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  • liangb30/cas-741-boliang
  • pignierb/cas741
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  • liy443/cas-741-fork-csv
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  • wangn14/cas741
  • defourej/cas741
  • zhaox183/cas741
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42 results
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Commits on Source (737)
with 1885 additions and 79 deletions
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ cabal.config
......@@ -30,3 +32,6 @@ cabal.config
# Temporary Excel files
The contents of this folder were created by Spencer Smith.
(c) 2017 Spencer Smith ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
\ No newline at end of file
(c) 2018 Spencer Smith ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
\ No newline at end of file
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1. Software Engineering for Science
2. Case Study Examples of Scientific Computing Projects
3. Document and Code Generation
\ No newline at end of file
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
This is the serial version of PMGT, also known as MGT
September, 2008
The directories and their contents are as follows:
/doc The documentation for the serial version of PMGT, or MGT
/mgt The source files for the mesh generation toolbox
/testdriver An example test driver that uses mgt to refine a mesh
Readme.txt This file
\ No newline at end of file
\fancyhf{} \fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} \fancyhead[C]{\itshape Wen Yu -- McMaster University -- Computing and Software}
\ No newline at end of file
AUTHOR ="Brian Bauer",
TITLE ="Documenting Complicated Programs",
YEAR ="1995",
NUMBER ="CRL Report 316",
INSTITUTION ="Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University"
author = {Barry W. Beohm},
title = {A Spiral Model for Software Development and Enhancement},
booktitle = {Computer},
year = {1988},
volume = {vol. 21, no. 5},
pages = {pp.61 - 72},
month = {May},
author = {Marshall W. Bern and David Eppstein and Shang-Hua Teng},
title = {Parallel Construction of Quadtrees and Quality Triangulations},
booktitle = {WADS '93: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures},
year = {1993},
isbn = {3-540-57155-8},
pages = {188--199},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
address = {London, UK},
@InProceedings {Berti2000,
AUTHOR = "Guntram Berti",
TITLE = "Generic Components for Grid Data Structures and
Algorithms with {C++}",
BOOKTITLE = "First Workshop on {C++} Template Programming,
Erfurt, Germany",
MONTH = "October 10",
YEAR = "2000",
AUTHOR = {Fang Cao},
TITLE={A Program Family Approach to Developing Mesh Generators},
SCHOOL={McMaster University},
AUTHOR = {Chien-Hsien Chen},
TITLE={A Software Engineering Approach to Developing Mesh Generators},
SCHOOL={McMaster University},
AUTHOR = "Joseph Cirincione",
TITLE = "The Performance of the Patriot Missile in the Gulf War",
NOTES = "An Edited Draft of a Report prepared for the Government Operations Committee, U.S. House of Representatives",
YEAR = "1992",
MONTH = "October",
PUBLISHER = "Quality Assurance Institute",
YEAR = 2006)
AUTHOR = {Alan M. Davis},
TITLE = "Software Refquirements: Analysis and Specification",
PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall Inc.",
YEAR = 1990)
AUTHOR = {Dijkstra, E. W.},
TITLE = "Structured Programming, Chapter Notes on Structured Programming",
PUBLISHER = "Academic Press, London",
YEAR = 1972)
author = {I. S. Duff and Roger G. Grimes and John G. Lewis},
title = {Sparse matrix test problems},
journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.},
volume = {15},
number = {1},
year = {1989},
issn = {0098-3500},
pages = {1--14},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
author = "A. H. ElSheikh",
title = "A review of GRUMMP mesh generation code",
year = "2003",
month = "August",
author = {A. H. ElSheikh and S. Smith and S. E. Chidiac},
title = {Semi-formal design of reliable mesh generation systems},
journal = {Adv. Eng. Softw.},
volume = {35},
number = {12},
year = {2004},
issn = {0965-9978},
pages = {827--841},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Ltd.},
address = {Oxford, UK, UK},
author = {Robert W. Floyd},
title = {The paradigms of programming},
journal = {Commun. ACM},
volume = {22},
number = {8},
year = {1979},
issn = {0001-0782},
pages = {455--460},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
AUTHOR = {Pascal Jean Frey and Paul-Louis George},
TITLE = "Mesh generation Application to Finite Elements",
PUBLISHER = "Hermes Science Europe ltd.",
YEAR = 2000)
AUTHOR = {Carlo Ghezzi and Mehdi Jazayeri and Dino Mandrioli},
TITLE = "Funcamentals of software Engineering",
PUBLISHER = "Pearson Education, Inc.",
Address = "Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458",
YEAR = 2003)
author = {Martin Grabm{\"u}ller and Petra Hofstedt},
title = {{Turtle: A Constraint Imperative Programming Language}},
editor = {Frans Coenen and Alun Preece and Ann Macintosh},
booktitle = {Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative
Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2003},
number = {XX},
series = {Research and Development in Intelligent Systems},
address = {Cambridge, UK},
month = {December},
organization = {British Computer Society},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
isbn = {1-85233-780-X},
AUTHOR = {David Gries and Fred B. Schneider},
