Initial State: The program will be running for a human nearing 10 years of age or above
Input/Condition: The program will be set on its default settings
Output/Result: The person testing should be able to understand the game and play it. He/she should be able to customize themes and speed of the game.
How the test will be performed: A younger human of nearing age 10 will be asked to operate this game and recorded if he/she is able to operate it successfully or not.
Initial State: The program will be running with the main user interface open.
Input/Condition: The button is pressed.
Output/Result: The response time for button should be less than half a second.
How the test will be performed: It will be performed using human actions. The response would be times to be as precise as possible. Also, it will be taken into consideration that the user doesn't have to wait for a long observable time.
Initial State: The snake Game will be running on the device.
Input/Condition: Various speed inputs for the snake.
Output/Result: Different snake speeds according to what the user has decided
How the test will be performed: The game will be played with inputting different speeds. Then, the speed difference will be observed as the game progressed through and taken care that the game goes at the constant speed at each level.
Initial State: The program will be moved on a USB.
Input/Condition: The USB will be inserted into any other working computer/ Desktop.
Output/Result: The game should be able to run on it as long as the device is powered and in working state.
How test will be performed: Many different laptops, alongside with desktops, will be used to test. The game will be played on different devices with different specifications to make sure that the game is playable regardless of the specs of the device.
\subsubsection{Maintainability and Support Requirements}
Initial State: The program will be moved to a Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating devices.
Input/Condition: The program will be executed.
Output/Result: The game should run.
How test will be performed: The game will be taken and transferred to the systems operating on different OS's. For this, the target is Windows device, Mac OS device and a Linux Device.
Output/Result: No offensive or illegal content on the entire application.
How test will be performed: The application will be executed and each page and option will be approached to make sure there is no offensive or illegal content. Also, there is a Static module to this requirement where all the files (including code) will be looked to make sure about no offensive or illegal content.
\subsection{Traceability Between Test Cases and Requirements}