6), LineT(PointT(8, 7), N, 5))
SECTION( "Self-crossing path" ){
p1.append(E, 3);
p1.append(S, 3);
p1.append(W, 2);
p1.append(N, 2);
p1.append(E, 1);
p1.append(S, 1);
SECTION( "line exception for outside bounds (complex)" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( p_complex.line(7), outside_bounds );
SECTION( "append exception for self-crossing path (complex)" ){
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( p_complex.append(E, 15), ::invalid_argument );
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,20 +3,32 @@
TEST_CASE( "tests for PointT" , "[PointT]" ) {
PointT p1(0, 0);
PointT p2(0, 1);
PointT p3(1, 0);
PointT p4(1, 1);
PointT p(5, 10);
// the test below aren't necessary for the assignment
SECTION( "PointT equality" ){
REQUIRE( p1 == PointT(0, 0) );
REQUIRE( !(p1 == p2) );
SECTION( "general tests for x" ){
REQUIRE( p.x() == 5 );
SECTION( "general tests for y" ){
REQUIRE( p.y() == 10 );
SECTION( "PointT inequality" ){
REQUIRE( !(p1 != PointT(0, 0)) );
REQUIRE( p1 != p2 );
SECTION( "general tests for translate" ){
PointT testPt = p.translate(-20, 30);
(( testPt.x() == -15
&& testPt.y() == 40
\ No newline at end of file
SECTION( "translate does not change original point" ){
p.translate(5, 5);
(( p.x() == 5
&& p.y() == 10
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