TITLE = "A Logical Approach to Discrete Math",
PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag New Yourk, Inc.",
YEAR = 1993)
author = {Andre Gueziec},
title = {Surface simplification with variable tolerance},
booktitle = {Second Annual Intl. Symp. on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (MRCAS '95)},
year = {1995},
month = {November},
pages = {132-139},
author = "H. Guillard",
title = "Node-nested multi-grid with Delaunay coarsening",
text = "Herve Guillard. Node-nested multi-grid with Delaunay coarsening. Technical
Report 1898, Institute National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique,
year = "1993" }
AUTHOR = {Daniel Hoffman and Paul Strooper},
TITLE = "Software Design, Automated Testing and Maintenance",
PUBLISHER = "International Thomson Computer Press",
YEAR = 1999)
TITLE = "IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology ",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA",
YEAR = 1990)
TITLE = "IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2nd edition",
YEAR = 2000)
TITLE = "IEEE Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications",
PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA",
YEAR = 1998)
AUTHOR = "R. Dhedri",
TITLE = "Software Requirements Activeties",
NOTES = "Lecture Notes",
SCHOOL = "Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University",
YEAR = 2001
TITLE = "An Efficient Implementation of {C}harm++ on {V}irtual
{M}achine {I}nterface",
AUTHOR = "Gregory Allen Koenig",
SCHOOL = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
YEAR = "2003"
AUTHOR = {Lei~Lai},
TITLE={Requirements Documentation for Engineering Mechanics Software: Guidelines,
Template and a Case Study},
SCHOOL={McMaster University},
author = {Axel van Lamsweerde},
title = {Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Guided Tour},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the fifth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering},
year = {2001},
pages = {249--263},
location = {IEEE},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
AUTHOR = {Copeland, Lee},
TITLE = "A Practioner's Guide to Software Test Design.",
PUBLISHER = "Artech House Publisher",
YEAR = 2003)
AUTHOR = {William E Lewis and Cunasakaran Veerapollai},
TITLE = "Software testing and continuous quality improvement 2nd ed.",
YEAR = 2004)
author = {J. McCall and P. Richards and G. Walters},
title = {Factors in Software Quality},
publisher = {NTIS AD-A049-014, 015, 055},
year = {1997},
month = {Novermber},
author = "Miller and Talmor and Teng",
title = "Optimal Good-Aspect-Ratio Coarsening for Unstructured Meshes",
booktitle = "{SODA}: {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (A Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Discrete Algorithms)",
year = "1997",
author = {Scott A. Mitchell and Stephen A. Vavasis},
title = {Quality Mesh Generation in Higher Dimensions},
booktitle = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
year = {2000},
isbn = {1095-7111},
volume = {29},
pages = {1334--1370},
publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
address = {3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA},
author = {Carl F. Ollivier-Gooch},
title = {Coarsening unstructured mesh by edge constraction},
journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Edgineering},
volume = {57},
number = {3},
year = {2003},
month = {May},
pages = {391-414},
author = {Owen, Steven J.},
title = {A Survey of Unstructured Mesh Generation Technology},
booktitle = {Proceedings 7th International Meshing Roundtable},
year = {1998},
month = {October},
doi = {},
address = {Dearborn, MI},
author = {David L. Parnas},
title = {On the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing System into Modules},
journal = {Communications of th ACM},
year = {1972},
volume = {vol. 15, No. 12},
pages = {pp.1053 - 1058},
month = {December},
author = {David L. Parnas},
title = {On the Design and Development of Program Families},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
year = {1976},
author = {David L. Parnas},
title = {Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction},
booktitle = {ICSE '78: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Software engineering},
year = {1978},
isbn = {none},
pages = {264--277},
location = {Atlanta, Georgia, United States},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
author = {D. L. Parnas and P. C. Clements and D. M. Weiss},
title = {The Modular Structure of Complex Systems},
booktitle = {ICSE '84: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Software engineering},
year = {1984},
isbn = {0-8186-0528-6},
pages = {408--417},
location = {Orlando, Florida, United States},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
author = {Roger S. Pressman},
title = {Software Engineering, A Practitioner's Approach, fourth Edition},
publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
year = {1999},
AUTHOR = "Sanzheng Qiao",
TITLE = "Lecture Notes of CAS727: Design of Numerical Software",
NOTES = "Lecture Notes",
SCHOOL = "Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University",
doi = {},
YEAR = 2004
author = {Raccoon, L.B.S.},
title = {The Chaos Model and the Chaos Life Cycle},
booktitle = {ACM Software Engineering Notes},
year = {1995},
volume = {vol. 20, no. 1},
pages = {pp.55 - 66},
month = {January},
@misc{ rivara1995,
author = "M. Rivara and P. Inostroza",
title = "A discussion on mixed (longest side midpoint insertion) delaunay techniques
