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\title{Project Approval}
\author{3 Craftsmen}
%\date{} % Activate to display a given date or no date (if empty),
% otherwise the current date is printed
Team Number: 307\\
Team Name: 3 Craftsmen\\
Weidong Yang - yangw19\\
Sida Wang - wangs132\\
Hongqing Cao - caoh8\\
\section{Original Project}
A Python3 game Minecraft from
MIT License allows public redevolopment.
\subsection{Hardware Requirements}
Must run on a computer with Python3.
\section{Purpose and Scope}
The original software is designed and developed as a game to insipire and motivate the others to learn programming.
Add hp(hit point) on character.\\
Add day and night change.\\
Add weathers change(may cange characters mobility).\\
Add new material blocks.\\
Eg: water - can flow, character can swim in.\\
magma - underground, can deal damage to character.\\
wood - can be burned by magma.\\
leaf - can form a tree with wood, also can be burned.\\
Add animals, may have interaction with character.\\
\section{Programming Language and Domain Knowledge}
It's a Python3 program with understandable knowledge that is fesible and can be handled in one term.\\
Totalline: approx. 900\\
\section{Compile and Test}
The source code is compilable and we played to test.\\\\
Test cases:
\item Player movement with W/A/S/D keys corresponfing to 4 directions.
\item Player jump with Space key.
\item Player's vision direction changes with mouse movement.
\item Dependency and conflicts of different keys, like changing movement direction while jumping.
\item Create blocks with right mouse click.
\item Select type of blocks to crreate with top digit keys (1, 2, 3).
\item Destroy blocks with left mouse click.
\item Changing between flying mode and walking mode with TAB key.
\item Lifting up in flying mode by Space key.
\item Releasing mouse with ESC key.
\item Outlining on the focused block(in the center of vision).
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