for the triangulation refinement problem",
text = "M. C. Rivara and P. Inostroza, A discussion on mixed (longest side midpoint
insertion) delaunay techniques for the triangulation refinement problem,
Proceedings 4th International Meshing Roundtable. Albuquerque, pp. 335--346,
year = "1995",
author = {Rivara, Maria-Celilia},
title = {New Longest-Edge Algorithms for the Refinement and/or Improvement of Unstructured Triangulation.},
journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering},
volume = {40},
year = {1997},
pages = {3313--3324},
publisher = {Wiley},
author = {Royce, W.W.},
title = {Managing the Development of Large Software System: Concepts and Techniques},
booktitle = {Proc. ICSE},
year = {1970},
month = {August},
publisher = {Computer Society Press},
author = {Jim Ruppert},
title = {A new and simple algorithm for quality 2-dimensional mesh generation},
booktitle = {SODA '93: Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete algorithms},
year = {1993},
isbn = {0-89871-313-7},
pages = {83--92},
location = {Austin, Texas, United States},
publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA},
author = "Mary Shaw and David Garlan",
title = "Formulations and Formalisms in Software Architecture",
booktitle = "Computer Science Today: Recent Trends and Developments",
pages = "307-323",
year = "1995",
series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
editor = "Jan van Leeuwen",
volume = "1000",
KEY ="S.~Smith and C.~H.~Chen",
AUTHOR ="S. Smith and C. H. Chen",
TITLE ="Commonality Analysis for Mesh Generation System",
YEAR ="2004",
NUMBER ="CAS-04-10-ss",
INSTITUTION ="Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University"
author = {Spencer Smith},
title = {Systematic Development of Requirements Documentation for General Purpose Scientific Computing Software},
year = {2006},
Author = {W. Spencer Smith and Lei Lai and Ridha Khedri},
Journal = {Reliable Computing, Special Issue on Reliable Engineering Computation},
Pages = {83--107},
Title = {Requirements Analysis for Engineering Computation: A Systematic Approach for Improving Software Reliability},
Year = {2007},
Volume = {13}
Address = {Paris, France},
Author = {W. Spencer Smith and Lei Lai},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Situational Requirements Engineering Processes -- Methods, Techniques and Tools to Support Situation-Specific Requirements Engineering Processes, SREP'05},
Editor = {J. Ralyt\'{e} and P. \.{A}gerfalk and N. Kraiem},
Organization = {In conjunction with 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference},
Pages = {107--121},
Title = {A New Requirements Template for Scientific Computing},
Year = {2005}}
AUTHOR = {Ian Sommerville and Pete Sawyer},
TITLE = "Requirements Engineering A Good Practice Guide",
PUBLISHER = "John Wiley and Sons",
YEAR = 1997)
AUTHOR = {Ian Sommerville},
TITLE = "Software Engineering",
PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
YEAR = 1992)
author = {James Tomayko},
title = {Anecdotes},
journal = {IEEE Annals of the History of Computing},
volume = {17},
number = {2},
year = {1995},
issn = {1058-6180},
pages = {62-63},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
author = {James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson},
title = {Volere Requirements Specification Template},
year = {2001},
doi = {},
publisher = {The Atlantic Systems Guild Inc.},
author = {Gregory V. Wilson},
title = {Where's the Real Bottleneck in Scientific Computing: Scientists would do well to pick up some tools widely used in the software industry},
journal = {American Scientist},
volume = {94},
number = {1},
page = {5},
year = {2006},
month = {January -- Febrary},
Author = {O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L Taylor and J. Z. Zhu},
Edition = {6th},
Publisher = {Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann},
Title = {The Finite Element Method Its Basis and Fundamentals},
Year = {2005}}
TITLE = {Algorithm Oriented Mesh Database},
URL = {},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
AUTHOR = {Blackpawn},
TITLE = {Point in Triangle Test},
URL = {},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
AUTHOR = {Owen, Steven J.},
TITLE = {Meshing Research Corner},
URL = {},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
TITLE = "Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network",
URL = {},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
AUTHOR = "Jonathan Shewchuk",
TITLE = "Triangle, A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator",
URL = {\~ quake/triangle.html},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
AUTHOR = "Wikipedia",
TITLE = "Waterfall Model",
URL = {\_model},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
AUTHOR = "OpenMesh",
TITLE = "OpenMesh",
URL = {},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
AUTHOR = "W. Randolph Franklin ",
TITLE = "PNPOLY - Point Inclusion in Polygon Test",
URL = {\_Notes/ pnpoly.html},
YEAR = {Last Access: January, 2006},
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(10) s
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5489 389 mt 5489 442 L
5423 4759 mt
(12) s
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6255 389 mt 6255 442 L
6189 4759 mt
(14) s
899 4414 mt 952 4414 L
6255 4414 mt 6201 4414 L
728 4458 mt
(-2) s
899 4031 mt 952 4031 L
6255 4031 mt 6201 4031 L
728 4075 mt
(-1) s
899 3649 mt 952 3649 L
6255 3649 mt 6201 3649 L
798 3693 mt
(0) s
899 3266 mt 952 3266 L
6255 3266 mt 6201 3266 L
798 3310 mt
(1) s
899 2884 mt 952 2884 L
6255 2884 mt 6201 2884 L
798 2928 mt
(2) s
899 2501 mt 952 2501 L
6255 2501 mt 6201 2501 L
798 2545 mt
(3) s
899 2118 mt 952 2118 L
6255 2118 mt 6201 2118 L
798 2162 mt
(4) s
899 1736 mt 952 1736 L
6255 1736 mt 6201 1736 L
798 1780 mt
(5) s
899 1353 mt 952 1353 L
6255 1353 mt 6201 1353 L
798 1397 mt
(6) s
899 971 mt 952 971 L
6255 971 mt 6201 971 L
798 1015 mt
(7) s
899 588 mt 952 588 L
6255 588 mt 6201 588 L
798 632 mt
(8) s
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6255 4613 mt 6255 389 L
899 4613 mt 899 389 L
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383 383 -383 0 0 -383 5872 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 -382 383 0 2046 2118 4 MP stroke
383 382 -383 0 0 -382 2429 2118 4 MP stroke
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383 382 -383 0 0 -382 4342 2118 4 MP stroke
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383 382 -383 0 0 -382 5107 2118 4 MP stroke
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383 383 -383 0 0 -383 1664 1736 4 MP stroke
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382 383 -382 0 0 -383 2046 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 2046 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 2429 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -382 -383 382 0 2429 1736 4 MP stroke
382 383 -382 0 0 -383 2811 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 2811 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 3194 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 3194 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 3577 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -382 -383 382 0 3577 1736 4 MP stroke
382 383 -382 0 0 -383 3959 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 3959 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 4342 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -382 -383 382 0 4342 1736 4 MP stroke
382 383 -382 0 0 -383 4724 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 4724 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 5107 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -382 -383 382 0 5107 1736 4 MP stroke
382 383 -382 0 0 -383 5489 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 5489 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 5872 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 -383 383 0 5872 1736 4 MP stroke
383 383 -383 0 0 -383 6255 1736 4 MP stroke
3210 294 mt
(Original Mesh) s
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1 j
1 sg
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6 w
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6 w
0 sg
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 2811 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 3194 2501 4 MP stroke
-382 383 0 -383 382 0 3577 2501 4 MP stroke
0 383 -382 0 382 -383 3577 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 3959 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 4342 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 4724 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 5107 2501 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 5489 2501 4 MP stroke
-383 383 0 -383 383 0 5872 2501 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 0 383 -383 5872 2501 4 MP stroke
-382 382 0 -382 382 0 899 2118 4 MP stroke
0 382 -382 0 382 -382 899 2118 4 MP stroke
-383 382 0 -382 383 0 1281 2118 4 MP stroke
0 382 -383 0 383 -382 1281 2118 4 MP stroke
-382 382 0 -382 382 0 1664 2118 4 MP stroke
0 382 -382 0 382 -382 1664 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 0 383 -382 2046 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -382 0 382 -382 2429 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 0 383 -382 2811 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 0 383 -382 3194 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -382 0 382 -382 3577 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 0 383 -382 3959 2118 4 MP stroke
-382 382 0 -382 382 0 4342 2118 4 MP stroke
0 382 -382 0 382 -382 4342 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 0 383 -382 4724 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -382 0 382 -382 5107 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 382 -383 0 383 -382 5489 2118 4 MP stroke
-383 382 0 -382 383 0 5872 2118 4 MP stroke
0 382 -383 0 383 -382 5872 2118 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 899 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 1281 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 1664 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 2046 1736 4 MP stroke
-382 383 0 -383 382 0 2429 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -382 0 382 -383 2429 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 2811 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 3194 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 3577 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 3959 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 4342 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -383 0 383 -383 4724 1736 4 MP stroke
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0 383 -382 0 382 -383 5107 1736 4 MP stroke
-383 383 0 -383 383 0 5489 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 0 383 -383 5489 1736 4 MP stroke
-383 383 0 -383 383 0 5872 1736 4 MP stroke
0 383 -383 0 383 -383 5872 1736 4 MP stroke
3210 294 mt
(Original Mesh) s